I quit my studies,the plan failed,now what?


Well-known member

Hello,i've not finished my studies,i've quit cause i didnt like much the subject i had selected,from the first 6 months i had already bored,the others gone and i was me and another guy,only two persons.Just had to wait pass two years(cause my parents paid) but never succeed in the exams,so i gave up.

Νοw there is impasse,i dont know what way to go and what exactly to do,to go back and try finish what i left behind(2-3 years already passed without doing nothing) or to do a new start in another subject?
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Well-known member
You are not going to like this, Fireboy, but what you need is a serious kick in the ****. You keep on posting on how much your life is a drag and that everything fails. You hate living with your parents, you can't lose weight, you don't have friends, you don't have a job, you quit school, you can't afford a car. Fair enough, but what are you doing about it?

You decide to lose weight and after 1,5 months you quit. Of course you're gonna fail. Structural changes do not happen overnight. It takes work and perseverance. Guess what... if you keep at it, eventually you will succeed. If anything, the one thing you should quit is quitting. And perhaps looking at astrology to find all the answers you are looking for. Yes, use it as a tool, but no transit or horary is going to do the work for you.

You don't have a particularly difficult chart, so that is not the problem. Stop being a victim and start to take control of your own life. You'll be surprised what is possible with a little bit of faith and willpower.

I wish you the best.