Will there be a Presidential System in Turkey?


Well-known member
There will be election in my country soon about whether switching to presidental system or not. So I asked about it. Virgo Rises and if I remember correctly it represents Turkey. Ruler mercury is in 8th house conjunct uranus. Radical change and death of a old system? Ruler mercury, opposes jupiter which is represent democracy than trine to saturn which represent dictatorship. So I think it is a yes. Any thoughts?


dr. farr

Well-known member
Magic 8 Ball astro-divination method: quesited (government) = 10th whole sign house = Gemini = Mercury = a "yes" answer according to 8 Ball "rules"

Ankara horary method
-old system = 4th house = Sagittarius = Jupiter
Jupiter retrograde = + testimony for change
-new system = 10th house = Gemini = Mercury
Mercury elevated above Jupiter = + testimony for change
Moon flows away from old system significator Jupiter and flows toward new system significator Mercury = + testimony for change

Total = 3 + testimonies, 0 - testimonies: answer = "yes"


Well-known member
Magic 8 Ball astro-divination method: quesited (government) = 10th whole sign house = Gemini = Mercury = a "yes" answer according to 8 Ball "rules"

Ankara horary method
-old system = 4th house = Sagittarius = Jupiter
Jupiter retrograde = + testimony for change
-new system = 10th house = Gemini = Mercury
Mercury elevated above Jupiter = + testimony for change
Moon flows away from old system significator Jupiter and flows toward new system significator Mercury = + testimony for change

Total = 3 + testimonies, 0 - testimonies: answer = "yes"

Update, it came out as yes and you were right once again Dr.farr thank you so Much. And seems like i "accidentally" predict it right too :D