Solar return chart — moon in 5th house — new love story ?


Active member
Hi guys
I added my solar return chart below, and I see solar moon in fifth house and solar 7th house in natal 5th house. I am really new in astrology and putting the pieces together hard for me. So I wonder your opinions about it. New partner, a love story or marriage issues. So you think any possibility?



Staff member
Moon's placement in the solar return chart indicates your emotional focus. In the fifth, it could be on for fun things, hobbies. Your interest in astrology might be indicated, if that's something you do as a hobby and you're focused on it. Children, children's issues are also a possibility. And casual love interests.

Any serious kind of partnership would be seventh house, not fifth. Couple relationships are found there.

For the SR chart, you have Uranus at the DC. That suggests a wild and wonky ride right now, when it comes to partnership. Maybe your situation is rapidly changing. Maybe you have a suddenly starting and just as suddenly ending relationship this year. Maybe you find an unexpected partnership in an unexpected place. Or, maybe you're more in a mood to explore relationships at a distance, without getting too committed. Uranus can indicate a need for lots of space for yourself. In the seventh house arena, it suggests a need for personal space in your relationships.

Uranus is also transiting your natal IC. That could indicate a change in your living situation. Having natal IC with SR DC could suggest a combination of living situation and partnership: a cohabiting situation beginning or ending. That may or may not be with a romantic partner. DC can also indicate other people in general.