edgar cayce's chart of Jesus


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u don't get it
when jupiter conjuncts saturn it's 6bc
and i'm always right
jesus proves newton, newton proves jesus, great men have great charts
oh yes, the ark of the covenant was opened on 6 jan 1982.
his photo was taken 1 june 1961 when jupiter conjunct saturn

james the just


well it good to see you are still up to your iconoclastic singular attitudes about astrology and your omission of certain facts to stretch you hypothetical viewpoints. the point is the reading you quote here does not say anything about 6 bc as the year of birth. it does mention jan. 6 th though

in life reading 587-7 ,Edgar Cayce said Jesus was born on march 19th 4 ad using the Julian calendar. mosaic year 1899

in life reading 5749-15,cayce said "just as the midnight hour came, there was the birth of the Master"

this produces a chart with the sun at 26pisces22 conjunct the nadir and opposed to arcturus conjunct midheaven .the ascendant at 13sag14. this sun position seems to reflect the precession moving into the Piscean age.

in another reading Cayce said the birth was on jan 9th,
and in reading 5749-7, Cayce said he birth was December 24-25.

this discrepancy was questioned in life reading 2067.
cayce's reply was:

"all are correct according to the time from which same were reckoned.how many times have there been the reckoning? take these into consideration with the period of events being followed in the information being indicated. just as there was the reckoning from the various groups for their individual activities, so was the information given as to the records from that source with which those seeking were concerned."

only the date march 19th 4 ad using the Julian calendar is definitive as to exact years and date.
Cayce repeatedly mentions that Jesus soul went to the star Arcturus in between incarnations on earth.
using the date above and the time as midnight, one will find that Arcturus is exactly opposed his sun and conjunct Jesus' midheaven at that time of birth.



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2 may 28 ad

the sun + ascendant conjunct the pleaides

the birth of christianity


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(In this first edition, Bible Jesus’ name was spelled Iesus, pronounced Yahushua. You have to wonder why it was changed to Jesus, contrary to the original pronunciation and spelling.Piercetheveilhas made this point repeatedly that jesus is actually pronounced yahushua. here is when the change to jesus was made. rahu)

The Vatican Removed 14 Books From the Bible In 1684 With No Real Explanation

Typically, when the Bible is brought up in conversation, what comes to mind is a source of truth that has not been tampered with.

However, when this book was originally published it contained 80 books and current editions only have 66, and we have to wonder what exact purpose the removal of 14 books would serve?

The Vatican Church or Roman catholic church has been associated with deception for ages. Their atrocities have ranged from genocide many centuries ago against the Cathars to child molestation is more recent years.

The Bible was originally translated from Latin into English in 1611. This “original” Bible contained 80 books, including the Apocrypha, which means hidden.

These Apocrypha books made up the end of the Old Testament, and included the following books:

• 1 Esdras

• 2 Esdras

• Tobit

• Judith

• The rest of Esther

• The Wisdom of Solomon

• Ecclesiasticus

• Baruch with the epistle Jeremiah

• The Songs of the 3 Holy children

• The history of Susana

• bel and the dragon

• The prayer for Manasses

• 1 Maccabees

• 2 Maccabees

Later in 1684, all of these books were removed from the Bible and all of its various versions. The only one left intact was the 1611 edition.

In this first edition, Bible Jesus’ name was spelled Iesus, pronounced Yahushua. You have to wonder why it was changed to Jesus, contrary to the original pronunciation and spelling.

One of the most interesting books of the removed was the “Wisdom of Solomon”. Solomon is one of the most legendary biblical figures from the Bible, as he was the son of David and the wisest man that ever lived.

Typically, he is portrayed as a benevolent figure, however, this book will change everything that you ever learned about him.

For example, read this excerpt:

Wisdom of Solomon 2:1-24

1 For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves, but not aright, our life is short and tedious and in the death of a man there is no remedy: neither was there any man known to have returned from the grave.

2 For we are born at all adventure: and we shall be hereafter as though we had never been: for the breath in our nostrils is as smoke, and the little spark in the moving of our heart

3 Which being extinguished, our body shall be turned into ashes, and our spirit shall vanish as the soft air,

4 And our name shall be forgotten in time, and no man shall have our works in remembrance, and our life shall pass away as the trace of a cloud, and shall be dispersed as a mist, that is driven away, with the beams of the sun, and overcome with the heat thereof.

5 For our time is very shadow that passeth away; and after our end there is no returning: for it is fast sealed, so that no man cometh again.

6 Come on there for let us enjoy the good things that are present: and let us speedily use the creatures like as in youth.

7 Let us fill ourselves with costly wine and ointments: and let no flower of the Spring pass by us.

8 Let us crown ourselves with rosebuds, before they be withered:

9 Let none of us go without his part of our voluptuousness: let us leave tokens of our joyfulness in every place: for this is our portion and our lot is this.

10 Let us oppress the poor righteous man, let us not spare the widow, nor reverence the ancient gray hairs of the aged.

11 Let our strength be the law of justice: for that which is feeble is found to be nothing worth.

12 Therefore let us lie in wait for the righteous; because HE is not of our turn, and HE is clean contrary to our doings. He upbraideth us with our offending of the law, and ojecteth to our infamy the transgression of our education.

13 HE professeth to have the knowledge of the MOST HIGH, and calleth HIS self the child of the LORD.

14 HE was made to reprove our thoughts

15 HE is grievous unto us even to behold, for HIS life is not like other men’s, HIS ways are of another fashion.

16 We are esteemed of HIM as counterfeits: HE abstaineth from our ways as from filthiness: HE pronounceth the end of the just to be blessed, and maketh HIS boast that GOD is HIS father.

17 Let us see if HIS words be true: and let us prove what shall happen in the end of HIM.

18 For if the just man be the Son of THE MOST HIGH, HE will help HIM and deliver HIM from the hands of HIS enemies.

19 Let us examine HIM with despitefulness and torture, that we may know HIS meekness and prove HIS patience.

20 Let us condemn HIM with a shameful death: for by HIS own mouth HE shall be respected…..

These verses bring to mind a few different important questions, such as:

• Who is Solomon speaking of killing with a “shameful death”?

• Why did the Vatican vote to have these 14 books removed from the Bible?

• Why did Solomon sound so crazy and evil in this book?

It seems that Solomon was speaking of Jesus. But Jesus was born roughly 900 years after his death. Could he have prophesied Jesus’ coming? Let’s consider why this could be, who Solomon was talking about?

• They killed the SON with a shameful death

• The SON’s actions or fashions were different from everyone else’s

• HE claims to be and IS the child of The MOST HIGH

• He was a righteous poor man who would look at Solomon and others like him as “counterfeits”.

• HE professeth to have knowledge of The MOST HIGH

Then listen to what Solomon has to say:

• HE was made to reprove (criticize) our thoughts

• We are esteemed of HIM as counterfeits: HE abstaineth from our ways as from filthiness: HE pronounceth the end of the just to be blessed, and maketh HIS boast that GOD is HIS father

• For if the just man be the Son of THE MOST HIGH, HE will help HIM and deliver HIM from the hands of HIS enemies.

And one last thing I would like to point out is when Solomon says;

• Let us oppress the poor righteous man, let us not spare the widow, nor reverence the ancient gray hairs of the aged.

In contradiction to everything most of us know and believe about Solomon, in these verses he sounds completely evil. According to most Biblical teachings in modern times, we are told to believe that he is the wisest man in the history of the world.

It should be noted that Solomon was largely involved in the Occult. Much of the knowledge and teachings that Aleister Crowley preached about were based on the Lesser Keys of Solomon. Solomon worshiped multiple gods and had a weakness for women.

It is also worth mentioning that the Temple of Solomon is considered the spiritual birthplace of Freemasonry, which is a secret society of sorts that has been responsible for much of the corruption taking place in our world today.

It has never been stated for sure as to why these books were removed from the Bible, although various speculations have been made. We have to wonder if something darker isn’t behind their removal, and what exactly they are hiding away with these books.

Typically, when something is removed from our direct site by those in power, they don’t expect for us to look any deeper than the surface, but when we do, there is almost always more to uncover than we would have ever imagined.

Reference: Awarenessact.come



wow the trolls are really attacking me while i am trying to post this. they won't let me post any pictures (well I finally was able to post the the photos

the picture being blocked are separate pictures of rihana,linsey lohan and another woman with tattos on their index finger with shhh. s+19 h=8 . 19 means salughter. 888 mean jesus or the messiah
the author is a christian and lookedup the numbers meaning in a concordance book and 19 means slaughter and 888 is the numberof christ or messiah.

so their tattoos numerological read slaughter Christ.......I am not a Christian other that believing jesus was a ascended master I can't help wondering, knowing how satanic Hollywood is(and for that matter the entire ruling elite class) what is behind these woman.

I am still baffled as to why the Guillotine Death by Noahide Laws that PASSED CONGRESS in 1991 and signed into Law and was Approved March 20, 1991 by President of the U. S., George Bush Sr.
why was this religious law added to our legal system and why because the NOAHIDE LAWS forbid the free exercise of religion (especially Christianity) in America, and respect on religion over another (JUDAISM over all other religions) they clearly violate the First Amendment Establishment Clause .

break any of the 7 Noahide Laws and one person says that you have done so, you can have your head cut off! blaspheming god is one reason. calling jesus a god is blasphemy.

Find Out More >

To keep this simple the Laws that are now apart of the American Legal system say that if your have any other faith than the Talmud’s counterfeit Kaballa or break any of the 7 Noahide Laws and one person says that you have done so, you can have your head cut off!
Taken from www.AmericanHolocaustComing.blogspot.com
“Because the NOAHIDE LAWS forbid the free exercise of religion (especially Christianity) in America, and respect on religion over another (JUDAISM over all other religions) they clearly violate the First Amendment Establishment Clause.
However, WHEN the CONSTITUTION IS ABOLISHED through the declaration of NATIONAL EMERGENCY, MARTIAL LAW, THEN you will see the NOAHIDE LAWS activated and the enforcers (which are the military, foreign and domestic) and their guillotines brought out in full force.
THEN the NWO forces and their Jewish supporters will activate the NOAHIDE LAWS, will round up Christians ALREADY ON THE SECRET GOVERNMENT LISTS, and demand that they either RENOUNCE THIER FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST, and conform to their NOAHIDE LAWS, or BE EXECUTED with the guillotines.”
It is as simple as that and already spoken of prophetically in Revelation 20:4.
The NOAHIDE LAWS legislation was written by the Orthodox Jewish organization based in Brooklyn, NY. They presented them to George Bush SR (Mr. NWO himself) to sign into leglslation.

Mr. “ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE” Bush knew exactly what he was doing, knew WHO would be primarily targeted, and what would happen to Christians in America as a result.
ALL NWO adherents, Jew and Gentile alike, hate the Christians in America (and worldwide) with a passion, as former adherents admitted to me personally.
They KNOW the Christians in the America are the GREATEST DETERRENT to their realization of a NEW WORLD ORDER agenda!
These Noahide Laws state that Gentiles/Christians must conform to their 7 NOAHIDE LAWS supposed given by God to Noah for GENTILES after the flood. (This is stated nowhere in the Bible, however.)
The penalty for breaking THREE of these NOAHIDE LAWS is CAPITOL PUNISHMENT by BEHEADING. Two of those Jewish laws attack Fundamental Christian beliefs directly:
Prohibition against “BLASPEHMY AGAINST GOD” and “IDOLATRY.” Judaism teaches that Christian faith in Jesus Christ VIOLATES BOTH.
Jesus Christ was ordered EXECUTED by the Jewish Pharisees for declaring he WAS THE SON OF GOD after His arrest. They called His admission “BLASPHEMY” and sentenced Him to death.
And now the Jews in America seek to use their Noahide Laws to discriminate against and finally execute CHRISTIANS for THEIR “blasphemy” of calling Jesus “The Son of God” and worshipping Him as GOD WITH US, “Emmanuel.” Jewish writers of this legislation even mandate CAPITOL PUNISHMENT BY BEHEADING for those who violate 3 of their 7 Noahide laws!
What if JEWS IN AMERICA were given the mandate to renounce their Judaism and CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY, or be BEHEADED!!!
Can you imagine the public outcry then???
So WHERE is the American/Christian outrage and outcry in this hour? THIS LEGISLATION HAS ALREADY BEEN PASSED AND THE GUILLOTINES ARE HERE!
OUR OWN MILITARY (and foreign also) are training even NOW to operate them on US under martial law!
WHOSE tax dollars pay for their training? WHOSE tax dollars paid for the guillotines to be imported/manufactured?
Americans should be outraged and in protest across the nation, especially in Washington DC, over the NOAHIDE LAWS and their total violation of everything America has ever stood for regarding religious freedoms!
Otherwise, when MARTIAL LAW IS DECLARED,and the Constitution abolished, THEN you will witness with your own eyes the unveiling and public display of these modern military guillotines, and the US and foreign troops training (in FORT LEWIS, FORT BRAGG, FORT HOOD and elsewhere)to operate them on AMERICAN violaters of these outrageous, discriminatory and strictly Jewish religion-based laws.
For then and ONLY then can their NOAHIDE LAWS be fully activated in AMERICA.
The enemies of the American Constitution and Christianity in America, and our religious and all other freedoms, cannot wait for the planned government black ops to take place, nullifying everything promised in the Constitution to us.
So NOW you KNOW WHEN the NOAHIDE LAWS and the horrific modern military GUILLOTINES to enforce them will come into full force in America.”
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


30,000 guillotines, 800 fema camps and 15,000 russian troops, whats going on – Obamacare Code ICD9E978 Execution by Guillotine 666 Mark of the Beast

(Before It's News) Obamacare Code ICD9E978 Execution by Guillotine 666 Mark of the Beast

The specific code sent to me will make any American’s hair stand up on the back of their neck. The code is ICD 9 E 978. After reading this code I decided that it was my duty to investigate further and get to the bottom of why we have a medical code in the United States for “Legal Execution.”
all this would be evangelical paranoia except the Rothschild's/bill gates and many others want to eliminate 90% of the worlds population.it can't be done unless you kill people.

FEMA Orders 16,000 Guillotine Blades From Mexico

Make of this what you will. It appears that representatives from FEMA, while Trump went to inspect the border wall, went to a steel fabricating company in Juarez and made a purchase.
This purchase was for razor sharp steel blades made to specific specifications. What I did not know is that FEMA is an autonomas agency with no oversight. I am clueless. What do you think? Does this mean the deep state continues to carry on regardless of recent events. Q
( with all the evil occurring in the highest offices of power and religion, I don'y know what to expect anymore rahu)


FEATURED VIDEO: 19 888 “SLAUGHTER JESUS” …..They are FINISHED..This is No Joke!!!

the video makes it clearer if it can be made clear.



Description: The Code is completely cracked ,,,their plans are Completely Discovered …They can No Longer Hide Behind the Veil..They are About to Face the Judge of the WORLD

Hey Rihanna, what is the big secret?!

The letter ‘S‘ in numerology equates to 19.

Description: The Code is completely cracked ,,,their plans are Completely Discovered …They can No Longer Hide Behind the Veil..They are About to Face the Judge of the WORLD

Hey Rihanna, what is the big secret?!

The letter ‘S‘ in numerology equates to 19.

The number 19 cordinates in the Strongs concordance of the Bible to the Hebrew word אִבְחָה ibchah which means slaughter.

The letters ‘hhh’ = 888, which represents Jesus.

This ’shhh‘ sign means ‘SLAUGHTER JESUS‘!!!
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30,000 guillotines, 800 fema camps and 15,000 russian troops, whats going on - Obamacare Code ICD9E978 Execution by Guillotine 666 Mark of the Beast

the site trolls will not let me post this article. they are making the screen very wide so that it impossible to work with the screen. I am not making this screen too wide to comfortably read
th trolls are making nearly impossible to post this article without taking 1 hour for a 3 minute post

these three videos are not available because the author has been banned



the video below can still be seen, but it is a cover up video and refutes the articles contention.
this is pure troll garbage as it says everything in the article is a lie


Obamacare Code ICD9E978 Execution by Guillotine 666 Mark of the Beast

The specific code sent to me will make any American’s hair stand up on the back of their neck. The code is ICD 9 E 978. After reading this code I decided that it was my duty to investigate further and get to the bottom of why we have a medical code in the United States for “Legal Execution.” The Jesuits are behind most conspiracies and this one is no different. Black Pope Execution by Guillotine is painless. Mark of the beast 666. Knockout game. 666 Mark of the Beast

This video proves that the government is storing thousands of Guillotines and plans of using them to be-head all the Christians just like the Bible prophesied in Rev. 20:4. This video proves that the government is targeting Christians and plans on be-heading them.
Rev. 20:4 I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

#ICD 9 E 978 “Legal Execution”
All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as: asphyxiation by gas beheading, decapitation (by guillotine) capital punishment electrocution hanging poisoning shooting other specified means

HB 1274 – Authorizes the state of Georgia to execute citizens by guillotine:
Georgia House of Representatives 1995/1996 Sessions

HB 1274 — Death penalty; guillotine provisions Code Sections
17-10-38/ 17-10-44 A Bill To Be Entitled An Act
1- 1 To amend Article 2 of Chapter 10 of Title 17 of the Official 1- 2 Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the death penalty 1- 3 generally, so as to provide a statement of legislative 1- 4 policy; to provide for death by guillotine; to provide for 1- 5 applicability; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other 1- 6 purposes.
1- 8 The General Assembly finds that while prisoners condemned to 1- 9 death may wish to donate one or more of their organs for 1-10 transplant, any such desire is thwarted by the fact that 1-11 electrocution makes all such organs unsuitable for 1-12 transplant. The intent of the General Assembly in enacting 1-13 this legislation is to provide for a method of execution 1-14 which is compatible with the donation of organs by a 1-15 condemned prisoner.
1-16 Article 2 of Chapter 10 of Title 17 of the Official Code of 1-17 Georgia Annotated, relating to the death penalty generally, 1-18 is amended by striking in its entirety Code Section 1-19 17-10-38, relating to death sentences generally, and 1-20 inserting in lieu thereof the following:
1-21 “17-10-38. (Index)
1-22 (a) All persons who have been convicted of a capital 1-23 offense and have had imposed upon them a sentence of death 1-24 shall, at the election of the condemned, suffer such 1-25 punishment either by electrocution or by guillotine. If 1-26 the condemned fails to make an election by the thirtieth 1-27 day preceding the date scheduled for execution, punishment 1-28 shall be by electrocution. 1-29 (b) In all cases in which the defendant is sentenced to be 1-30 electrocuted executed, it shall be the duty of the trial 1-31 judge in passing sentence to direct that the defendant be
-1- (Index)
LC 21 3643
2- 1 delivered to the Department of Corrections for 2- 2 electrocution execution at a state correctional 2- 3 institution designated by the department.”
2- 4 Said article is further amended by striking in its entirety 2- 5 Code Section 17-10-44, relating to death chamber apparatus 2- 6 and related matters, and inserting in lieu thereof the 2- 7 following:
2- 8 “17-10-44. (Index)
2- 9 The Department of Corrections shall provide a death 2-10 chamber and all necessary apparatus, machinery, and 2-11 appliances for inflicting the penalty of death by 2-12 electrocution or by guillotine.”



Horrifying Law Passes Secretly in Congress by Only Four People After All Others Had Left
Deanna Spingola and Dr. Lorraine Day - Noahide Laws and the New World Order - excerpt

one should look at this video because as other videos are banned and fake videos have appeared that deny the law exist,
this video's author or guest married a representative e that was present the day that this noahide law was passed. congress had been told that there was not more bills and everyone left except 4 representatives . this woman's husband as an ex congressman when back and found the legislation which he had not been informed that was passed on that day.

The Noahide Laws were quietly passed in Congress. Congressman Tom Sawyer- Ohio, Congressman Tom Ridge- Pennsylvania (Governor during 911 and Virginia Tech shooting lead investigator), Jewish lobbyist and minority leader Bob Michaels and Congressman Benjamin Gillman-New York. These four stayed behind at the end of the day and though there are about 460 people in the House of Representatives, with only four present they called a unanimous decision. I suggest everyone call their representatives immediately. (clearly a fraudulent passage of legislation as the other members had been lied to .rahu)


The Noahide Laws come from the Jewish Talmud and call specifically for the beheading of Gentiles. No joke. These laws are now part and parcel of the American Legal System, sitting on the books, waiting to be used.
There is much talk of ISIS being funded by Israel and other Zionists and if this is true, it explains the persecution of Christians by these alleged “Muslims”. The Talmud calls for the killing of even “the best of the Gentiles” and many more disgusting and frightening verses, you might want to research the Talmud, the Zohar and things in this world might make more sense to you. They are obsessed with beheading the Goyim, that’s us!
The Noahide Laws were quietly passed in Congress. Congressman Tom Sawyer- Ohio, Congressman Tom Ridge- Pennsylvania (Governor during 911 and Virginia Tech shooting lead investigator), Jewish lobbyist and minority leader Bob Michaels and Congressman Benjamin Gillman-New York. These four stayed behind at the end of the day and though there are about 460 people in the House of Representatives, with only four present they called it a unanimous decision. I suggest everyone call their representatives immediately.
Have a listen to this short excerpt from Deanna Spingola’s radio show as she interviews Dr. Lorraine Day. Please share this information, time is short and we all have many of these guys in positions of great power in our countries.
Spingola Speaks Radio Show
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Premium Member
:lol: Some interesting stuff here Rahu, I am very interested in the lead codices......easy metal to work with but equally easy to damage.......my husband read a book called Jesus, the Man......by a woman that at this moment will not come to my brain.......he found it fascinating, I know of it, cause I got the book report from him daily........:smile: Thanks for pointing out this site to me......I'll be back, not sure when......I wish I was independently wealthy and able to read all day.....and night.......hi ho, hi ho:tongue:


Well-known member
The readings are intriguing as the Essenes were cosmopolitan. There were judiac ritual performed by the Essene in Judea and there were also Egyptian or Partian rituals practiced in Alexandria.. It is reminiscent of the judiac ritual distinction between Ashkenazi and Sephardic rituals along with a few other less recognized variation such as in the south of france.


I wrote a Kindle book on the Essenes as per Edgar Cayce's readings on them.

It was kind of neat to travel to Israel when we did some years ago (2009) so almost a decade now - although its not a pleasant experience going through their Tel Aviv airport (Ben-Gurion) as the Israelis by and large don't care for tourists, and that includes most Americans imo.

Anyway, I really enjoyed seeing the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were located in the 40s - and having Cayce's background was quite helpful.

I used one of our many photos on the cover:

Here is the general vicinity - but again, if we use Cayce and even Pliny and others as a background check, we see there were other groups of Essenes throughout the countryside including near Nazareth where the boy Jesus was raised and his mother's childhood home.

That was truly interesting too to go up the hills of Nazareth and even down to see one major location that had been the Essene original temple (now the Bahai (Persia) Temple is nearby the mountains) of Elijah.

from this link, one of Cayce's reading excerpts:

To get to the location where this temple was located is really not far via auto and the roads from Nazareth, easily done in an hour or so it seemed then, but it makes me wonder now how the mother of Jesus and her mother and father managed on foot to Carmel where Mary was indoctrinated and eventually chosen on the steps to be the mother of God on earth.

among a special inner group of Essenes that the most rigorous preparations were made for the advent of the Messiah: In the days when there had been more and more of the leaders of the people in Carmel – the original place where the school of the prophets was established during Elijah’s time, Samuel – these were called then Essenes; and those that were students of what ye would call astrology, numerology, phrenology, and those phases of that study of the return of individuals – or incarnation . . . These having been persecuted by those of the leaders, this first caused that as ye have an interpretation of as the Sadducees, or ‘There is no resurrection’ or there is no incarnation, which is what it meant in those periods . . . Here there was continued preparation and dedication of those who might be channels through whom the chosen vessel could enter through choice – into materiality. Those in charge at that time were Mathias, Enos and Judy. Thus in Carmel where there were the priests of this faith . . . twelve maidens were chosen who were dedicated to this purpose, this office, this service. Among them was Mary, the beloved, the chosen one; and she, as had been foretold, was chosen as the channel. Thus she was separated and kept in closer associations with and in the care of this office. That was the beginning, that was the foundation of what ye term the Church.


I don't think I took a photo then of Carmel the mountain but I would have been facing it rather then behind me, yet you can see how tall these hills are in what is now the "Gardens of Bahai Temple:

The Terraces of the Baháʼí Faith, also known as the Hanging Gardens of Haifa, are garden terraces around the Shrine of the Báb on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel. They are one of the most popular destinations for visitors to Israel. The architect is Fariborz Sahba from Iran, the structural engineers are Karban and Co. from Haifa.
Fariborz Sahba began work in 1987 designing the gardens and oversaw construction.

Bahai Gardens near Carmel:

The Road to Masada along the Dead Sea: a summer palace Herod built for his kids and one wife:

South of the country where John the Baptist lived and was a part along with his parents of the Essene community here:
