Natal midpoint aspects - How to calculate?


Well-known member
I know there are some programmes online that do this for you at a small cost, but I'm interesting in learning how one calculates the aspects that planets make to a midpoint in one's natal chart?

I've had two midpoint aspect "reports" done, and different midpoint aspects come up in both, so I'd like to know how to check my own chart for these to find out which is most accurate :sideways:

Any advice would be appreciated :smile:
Last edited: > extended chart selection > natal chart > either choose "ebertin style (with midpoints)" or keller style (with midpoints).

then you should click on view additional tables and there you'll have them under midpoint structures and aspects. in the keller style only take notice of aspects under 1/2 degrees.

enjoy =)


Well-known member
Right! Plus this one is free.

Actually midpoints are tedious to compute by hand, but not difficult.

1. Convert all signs and degrees of your planets to its number out of 360, where 0 degrees Aries=zero, 0 degrees Taurus=30, 0 degrees Gemini=60, and so on. So if you have a planet at 5 degrees Cancer, its number would be 90+5=95.

2. Calculate the average of your numbers for each planet pair (i.e., add and divide by two.) Note that each planet pair has two midpoints-- one near and one opposite to it. The "real" midpoint is usually taken as the one closest to the two planets in question. The calculation may give you the far one, but it is a simple matter to find the near one in the opposing sign. For example, if the calculation gives you 214, or 4 degrees Scorpio, you may notice that the closer midpoint is 4 degrees Taurus.

3. Convert your midpoint numbers back to signs and degrees.


Well-known member
Wow, thank you both!! I actually had no clue that gave midpoint pictures...and yet it was there all along :whistling: :biggrin:


Well-known member
What do you both think about midpoint aspects in the natal, in so far as significance, out of interest?


Well-known member
Do you mean planets' aspects to midpoints? I wouldn't make too, too much of them other than the conjunction and opposition. The opposition actually conjuncts the "back" midpoint.

The midpoint itself is an abstract point, unlike actual planets, stars, and asteroids. There's no orb. However, some astrologers get really good results with them.

BTW, the part of fortune and other Arabian parts, are essentially determined in a similar way; except that you are using three points rather than two planets.
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For me midpoints were a great discovery in my astrology studies. And that is because they make so much sense to me. I think of them as balance points or even gates in the natal chart. As for midpoint aspects, for me they are keys into solving your life map.

For example, let's say you have a square, or even a trine or a sextile (a connection that is solvable) between two natal planets. I would look to aspects to the midpoint of those planets to have a more clear vision of which planets energy I can use to reach a balance in that connection.

This is how I am exploring the midpoints right now and I think they are beautiful. =)


Well-known member
What a good idea, Rita. I am thinking that a Venus-ruled midpoint (say, in Libra or Taurus) should mean love; Jupiter, optimism and faith; and Saturn, get to work on it!


Well-known member
I agree with Waybread that midpoints aren't too awfully important -- though they are bread and butter for Uranian astrologers.

And yes, they can be fascinating. I like to look at the Sun-Moon midpoint, because I think it is the strongest and can offer a bit of insight on how the two planets play out, especially when there is no aspect between them.

I also often check the midpoint between Ascendant and Midheaven (if it's an accurate chart). This midpoint always fall in the 11th house, and can indicate something about what the person would LIKE to do for a living, rather than what they end up with in a job or career. I have found the midpoint to be useful as a talking point, in combination with other points/planets, when a person is dissatisfied with a job and doesn't know where to go.

Any midpoint that falls at about 0 degrees of any Cardinal sign seems to be especially 'sensitive' to transits.

It's easy enough to eyeball a chart and see if a midpoint falls at a third planet, which can have a minor impact on the third planet's energy. But yes, the software helps!


Well-known member
Hi there,
I wonder if someone would be kind enough to verify the following I had done :

Mercury/Jupiter=Mars/Neptune Temptress with enchanting voice.

I understand the Merc/Jupiter but how does it = Mars/Neptune?