Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon but then Aquarius Rising


Well-known member
I have this combination. Now while the Sun/Moon energy blends harmoniously both Virgo and Cancer are inconjunct Aquarius.

So, that begs the question; Does this make you act in contrast of your true colors that your Sun/Moon represent? Now they are all in different degrees/decans in the signs so they're not directly affecting each other. But I have no clue of how the average person perceives me.


Well-known member
Okay. Well, yes, inconjunct signs don't tend to be the most compatible, whether they are by aspect or not. You might be surprised at the way you come across to people because it will be in stark contrast to how you see yourself.

However, there are areas where Virgo and Aquarius in particular overlap and I think can be very helpful to each other. Both tend to be knowledge consumers and are able to focus and analyze information rationally. Both have a determined nature with Virgo being a little more adaptable. Virgo and Aquarius both seek to improve, one a smaller scale and one more globally. The Moon in Cancer would provide the emotional center which would keep the Virgo and Aquarius from becoming too dry and relying too much on the head vs. the heart.


Well-known member
I have this combination. Now while the Sun/Moon energy blends harmoniously both Virgo and Cancer are inconjunct Aquarius.

So, that begs the question; Does this make you act in contrast of your true colors that your Sun/Moon represent? Now they are all in different degrees/decans in the signs so they're not directly affecting each other. But I have no clue of how the average person perceives me.

This would say something about yourself, wouldn't it?
Virgo is the sign considered with normal, average, conventional and nothing particularly special concepts. Of Earth, it judges through the effect of physical evidence.
Moon in its own sign, however, gives to and reflects strong (maybe not expressed) feelings in its needful attitude towards and from its surroundings. Familiarity rather than change is what is important in that it not be upset and give way to its Watery element.
Earth and Water work well together unless water clogs or drowns Earth, or Earth suffocates Water. Proof through feeling; feeling through proof. With no aspect between them, feelings and physical proof may be two totally different concepts working within an individual.

Moon represents (feelings of) what was, Sun the Will (be done). Ascendant is 'the Now'.
Could be that Airy Aquarius sees constant change that can either aggravate and fluctuate Moon feelings, OR encourages them to undergo changes of feeling perspective through the use of its mental applicational ability. The same applies to Virgo that requires definition of and through physical substance .....that may be only seen once the dust settles.

An Aquarius Rising could consider itself 'different and of another mentality' to others. It may compare itself to, and/or be influenced by social 7th house situations, and Leo on Descendant is ruled by Virgo!
Who is discriminatory of who?:wink:


Well-known member
It certainly does tell something about myself :tongue: On one level I'm very aware that the world isn't what I think it is but I have no choice than to act like it is.

That's why I'm very cautious of my actions but very impulsive at the same time, that's the contrast. I'm taking an action which I believe is right only to change my mind the last second. I lash out and later I drown in regret. It's like a vicious circle.

There are certainly other indications in my chart that could explain this, I also have a Yod with other planets involved, but the fact that the main three would confirm these tendencies fascinate me.

Thanks guys! :smile:
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Well-known member
An Aquarius Rising could consider itself 'different and of another mentality' to others. It may compare itself to, and/or be influenced by social 7th house situations, and Leo on Descendant is ruled by Virgo!
Who is discriminatory of who?:wink:
:biggrin: Yes, I do tend to project all my own issues on other people, a very bad quality which makes me feel like a gigantic hypocrite. But it's something that just happens, I have no control over it. There's only the opportunity to become more aware about it after the fact but it's bound to happen again.


Well-known member
I have this combination. Now while the Sun/Moon energy blends harmoniously both Virgo and Cancer are inconjunct Aquarius.

So, that begs the question; Does this make you act in contrast of your true colors that your Sun/Moon represent? Now they are all in different degrees/decans in the signs so they're not directly affecting each other. But I have no clue of how the average person perceives me.

Hmm, another commonality among yod-havers? I feel like I understand myself very well, but I'm often surprised or even shocked about how other people see me.