composite venus conjunct uranus in synastry?


Staff member
No single placement in synastry means the couple is doomed. It depends on the chart as a whole, and on how the couple choose to respond to it.

Without seeing the whole chart, it's impossible to interpret, but generally, I would expect a relationship with composite Venus conjunct Uranus to have a Uranian quality to it. Maybe there's something very unusual about the relationship--about its circumstances, or about the individuals involved, or both. Maybe it's a relationship with a lot of ups and downs and/or sudden changes in it. Maybe this is a couple who move around a lot, or are not settled in some sense. Maybe they're a couple who don't really want to be settled.

I wouldn't expect it to be a stable relationship unless the rest of the composite chart points to stability. But I would expect it to be a very interesting relationship. If the rest of the chart points to volatility and impulsivity, I would expect it to be volatile and stormy.
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Premium Member
What does it mean? Is this couple doomed?
The one you're asking about is in the composite :)

In synastry the effect is pretty different.

Edit: Osamenor, thanks for the response as that one is relevant for me.


Staff member
The one you're asking about is in the composite :)

In synastry the effect is pretty different.

I was using "synastry" to mean any kind of chart that mixes or compares two people's birth charts to see what their relationship is (potentially) like. By that definition, a composite chart is a type of synastry chart. But that might not be the official meaning of the word.


Premium Member
The way you described it it fits very well with the synastry example I was thinking of - for composites I guess the same theme would be present.

The 'different' part for me comes from thinking synastries are more obvious since there is direct interaction (people can be aware they are doing something) while the composite has the pattern embedded in it so they may feel the events suggested by the aspect are the work of fate or some external force.


Well-known member
To be honest I still fail to understand this conjunction.

For example in my personal exes relationship I had moon opposition Pluto and the def was control/obsession/ and power struggle to the brink of destruction. And I knew and understood that.

But I just cannot understand the definition you gave Osamenor.