Does Pallas Athene aspects to planets show the reason why you got into astrology?


Well-known member
For example, my Pallas is conjunct Venus, trine N. Node and Uranus, sextile Moon, and inconjunct Jupiter. And the synchronicity is that I got into astrology to understand my relationships and to figure out if my spouse was my true ascension partner (my N Node is in 7th), to understand my psyche, to make sense of all the chaos in life. Also at that time I was starting to become disillusioned with Christianity. Have any one had the same synchronicites?

conspiracy theorist

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My Pallas Athene quintiles my Mars. This doesn't describe why I got into astrology. But hey, it does describe a great capacity for military strategy, and I ain't mad at that.


Active member
For example, my Pallas is conjunct Venus, trine N. Node and Uranus, sextile Moon, and inconjunct Jupiter. And the synchronicity is that I got into astrology to understand my relationships and to figure out if my spouse was my true ascension partner (my N Node is in 7th), to understand my psyche, to make sense of all the chaos in life. Also at that time I was starting to become disillusioned with Christianity. Have any one had the same synchronicites?

Similar, but not the same...My Pallas in in Aries (9th) in the middle of Sun-Lilith- Venus-Mercury stellium, with Sun and Lilith being closest by degree (less than 2 degrees for each one, they sit on either side). It is trine Uranus in the 5th and sextile Jupiter in the 6th...

Got into REAL (LOL) astrology very suddenly and unexpectedly, after knowing for years (and taking seriously) characteristics by Sun sign. It's was like a door to the completely different world opened all of a sudden :alien:

Analyzing relationship with my husband was more of a consequence, than a reason here and brought me a deeper understanding why it has been happening the way it did (difficult, with lots of delays and obstacles) Lot's of karma, judging by the double-whammy Sun square Saturn, his Saturn opposite my Vertex + Plutonian theme (quite obsessive relationship as well) with his Pluto opposite my Venus-Mercury conjunction and my Pluto exactly conjunct his Vertex + Uranus and a couple other things...with close two-way Vertex contact it's as fated as a relationship can get LOL

Which brings up an off topic question - what's your interpretation on his South node conjunct my Chiron in Gemini (my 10th and his 12th, conjunct his ASC 2 degrees)?


Well-known member
Similar, but not the same...My Pallas in in Aries (9th) in the middle of Sun-Lilith- Venus-Mercury stellium, with Sun and Lilith being closest by degree (less than 2 degrees for each one, they sit on either side). It is trine Uranus in the 5th and sextile Jupiter in the 6th...

Got into REAL (LOL) astrology very suddenly and unexpectedly, after knowing for years (and taking seriously) characteristics by Sun sign. It's was like a door to the completely different world opened all of a sudden :alien:

Analyzing relationship with my husband was more of a consequence, than a reason here and brought me a deeper understanding why it has been happening the way it did (difficult, with lots of delays and obstacles) Lot's of karma, judging by the double-whammy Sun square Saturn, his Saturn opposite my Vertex + Plutonian theme (quite obsessive relationship as well) with his Pluto opposite my Venus-Mercury conjunction and my Pluto exactly conjunct his Vertex + Uranus and a couple other things...with close two-way Vertex contact it's as fated as a relationship can get LOL

Which brings up an off topic question - what's your interpretation on his South node conjunct my Chiron in Gemini (my 10th and his 12th, conjunct his ASC 2 degrees)?

Sorry it took me so long to get around to this, haven't really been on here. But as far as I know of is that the wounding and healing process that you have in regards to your mental and communicative processes in your career and status, is in alignment with his automatic comfort zone of analyzing everyone's thoughts and tuning in to everyone's communications on his spirituality and self-undoing,and his subconscious which in turn also has the same effect on his personality. This is a very karmic connection. I'm so glad to hear that someone else has had a similar experience. Hoped that helped. Peace, love and Gnosis!


Active member
It did help some, thank you... I think I'm just having a hard time understanding "wounding" part of Chiron... May be it's like the fish who's the last one to discover water, I am just not good at seeing the wound, since I've been living with....:sad: