Will I successfully publish an Oracle card deck?


Well-known member
So my question here is if the moon is VOC? Even though it is at a late degree, as soon as it changes signs, it makes an applying tight conjunction to Saturn which rules the 9th house of publishing and divination. However, the moon doesn’t hold any dignity in Sag so not sure. BTW this would be a joint project with a friend of mine so I can see why the moon would be in the 8th of joint money. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Premium Member
The indications from this chart are not good for the question. The Moon is VOC. Saturn does not aspect Venus. Mercury rules the second house and it is weak and does not aspect Venus. Venus is separating from Mars who would be your partner. I just do not see any way to save this.


Well-known member
Thanks Culpeper, I see what you’re saying about venus not aspecting anything but the moon is still my co-sig along with the sig of the situation. As soon as the moon changes signs, it makes an aspect to both Saturn and mercury. Plus the aspect with Saturn is a tight applying conjunction. You can still use the moon as my co-sig without considering venus right?


Well-known member
I found this excerpt from William Lily which describes how the moon can still function when in Sag so I’m really thinking maybe it’s not actually VOC. Anyone have any other ideas?



Well-known member
Somethings going to change, when moon changes signs and conjunct saturn, moon will then also be in detriment.

If you've not already started then maybe you'll change your mind about it.


Well-known member

Yes, you will successfully publish the deck.

Everything in Horary depends on the context.

The Moon is in Jupiter's sign, so still strong. Venus (you) is in the 10th and its combustion could show your doubts. Saturn rules both - the house of divinity (9th), which is important as we are talking about an Oracle deck, and it also rules the 10th house of making a success out of it. Saturn is dignified in its own sign.

The Moon on changing signs will be in its detriment, however, here that sign is also the ruler of the houses of divinity and success/career, so the Moon going to meet Saturn is good in this case.

The chart satisfies me and I encourage you to go ahead. If you do, please come back and leave some feedback after some time.


Well-known member
I actually would like to even add that the Sun in the 10th could also show that you will get some fame through your cards. Saturn being strong is of BIG importance here because of all it rules. Go ahead with your plans.


Well-known member
Thanks Aquarius, I actually have some of the traditional “fame” indicators in my natal chart..just never knew how exactly it would come about but I know I’m meant to do spiritual work of some kind in this lifetime. Thanks so much for your encouragement!

Speaking of...any thoughts on the timeframe that this might happen? I was thinking maybe 4 years because moon aspects Saturn in 4 units?
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Well-known member
Thanks Aquarius, I actually have some of the traditional “fame” indicators in my natal chart..just never knew how exactly it would come about but I know I’m meant to do spiritual work of some kind in this lifetime. Thanks so much for your encouragement!

Speaking of...any thoughts on the timeframe that this might happen? I was thinking maybe 4 years because moon aspects Saturn in 4 units?
The Moon perfects its conjunction in 4 units. However, in 2 units it changes signs, so the change can begin in two units. Perhaps it will be completed and launched in 4 units. And, it does not have to be years because we are not talking about fixed signs here. I would have thought we were considering months, so like 4 months to a half year. All depends on how ready you are work wise and confidence wise.

If you like, you can post your natal chart with transits and progressions here itself for a quick comparison. Please do not include stars and the likes of Lilith and Chiron in it. Just the mainstream planets and the Nodes. Thanks.


Well-known member

I am even more convinced that you are picking up the right profession, with Pisces on your 10th and Jupiter exalted - you will do well. Just go ahead with it.

In fact, you may even want to expand on your divinity streak by doing some charity work, with Pisces so pronounced in your chart.