Retrograde planets and aspecting


Well-known member
Hi guys, just wondering how you see the effects of retrograding planets in regards to how they aspect other planets, do the aspects change? I've read a bit about angles getting reversed but understand this is subject to debate. Also sorry if this has already been posted, the search function doesn't seem to be working for me


Well-known member
Hi guys, just wondering how you see the effects of retrograding planets in regards to how they aspect other planets, do the aspects change? I've read a bit about angles getting reversed but understand this is subject to debate. Also sorry if this has already been posted, the search function doesn't seem to be working for me

I'm not sure what you mean by the aspect "changing", but I presume you are talking about whether the aspect is applying or separating? The concept is still the same regardless of the planet being direct or retrograding.

I really never heard of angles getting "reversed", not sure what you are talking about there either.


Well-known member
Actually it applies to trad western astrology, too, especially the Hellenists, but you also find it in medieval astrology.

Anyway - he was confusing, wasn't he?

It's about a planet aspecting a sign that is in aspectual relationship to the sign that it's in.

E.g., Saturn is currently in Sag, so it opposes Gemini. If Gemini were your seventh house, you could expect some problems there.

He's also arguing theoretically. I've never seen anyone convincingly show what he's trying to get at. To wit: Saturn in Sag opposes Gemini. Even if it retrogrades, as long as it is in Sag, it still opposes Gemini. It wouldn't oppose Taurus unless and until it hit Scorpio in its retrogradation. The other side of the argument he seems to be making is that if Saturn is retrograde in Sag, it's really opposing Taurus. No, it's not.

He is correct in saying that the nodes do not cast aspects.


Well-known member
My understanding is that the retrograde planet does some form of 'damage' to the planet receiving it. But if the aspect hasn't perfected yet, then the damage isn't done. Retrograde planets also mean reviewing whatever that planet symbolises and the house.


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NO outer planets on Traditional Astrology Forum


Please do NOT discuss outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) on the Traditional astrology Forum per the Traditional Astrology Forum's rules. I have moved the off-topic discussion to the Modern Forum.

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Re: NO outer planets on Traditional Astrology Forum

why not much importance is given to retrogration concept in astrology. western and vedic astrologers have different opinion about retrograde planets,westren astrogy consideres retrograde planets as weakgiving malific effects while vedic astrogy says they are strong and can give powerful results , which is really confusing.