Understanding strategies of Scorpio placements taking revenge and defending yourself.

After posting negative things about Scorpios on this forum, I received a few PMs from people telling me how they have been abused by less evolved individuals of this sign. This isn't by any means a thread made to ruin someone of a particular sign but rather a thread meant to defend and if (and that is a huge if) needed, counter-attack.

From what I have personally found, at least with less evolved Scorpios, is that their vengeful and anger can come from things such as others naturally being better than them in ways they want to be good (better looking, harder working or showing potential for greatness). It can also come from a person having enough of them and just cutting off all contact.

I have run into quite a few envious people of this sign who have tried to stop others from achieving greatness, good example being my father who tore up my application to a top university because he hated me rising above.

This is the ONE trait I have noticed among less evolved individuals of this sign, they will try to actively sabotage people under them or near them who show promise for success.

In this situation, say you cut off contact from a Scorpio in authority (parent or boss0 who was trying to sabotage you but found a better situation. Obviously, the burn is going to be there as less evolved individuals of this sign tend to be prone to envy. In today's internet age, it is easy to find out what others are up to and in some professions that are business oriented, you need to have an online presence.

What are ways you can defend yourself?

Obviously the first thing to do is ignore them, I think that SHOULD be good enough but there is something else I have read less evolved individuals do.

1. They will try to force their way into your life, even if it takes a third party (mutual friend, former coworker, etc.(, in order to have some sort of contact. Some of them might be highly aggressive in doing so, is it necessary to get law enforcement involved?

2. They will most certainly try to find out about your social circle and new coworkers and boss, then try to sabotage your reputation, what do you do in that case?

What are some other strategies I need to be weary of to defend against?

And again, if there is are evolved Scorpios willing to help out, it would be appreciated.