wedding off or on?


Well-known member
Hi guys/gals

My neighbor was in my apartment talking to our other neighbor when she started complaining about her wedding being postponed or not and will it ever happen

she phrased a question and i timed it

"Will there be a wedding between george and I?"

my take

the chart is pretty descriptive.. sun is in 7th house and venus in 7th
obviously the girl'shead is in wedding mood.

here is where i am trapped

Mercury which rules the groom is strong by sign but debilitated in reception plus in cadent house but will enter 7th house

moon conj merc
but merc is inconjuncting jupiter

i asked her when is the wedding she said .. she wants to get married this year.

if not this ****** reception, i would have said YES but in this case it is weak

there is no reception between merc/jupiter

part of the wedding is 17 aries

part of the wedding trines asce/desc

any opinions?



Well-known member
Hi Tik, nice seeing you again. OK, lets see....

She is Jupiter and Moon, he is Mercury.
She is clearly not in her element with Jupiter in fall and retrograde and Moon peregrine in Gemini (and in the sign of Jupiter's detriment). Being in Jupiters term does not help so much. 6th house placement also weak.

It looks to me as if there has been a delay already as Moon is leaving the square to Saturn and I dont like it that Mercury is on his way to square Uranus, showing a sudden change of affairs.

Venus, general ruler of marriage will oppose Jupiter in about 2.5° and because Venus is in Mercuries term (therefore acting on his terms I would guess), he will call the shots and cause problems somehow.

Mercury moves towards an inconjunct aspect with Jupiter (mutual) which calls for things to be adjusted. There is obviously something not totally cosher in these arrangements.

there is soon to be a new sort of beginning here, but I dont think it is a happy one. The end of the matter house, ruled by Mars is critical. When Mars enters Virgo he will be peregrine for a long time until coming into his own term at 24° and on his way there will hit upon Saturn, so yes, there will be a delay at least, if not a total cancellation.

His 4th house is ruled by Venus, still under the sunbeams. He has been burned before and maybe is getting cold feet? (Mercury, when entering the 7th house will also enter Venusses term and opposing the Ascendant at 20°).

The only positive thing, if you can call it positive, is that Moon will conjunct Mercury in about 7 somethings. Being in a cadent house but not very capable of acting, I would guess that this means about 7 weeks or month even.

The part of Marriage falls in the 11th house at 25°10' Scorpio,(where do you find this Part of Wedding at 17° Aries Tik?) not making an aspect (conjunction or opposition, the two important one's) and if you take the sextile then Jupiter is moving out of the sextile with POMarriage and also away from the POF at 21°Scorpio.

So I think that there will be a delay,a postponing or even a possibility of a canceling of the wedding if you ask me. Mercury will not aspect Jupiter and after the inconjunct, clearly showing that some things are not properly worked or balanced out (financial issues maybe? Moon also rules her 8th of other people's money). No mutual receptions between the main significators. Venus going to oppose Jupiter and Mercury going to oppose her Ascendant.
I dont have a very good feeling about this. Something is not adding up here, otherwise she would not even ask. Mercury (him) is in term of Venus in his 1st house. Does he have another love interest maybe? or had one and is still not sure if he should marry?

Hope this give enough information.
Cheers, Star.
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Well-known member
Hi Starlink

his ex fiance dumped him at the alter 5 years ago or something.. something happened .. my neighbor has no details on the issue

part of wedding

cusp 9 + cusp 3 - venus

i will get back to you on the rest in a few hours

sun is up

vampires must sleep



Well-known member
Hi Tik, well have you ever. I just felt something was not quite right with him.
I got the part of Marriage just from my Solar Fire rapports, mmm.... how come we have different one's?


Well-known member

part of the wedding and part of marriage are different

part of the marriage i guess marriage itself vs just a ceremony

The question of infidelity was on the table... we run a chart a while back .. it showed something along the lines

moon ruled him and it was in sag while approaching a square with venus

i have a feeling it will be postponed. if it was absolutely no, then i would not see inconjunction


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Well-known member
have a feeling it will be postponed. if it was absolutely no, then i would not see inconjunction

Yes, you might be right here. Goodness, I did not know that marriage and wedding points are different but yes, it sound logical to me. Point of wedding in this case is then more important right?
Infidelity crossed my mind, just like that, not really because I was seeing something (my intuition I guess). How are you doing by the way?
Cheers, Star (going to bed now, see you in the morning)


Well-known member

Me? As usual like Jack Sparrow planning to steal his Black Pearl... working .. dealing with crazy clients.. other than that .. nothing much

how are you?



Well-known member

I hear ya

here is what i found out

for a while they had an open relationship so that could explain the other person .. Anyho.. other than regular madhouse i am trying to figure out what to do with my 2nd business.. kill it or keep it.. i have a feeling it is kill!

ohh i got myself a cool keyboard FINALLY! Now i finally can play on it! woohoo



Well-known member

This is by Ivy
Jupiter, Venus , the moon or ruler of 1st or 7th or in MR or well apsect to each other or to Part of Fortuna or marriage
will favor success
**** so
Moon conj Merc unafflicted
Merc and Venus are in MR by minority
Venus trines POF
part of marriage is 25 scorpio
POF conj Part of Marriage!
venus and sun are applying by parrallel
venus and jupiter are about to oppose each other but in MR
Jupiter is angular
Ivy also says
ruelr of 7th in 7th indicate a marriage
Starlink... I think this is some kind of a ceremony vs a wedding itself..
That inconjunction throws me off big time.. there is nothing in the middle of interruption but dont you think we should see some kind of reception between 1 and 7th?)
jupiter is weak but strong by term
merc is strong by sign but detriment of Jupiter
something tells me that Merc the boyfriend shys away from a marriage
if i look at 3rd house his 9th.. then there is Jupiter ruling his 9th sitting in his 7th.
venus looks enticing but something is off!
I am wondering if there is engagement vs marriage or some kind of small ceremony?
what you think?


Well-known member
I had another look. At the end of the matter house. Look at that Mars. It is critical and once in a new sign, Virgo, where he will be in Peregrine and in the term of Mercury (change?) or could this be marriage because Merc. rules marriage? It will soon after conjunct Saturn. Either the end of the whole thing or a delay. Mercury will square Uranus = divorce, unexpected change, you name it.
Now that I am looking with "fresh" eyes at it, I think there could be marriage but first something has to be re-adjusted or talked over, whatever (Mercury inconj. Jupiter), then they marry (Moon conj. Mercury) but some time after will separate or divorce again. (Merc. square Uranus and Mars conj. Saturn.)
Do you see this as a possibility?


Well-known member

I had another look. At the end of the matter house. Look at that Mars. It is critical and once in a new sign, Virgo, where he will be in Peregrine and in the term of Mercury (change?) or could this be marriage because Merc. rules marriage? It will soon after conjunct Saturn. Either the end of the whole thing or a delay. Mercury will square Uranus = divorce, unexpected change, you name it.

*** hmmmm your quess as good as mine***

Now that I am looking with "fresh" eyes at it, I think there could be marriage but first something has to be re-adjusted or talked over, whatever (Mercury inconj. Jupiter), then they marry (Moon conj. Mercury) but some time after will separate or divorce again. (Merc. square Uranus and Mars conj. Saturn.)
Do you see this as a possibility?

*** honestly, I HOPE NO Divorces.. but his job is running around the globe by himself for a job. he is hardly ever around.. moon/neptuen and merc/neptune puzzle me... There is a drastic move if they do get married for both of them. so that could be too.. They want to live in australia where his parents live. I am keeping an eye on this chart. ***

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Well-known member

what did i miss?

Here is from Lilly on Will they agree after marriage
Lord of asce and lord of 7th in good aspect
*** dont have that ***
moon behold with good aspect the planet disposing of her by house or exaltation and the luminaries be good aspect
they will agree

*** am i reading this right .. moon's disposing sign is merc.. it is conjunction??? ***
if the lord of asce / lord of 7th to be in opposition or square or moon afflicted
and behold asce by ill asce or saturn, mars or south node to be in asce or 7th they will live unhappily
*** nothing ****
if ill planets or south node be in 1st the querent is to blame
if it is mars is given to quarel
be loose in conduct acccording to signs
*** nothing ***
if they be in 7th, it si the quested
*** nope ***
the moon in her fall square, oppose of saturn or mars or any retro planet and at the same time throwing any aspect to ascendnat it is man who brings the disputes
*** nope ***
if the sun does the same under the same circomstances it is the woman
** nope ***
lord of 7th angular and more eighty planet the quested will strive for mastery and neigh the lord of asce nor 7th be in angles the wieghterier planet for he points out the party will rule
** eh .... jupiter is angular.. merc is heading into angular.. HAHAHA George will rule! ***
if venus be affilicted, it si worse for a man
** venus not afflicted ***
if the sun for a man
the moon afflicted is evil for both
the lights in evil apsect show discord
** not that i can see ***
if afflicting planet be lord of 3rd and be in 1st or 7th denotes quarells or injuries neightors or kindred, if it be an infortune who afflicts and he be in the 19th it shows brawls
if he be in 4th a divorce or willingess thereto
some hinderance in the dowly or fortune of the female
evl planet in 10th or 4th lead also contenction by means of the parents of the parties
** no evil planets ***
if moon behold the asce and be unfortunate it denotes brawling, separation dishonest living
if there is no applicaiton between the planet the moon separates from and the one to which she applies there will be continual contention
if moon aspects eviliy or be conj with saturn or mars, one of them shall die shorty or have some misorftune
** nope ***
if in 8th or 12th and void of course, they meet trougle grief
if it in angles long disagreements... and probably separation if in fixed sign.
if this is be in 10th and in masculine sign the man is chief sufferet
if it in 4th and femine sign it is a woman...


I really really do not want to touch modern rulers


Well-known member
Tik, should all this not be looked at in connection with another question?
I mean, a question like: how will they be with one another after they are married?. Than it would be more specific. If we apply these rules to this question, when they are not even married, that does not work. Maybe they will never marry and then this exercise is not useful.