Torn Between To Life Directions

Hi All:

I am new to astrology and eager to learn. I was wondering if my natal chart might give me some insight into which life direction might be most advantageous.

In a nutshell, I feel torn between following the desire for predictability and security offered by allopathic (traditional) medicine OR following my intuition which compels me to pursue naturopathic/alternative medicine. Instinctively, I know that allopathic medicine is financially driven and much less about the health and well-being of the patients involved. Deep down I have an abhorrence for invasive surgery, complex pharmacology, vaccinations and advance medical technology.

I have many ideas/views about how to re-invent medicine by returning it to its true origins: to heal, serve and improve the lives of those who seek the aid of a healer. At what point do we, the beautiful, imperfectly perfect beings cease to be and start to become biological robots? Life is about quality and wholeness... it is about loving and being loved in return. It isn't about getting ahead at any cost and only thinking of individual gain and desire. I see all living things as intrinsically part of a singular, eternal, infinite consciousness and each of our lives is an experience of this one consciousness. I believe that space, time and what we perceive to be reality is just an illusion. I also believe that death as we imagine it to be isn't real. It is just the cyclonic transformation from experience to singular consciousness and it is not to be feared. The system ie religion, government, science, greed, obsession, worship, lust, revenge ad infinitum are 'illusionary prisons'. Esoteric knowledge, love, creativity, inspiration, hope, empathy, passion, admiration ad infinitum are the keys to 'freedom'.

I am not really sure where all of my radical thinking has come from lately. I have always strived to be at the top of the class, to conform, to follow the rules and to not make waves; however, I just find it so difficult to maintain the status quo any longer. I just want to tell the entire world to wake up from our imaginary vexations and get off of our knees. We must rediscover our ultimate purpose which is just to love and be loved--no more and no less. Love is the only thing that is real, everything else is an illusion. You are not your mind nor your body... you are infinite, eternal consciousness that is having an experience called the self within a lifetime. Descartes argued "I think therefore I am." I beg to differ and instead argue: "I am that which came before thought, during thought and after thought. I am that I am."

I had a dream that I revisited humanity in the paradise that came before the fall. Humans were androgynous creatures who were connected to the source. They had no need for food nor drink. They were not prisoners to five sense reality. They each had a spiritual mate with whom they shared their love and all was well. I also visited (via my dreams) the potential for our future. I saw us reconnecting with the source and returning to paradise before the fall, by creating a sacred space that was beyond five sense reality... it started with the internet... Facebook and social networking were just the beginning of where we could go... they are the seeds to that sacred space beyond five sense reality. We are slowly beginning to see our intrinsic connectedness and if only we could continue to expand our awareness and use technology to return us to paradise not move us further away from it. If people knew just how much they were being manipulated into remaining prisoners to five-sense reality and how free we all could truly be if we willed it to be so. From genetically altered and processed foods... from major pharmaceuticals which interrupt the natural balance of the body... from psychoactive drugs which inhibit our ability to experience true awareness... from differentiation and hierarchy... from seeing things in terms of duality rather than oneness... if we could have our sight restored and just see things as they are... they way a baby looks to life and everything in it as an all consuming love and peace. Paradise is within our reach, we are so close. If only we could wake up from our dreamy states and see it.

Love is all any of us really need and the desire to allow that love to grow and grow can return us to paradise. I just wonder what it will take. Gods arriving on chariots in the sky? I think it is much less theatrical than that. We are all part of singular consciousness. The collective will is the voice of what we imagine to be "God." We are as much a part of "God" as "God" is a part of us. Religion will force people into submission out of fear. Fear that if one goes against the illusionary prison and will not submit to will of some anthropomorphised deity, one will be subject to damnation in a place of unimaginable suffering, a place that is does not exist. Moreover, the belief that if one works hard enough, if one submits to control, they will be rewarded with unimaginable contentment in a place much better than this world... when really, life is the greatest gift of all.

Some will argue and say but the world is an unfair place and there are people who commit incredible cruelty... this can't be as good as it gets. To that I respond, are those who inflict cruelty rogue characters or the product of an existence that has lost sight of its true purpose?

I realized I just got lost on a tangent. Ugh, I am 22... confused and looking for some guidance or feedback. I am attaching a copy of my natal chart.


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Well-known member
Why do you have to choose? Why don't you do the traditional medicine degree and you could learn a lot from it. And THEN you can combine your knowledge of traditional medicine to these new alternative medicine ways. I think you could have important knowledge not only from books and degrees, but from real concrete work in hospitals to really understand the key issues in hospitals and in people's lifes and get on grip on things and then you could develop your thought on non-traditional ways.

I think it is great that you have found peace in your life by learning something that you see as the truth. That is great. Love is important factor in peoples lifes and with all that Scorpion passion, I can see that it is meaningful to you. But you cannot change anyone else but yourself. :) This is important to understand.

I think you could do great things with medicine, with that Moon in Scorpio, emotional and emphatic Sun in Pisces in 2nd, a lot of planets in 12th and Chiron in 6th. That is so clear - you should try to repair people's body's and problems there and try to bring together body and soul. This is good that you have understood your interests. Now you just have to walk the walk and see where it leads you. Remember that you don't have to be dramatic and black and white with things - you can try and blend different things together.