Cancer/Capricorn axis degrees 3-7


I recently read this article (link below) about Cancer/Capricorn axis at 4-6 degrees. Blain Bovee calls Cancer 4- 5 the “James Dean” degree— potential rebel without cause. Also associated with these degrees: abduction(yes, UFOs, too) banishment, interventions (e.g., legal, addiction), railroad accidents, and feelings of not belonging.

I can relate to the outsider feeling but not devastated over it. Haven’t been abducted or banished (sounds a bit archaic…”I banish thee.”)

I’m trying gain more insight of this axis. If anyone out there has these or or some knowledge of these early degrees, I would appreciate your insight.


N. Node – Capricorn 6-(6th house)
Sabian- A dark archway and ten logs at the bottom.

S. Node- Cancer 6 (12th house)
Sabian - Game birds feathering their nests

Saturn- Cancer 3 (now progressed at Cancer 5) 12th house
Sabian- a man all bundled up in fur and leading a shaggy dear/Progressed-An automobile wrecked by a train

Part of Fortune- (depending on formula)

Cancer 7(12th house)
Sabian- Two fairies on a moonlit night
Capricorn 7 (6th house)
Sabian- A veiled prophet of power

My initial superficial (and slightly negative) understanding: risky actions lacking forethought preparedness and resulting regrettable outcomes; solo journeys through ominous “dark archways”; fantasy for sake of avoidance; escapism; “veiled prophet” who could end up exposed as just a little man behind a curtain putting a on big show.

The Sabian Symbols offer layers of profound insights. I wanted to start with a picture of the relationships within the Saturn, Node, PoF cluster, then between opposing pairs, and finally comparing themes between the Cancer/Capricorn groups.

Cancer/Capricorn degrees related as contrasts, distanced by time or modern day distance created by variances in societal development. To me they seem like two sides with no awareness of each other. The Capricorn themes relate to life in a distant past or a remote tribe in the present.

The Capricorn degrees center around human experience at a primitive stage, where the human is not master of his environment; rather, he’s acutely aware of his vulnerable condition. In the opposing Cancer degrees, there’s a lone man “leading” a deer--through its own habitat, a wreckage of man’s creations, and nature’s undeterred continuity. The man with the deer seems motivated by something other than survival.

Looking back at the N/S Node symbols, the S. Node symbol conveyed a sense of safety and group affiliation and the opposite offers a lonely journey to the unknown in N. Node’s dark woods.
