Eclipse squaring Nnode exactly: ?


Well-known member
I'm unsure whether this query belongs here or in the Astrology now section, but nevertheless I need an answer, so here goes. The full moon eclipse due on Feb 20 is in 1 degree Virgo. I have Nnode in Gemini at the same degree conjunct MC. Also, my ascendent is at 3 degrees Virgo. At the time of the eclipse, Saturn will be at 5 degrees virgo.

Does this signal something karmic because of the north node? If so, is it related to my physical body, or the way I present myself to the world because of it's closeness to asc and transiting Saturn? All responses welcom. thanks

Hex Astrology

Active member
From the astrological elements you said, I could answer this, but its just an opinion, not something you should take serious:

The 20-21 (depending on your timezone ) february eclipse even if it squares your Nodes, the effects are not long and i'll say the reasons why. Firstly its an important eclipse for your nodes if the square its perfect. If the orb is not so perfect, then the effects arent so important. If its a far and expecialy separating aspect, then its better just to ignore the square and look for other astrological elements for further indications.

If its a strong square or almost perfect orb, then you should take into consideration this interpretation, but without having any fear, cause its more generalistic:

An eclipse squaring nodes and probably your MC could mean your wishes spoken ( Mercury ruling ) and expressed are generaly gonna come true. But the eclipse is the specialist in bringing into manifestation the bad wishes, so if you had said something bad in the past or wished something bad ( usualy on anger moments, frustration, stress etc. ) then get ready cause they will get in the way, but not ruin your life, just to cause a bit tension and make deviate from your goals ( Eclipse squaring nodes ). People who behave well and will not suffer from any eclipse.

If you don't remember if you said or wished something bad, or did a mistake. Take these dates ( 2007 August - September; 2006 August - September, whole years 1993-1994, 2000 - 2001 ). This eclipse could bring back some unsolved issues, expecialy these dates and year 2007. If a big problem came in the dates above, this eclipse could also bring an important information that was a lot of time searched. Its a small piece of solution ( like a puzzle ), which is important for the future and ones goals ( Nodes? ). This eclipse doesn't necesairy bring either big solutions or big trouble ( big trouble is for the people who expressed thier wishes in bad way, or said something very wrong, usualy on this retrograde Mercury, also the one on 2007 octomber or 2007 summer[Along whit Venus Retrograde] ). Even through this eclipse isn't the most powerfull one, it plays the role of ending the influence of the eclipses from 2007 ( not complet, need the future eclipses of 2008 ).

If you observe I say a lot about carefull on wishes and telling something that shouldn't been in the first place. Its because Moon is in Virgo ( Mercury ), your nodes are in Gemeni ( Mercury ) and probably more. So the bad effects or good could come by Mercury, and it's transit, carefull at the retrogradation, and if you do something wrong near 20-21 february, Mercury will show what you did wrong on the next retrogradation which is in Gemeni in May 2008.

Its a time of stagnation until spring 2008, so don't take any important decisions, only if something really urgent. Also carefull what you wish for and what you discuss, cause the information could be used against you.

The influence of this eclipse will get stronger when the future eclipses occur in 2008.

By the way, I used general interpretation, so the influence might not touch you at all, I used just the astrological elements you said. But still, eclipses aren't such good things when it comes to transits.
Also eclipses are extremely powerfull prediction tools and requires a lot of study on them. Not like a novice as myself who does the interpretation just spontaneously.

PS: The eclipses on 2009 are going to be something, its rare to have 6 eclipses in one year.
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