Does This Mean That Our LOVE was meant to be?


Well-known member
I have been reading about what factors cause some life changing moments, especially when it comes to love. The once-in-a-lifetime love, obssesive and all-consuming and crazy, but inspiring and uplifting. Most say it's about strong transiting pluto influence, especially the aspects it makes with natal Venus.

I checked, and at that date and time when I met the love of my life, Pluto was in a DIRECT conjunction with my Venus. 0^22" Orbit. (I can't find the "degree" sign, so I put it like this. Lol). I read an interpretation and it says that somebody new will enter my life, somebody who will change the way I look at everything, my value system and who will make me put all the reasoning aside. Somebody who will be a lover, but also a confidant/teacher. Somebody who will make my sex drive strong and somebody who will make me express myself via poetry and/or painting. The crazy thing is that all of this is TRUE! And I used to write poetry prior to that, but I made a huge pause and this is when I started writing again.

On that exact moment, transiting Pluto was in a trine with HIS Venus, wich I read says that we will find the love of his life during that period. Wich is true! ❤️ It says that he might meet somebody he'll be attracted to to the point of obssesion. Somebody unforgettable.

Ofcourse, these are only two aspects. And love of your life, your soulmate is the most important thing and it cannot be determined just by these two factors, but I wanna know your opinion. Do you think that these aspects had something to do with the fact that I have found my soulmate? I'll keep posting some other aspects, but I wanna know about these. The two of us have been together for 5 years. It has been absolutely PERFECT.


Well-known member
Pluto is a karmic planet so it points to that. Not to mention, ALL relationships are meant to be (some for the long run, some not) because all relationships present us with experiences that help us grow into the best version of ourselves — and sometimes that growth is pleasant, othertimes painful.

Would you mind posting your synastry chart? Sounds interesting. You’ll likely get more insight that way.