Which house rules the faculty exams?


Well-known member
Third or ninth? or some other? thanks in advance

Hi - I would say 9 ruler because it's traditionally the house of higher education/knowledge/learning etc. You could also look at Jupiter as a natural signifier of higher education/learning and 10 ruler ...
plus what was in the 10th and 10 ruler because it's the house of 'honour, awards, prestige, advancement' etc (refer The Houses, Temples of the Sky by Deborah Houlding._____

dr. farr

Well-known member
I also would go with the 9th as primary quesited significator, with 10th as secondary quesited; however, with my extensive use of Lots in horary (mundane, event and even natal too) I would, myself, take the Lot of Successful Outcome as primary quesited significator, and see what the relationship of querent significator is to the Lot and its dispositor (lord or significator)
LOSO formula = ascendant+jupiter-sun (same day or night)