Tarot Talk Thread


Well-known member
Tarot Exercises (Found on random blogs through the internet):

Shuffle and cut the deck however you please. Draw one card to represent the day or your present self. Meditate with the card and examine the imagery on the card. Without looking at the LWB or any tarot card meanings websites, stretch your mind and develop your own personal interpretation. Really challenge yourself when interpreting. Are there people in this card? What are they doing? How would you imagine their interaction? Is the person lonely/isolated? What’s going on in the setting? You can even research color meanings to round out your interpretation.

If you have two or more tarot decks, you can decide on a card you want to compare and then examine how the different artists/tarot deck creators portray the essence of the card. Are there similarities? Differences? I personally believe that each deck has a slightly nuanced interpretation that is unique to it, rather than simply one universal meaning for all 78 cards. This exercise really helps you connect with specific decks and develops your new or existing relationship with it.

The Major Arcana are not only Jungian archetypes, but also a parallel for the classic hero’s journey, a path to spiritual enlightenment. Journey with the Fool as s/he sets out into the world and write the story that unfolds.


Examine your personal journey thus far and align the Major Arcana cards with major events that mark your life. (Optional: You can fill out the details of each event with Minor Arcana cards to delve deep into a trump’s meaning).

Meditate on each card to develop a personal connection with your deck.

A good strategy for learning to interpret multiple cards in a spread, and their relationship to one another and the querent, is to pick two and practice. For this exercise, shuffle your cards, split them into two piles and flip the ones on top. Interpret the first card and then the second card separately. Then, tell the meanings between the two cards. What do they share or oppose in one another? How do the elements in the cards interact with each other? Tell the story.

This is a way to get to know yourself through the Major Arcana. Pick the card you resonate with the most, the one that is most appealing of the Major Arcana. Then pick the card that resonates the least with you, the least appealing. Lastly, pick the card that integrates both of them together and place it between the cards. Examine why you have chosen these cards.

This was intended for the Major Arcana, but the Minor Arcana can be used as well.

Look through your deck and pull out all the cards that put you on edge. These are cards that you’d be nervous to draw in a reading. Stack them in a pile and then go through them one by one, thinking of how they might actually signal good energy for a reading. How can you reimagine their meaning?

Now, try the reverse. Pull out all the ‘good’ cards and meditate on how you can reinterpret them.

Look at your favorite spread (or really any spread) and pick a card (any card). Place this card in each of the spread positions and interpret them accordingly.

Randomly select a card from your deck and apply each reversal method reading to generate a variety of meanings for that card. (I will post different methods for reading reversals later this week). Synthesize your notes to form a concise interpretation of the reversed card.

Then, come up with three different scenarios that may relate to the reversed card and add these scenarios to your interpretation.

Meditate on the energy of your selected reversed card and identify real-life scenarios that occur throughout a week that relate to your meaning.

Lay out all your cards on a table or the floor and look for common denominators, repeated symbolism that the artist deemed important. For instance, I have the Starchild Tarot by Danielle Noel and she uses a lot of moon imagery. I looked up the meanings of different phases of the moon and started interpreting the cards based off of whether the moon was waxing or waning, full or new.

Pick a card, any card and think about its meaning. Think of a song that might best represent and interpret the card for you. If you are musically inclined, write your own musical interpretation of the card!

Many authors use tarot for inspiration and to overcome writers’ block. Shuffle and cut the deck. Draw a card. This is the beginning of your story. Start writing or telling your story out loud. Maybe pull some court cards for characters! Draw another card and continue the story.

Think of your favorite card. How would you create your own version of it? Use whatever artistic medium you feel comfortable with and get inspired! You can even make a collage out of snippets of magazines and books!


Well-known member
Why don't you start off discussing each card in the deck, the first being the magician.

You should have called the thread "the fools journey thread".


Well-known member
Why don't you start off discussing each card in the deck, the first being the magician.

You should have called the thread "the fools journey thread".

Hm...I kind of just want a free-flowing discussion. I don't feel equipped or committed to teaching all 78 cards at the moment, but who knows? lol

We could pick a card and interpret it though if you'd like.


Well-known member
Yay, alliterative title!

Here's a question for anyone who wants to answer. What is your favorite card? Why? Do you love it in all decks or just one? What does it mean to you and what feeling does it give you?


Well-known member
Yay, alliterative title!

Here's a question for anyone who wants to answer. What is your favorite card? Why? Do you love it in all decks or just one? What does it mean to you and what feeling does it give you?

I really like the energy of the Hanged Man. I associate it with gaining new insights and perspective through sacrifice. The Hanged Man willingly sacrifices himself, hanging himself upside down, to find a more enlightened viewpoint.

It's also associated with Neptune by some people. I like it in most decks, haven't seen one I didn't like. It gives me a feeling of serenity and surrender. It's also connected to the World card in the RWS (rider-waite smith). They're like the upside down versions of each other, which I find interesting.


Well-known member
My favorite card is the 3 of swords, as its relatable, we've all been through this dagger to the heart feeling, either through a heartbreak or through unrequited love, or from losing someone we love...it is related to saturn in libra after all.

The card i like the best of this card is from Ciro marchetti,...


I love all his decks.

The pain in the girls eyes, the tear running down the cheek and cutting through the heart, a deep pain shows in the redness of the eyes.


Well-known member
My favorite card is the Star. It is one of the most beautiful cards in every deck, since it depicts a beautiful woman and water (usually a still pool or gentle stream), and these are favored subjects of artists. The meaning is beautiful too: inspiration, hope, innocence. It feels like permission from the Universe to dream, to wish, to begin.

Another card I want to mention is one in a particular deck: The Fferyllt from the Druidcraft deck.

I particularly like it because it focuses on the idea of temperance as alchemy instead of restriction. I've been thinking on it lately because it has to do with accepting the parts of ourselves we don't like and would rather reject, a task that I'm currently involved in...a-freakin-gain.

david starling

Well-known member
I gave my (RW) tarot deck away, accompanied by a warning: When you're getting good at reading the cards, "you are not alone", and the spirits involved aren't necessarily friendly. I felt their presence very clearly. I don't get that feeling reading Charts, or throwing I Ching. Maybe it's a Piscean thing.


Well-known member
I gave my (RW) tarot deck away, accompanied by a warning: When you're getting good at reading the cards, "you are not alone", and the spirits involved aren't necessarily friendly. I felt their presence very clearly. I don't get that feeling reading Charts, or throwing I Ching. Maybe it's a Piscean thing.

That's fascinating David. Sometimes when I'm reading someone, I just get into this intuitive state and I can find out a lot about a stranger that they don't necessarily want me to know. I sorta feel dissociated though, like I'm watching myself speak, but not really. Did you experience that?


Well-known member
I gave my (RW) tarot deck away, accompanied by a warning: When you're getting good at reading the cards, "you are not alone", and the spirits involved aren't necessarily friendly. I felt their presence very clearly. I don't get that feeling reading Charts, or throwing I Ching. Maybe it's a Piscean thing.

Interesting. As I was saying in the other thread, I too feel that I am not alone when the readings "work". However, I feel that everyone present is good, or more accurately, natural and neutral. On the other hand, I scared myself casting spells. I felt the same negative feeling I feel when in the presence of a dangerous person.

david starling

Well-known member
That's fascinating David. Sometimes when I'm reading someone, I just get into this intuitive state and I can find out a lot about a stranger that they don't necessarily want me to know. I sorta feel dissociated though, like I'm watching myself speak, but not really. Did you experience that?

Yes, a detached feeling. And, that's when the reading really clicked. Other times, I could tell there was nothing happening.


Well-known member
Yes, a detached feeling. And, that's when the reading really clicked. Other times, I could tell there was nothing happening.

I've never sensed malevolent spirits or energy specifically from reading tarot though. I think when I'm really into the reading, I'm just disengaged from my body, like ungrounded might be a good term.


Well-known member
I gave my (RW) tarot deck away, accompanied by a warning: When you're getting good at reading the cards, "you are not alone", and the spirits involved aren't necessarily friendly. I felt their presence very clearly. I don't get that feeling reading Charts, or throwing I Ching. Maybe it's a Piscean thing.

Hey David, ive been thinking exactly the same thing. The more we get intune and use cards/divination, are we more susceptible to spirits coming to us, as we may open ourselves up more to them.

I ask this because, a couple of weeks ago, my bf was at mine, we was watching a movie on the settee/sofa, and out of the blue a sudden smell appeared out of nowhere, to me it smelt like marmite/vegemite (you may have to google it), the smell came and went within a few seconds, we both smelt it at the same time.

I did think to myself after the next day, exactly what you say, that "we were not alone", and maybe me being how i am with cards and such, has opened something up in myself, allowing myself to be more susceptible to visits from spirits...tbt im not even scared though, they don't scare me.


Account Closed
Even though you've already ordered one, i would have suggested as your first deck to be Ciro marchetti, his imagery is awesome.

Ive got 3 of his decks so far, Tarot i have "Gateway to the diving tarot", ive got his kipper cards, and his oracle cards.

Oh no that was Gemini888 who ordered it. I am the one who doesn't think I have any Tarot talents, and whose brain is kinda blocked. :lol:

I think the Gem's are confusing. We should just agree on something. G888 can pick his choice of nicknames: Gem or G888.

I'll take whatever he doesn't want. Maybe GemD, Gemw, GWD. :tongue:

Although I personally like CT's nickname: Ms. Depth. :bandit: :joyful: