Greetings from the Fog

Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting to an online Astrology forum - strange, as I've been a student for 20 years and practising part time for three. My mum was an astrologer so I grew up reading her collection of Rob Hand, Martin Schulman and Liz Greene. I cast my own chart at twelve and have been pretty addicted ever since.

I'm somewhere in the middle of Neptune crossing my sun and ASC, and combined with baby brain and living in a sub tropical climate, things aren't as focused as they used to be! :whistling: Those little details are harder to spot, everything flows beautifully but I can't remember where I left my toothbrush. Other early Fishes, what a time we are having! Not much to do but surrender, and try to keep one's wits about one.

Anyway, I'm glad I've finally signed up here, and I'm looking forward to learning from the collective wisdom of the other members and sharpening my own skills if analysis and interpretation.

All the best,
