


My name is Bailey. I'm 21, born and raised in Washington State and am a former student of The Evergreen State College. I love art, poetry, running, consciousness, reading, playing music, feminism, lesbian culture, vegetarianism, and am a news junkie. I'm a whopping 5'3'' tall and anybody and everybody makes fun of me for being short!

I'm a Libra Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus all in the 4th house, with Mars in Scorpio in the 5th and a Cancer rising! I always make the joke that I am the Libra-est Libra to ever Libra.

I just recently starting reading Jeffrey Wolf Green's Pluto volumes and I'm really loving the concept of evolutionary astrology.

I could probably talk about astrology forever, so I figured I should find a community like this instead of harassing all of my friends, family and coworkers about their birth data!


Well-known member
Hello Bailey, with a stellium in the 4th and cancer Asc I would think your more on the emotional side. That Libra scales will have a hard time balancing between the weight of water/emotions to air/intellect. Welcome to the site, post your chart
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Absolutely true!
I'm gonna head over to the "interpret my chart" section and post it there :)

My best friend is equally as Earth and Fire as I am Water and Air so I've always figured we completely neutralize or balance each other and that's why we're so comfortable together!
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