Will I get this new job?


Well-known member
I did not get the job :sad:

The recruiter said that there was nothing I could improve but that both candidates were super strong and the ED was the tie-breaker. She said she would like to stay in touch in case I would be interested in any other position and for any consulting opportunities.

I am so profoundly disappointed!!!!!!!

Especially because Baltimore won't start up again until this crisis is over and I've been back and forth with them since last year even :crying:

The consulting opportunity I got out of the blue for the social justice organization a week and a half ago is still in play but I am feeling down about everything.

I'm going to wallow today and hope to hear tomorrow about the consulting opportunity so that I can at least have something coming in. As it stands, I haven't been working (or paid!) since January and I've got no other prospects. I really really hope I hear good news tomorrow.

I know that all of you were hopeful and supportive reading my horary chart but concerned about the opposition. I wonder what my Lunar Return means when it shows Moon conjunct Venus in Taurus in the 2nd H and Uranus conjunct the 2nd H Cusp. Well, Uranus is hit on Thursday the 23rd and I hope it is good news about the consulting contract.

Thank you all for sharing your insights and following along. Please everyone stay safe out here :love:

Aria Venue

Well-known member
I am so sorry Joji to hear that:sad:.I really thought you had good chances due to the reception and placement, still opposition is always a difficult situation, as we already talked about it.I am also curious about the other candidate taking this job as you said, astrologically speaking moon in this chart is also your rival and the mixed reception and the aspect is really really difficult.. but indeed this moon is essentially and accidentally strong (due to N.n), and if indeed took the job then he's the moon in this case, while you as a strong saturn you make no aspect to the job(mars).


Well-known member

I missed this thread and see the outcome is already there. Agree with Rafaella's superb analysis.

Interestingly, Moon perfects its opp. to Mars on entering the 7th house, so rejection happened due to somebody competing with you, who was at least strong and perhaps a hint better at something. Good luck on the next one :)


Well-known member
I am so sorry Joji to hear that:sad:.I really thought you had good chances due to the reception and placement, still opposition is always a difficult situation, as we already talked about it.I am also curious about the other candidate taking this job as you said, astrologically speaking moon in this chart is also your rival and the mixed reception and the aspect is really really difficult.. but indeed this moon is essentially and accidentally strong (due to N.n), and if indeed took the job then he's the moon in this case, while you as a strong saturn you make no aspect to the job(mars).

Thank you, Aria! I feel so much better today.

The other candidate who was offered (and I am guessing) took the job has her own website! She's made a logo out of her own face (which is very unique and recognizable). My friend who was one of the recruiters (and of course, my friend) said that they obviously went with her "brand" and paid less attention to skills.

I am consoling myself by believing that they chose her because they were interested in flash and making a statement and not as interested in doing the hard work that it will take to transform the organization. I'm sure I will stop acting like a sore loser soon. Am still in the process of releasing this job that was obviously not meant for me.

I see now my "opponent" is Moon. I rarely look at the 7th H for enemies but I should read for both possibilities!!!

I finished chapter 3 of The Real Astrology and learned so much! Thank you for your insight and expertise and for sharing all the nuances of reading the chart so that I can see more than just the answer.

I am now reading the entire book and am excited to learn and talk more about horary with all of you :love:


Well-known member
Mars is very interested in you, the job comes to you, as its right inside your 1st, but I'm concerned with the Moon/Mars opposition. So it appears something causes you to lose it, or you reject it... or they cancel on you...Moon is also separating from Mer rx, so contracts are changing, change of mind. Mon/Mars aspect happens in about 9 units, it seems pretty fast so days or weeks (timing from the date of the chart). I think with this corona virus things are really up in the air and you should be careful right now.

Thank you Rafaella.

All of this was accurate. Moon-Mars opposition will perfect on May 6th (9 weeks) or could it have been March 13th (9 days since I cast the chart)? I don't remember now what occurred on March 13th but can't imagine what might happen on May 6th when the offer was made already and been accepted by the other candidate while I waited last week.

The Moon-Mars opposition is about the NGO job, right? And not about the City consulting contract (separation from Mercury Rx)? I can't imagine what could change with the NGO job when that seems to have ended :sad:

How can one determine the units (days or weeks) since both the Moon and Mars are in cardinal signs and one is angular and the other is not -- perhaps because Moon is not angular, the unit is not days?


Well-known member

I missed this thread and see the outcome is already there. Agree with Rafaella's superb analysis.

Interestingly, Moon perfects its opp. to Mars on entering the 7th house, so rejection happened due to somebody competing with you, who was at least strong and perhaps a hint better at something. Good luck on the next one :)

Oh, thank you, Aquarius7000 -- rejection happened by a competitor. This is completely accurate. I had this feeling entering into the 4th interview because I felt I had done so well up to then and that the only reason I would not win the job would be due to a stronger candidate. At that point, I wondered who the other candidate was but not before.

In the past I have been so much more private and closed and I would have been mortified that everyone knew I was applying for a job and then lose it in the final decision making. I really surprised myself in this thread and even how I am feeling today about the loss of this job.

I hope this is all apart of me getting closer to finding the right fit for me. And being sure of my own skills and expertise. Although, right now I can't imagine a better job out there for me, I do believe there is one.

Thank you for weighing in even after the fact!

Aria Venue

Well-known member
Thank you, Aria! I feel so much better today.

The other candidate who was offered (and I am guessing) took the job has her own website! She's made a logo out of her own face (which is very unique and recognizable). My friend who was one of the recruiters (and of course, my friend) said that they obviously went with her "brand" and paid less attention to skills.

I am consoling myself by believing that they chose her because they were interested in flash and making a statement and not as interested in doing the hard work that it will take to transform the organization. I'm sure I will stop acting like a sore loser soon. Am still in the process of releasing this job that was obviously not meant for me.

I see now my "opponent" is Moon. I rarely look at the 7th H for enemies but I should read for both possibilities!!!

I finished chapter 3 of The Real Astrology and learned so much! Thank you for your insight and expertise and for sharing all the nuances of reading the chart so that I can see more than just the answer.

I am now reading the entire book and am excited to learn and talk more about horary with all of you :love:

I am so glad that you start reading.You'll realize after that the usual misconceptions which arise by mixing modern technics to traditional ones.
Regarding your chart i told you the opposition is always a difficult situation , but in your case, moon unfortunately, it happens to be not only your co-ruler but also your rival , which is fortified also accidentally(N.N) (while saturn accidentally is weakened due to pluto conjunction treated as a fixed star although he isn't one- malefic influence) and above all moon (RIVAL) aspects the job.No matter the reception and the placement if we don't have an aspect the matter won't come to resolution (i mean when an aspect is needed of course).This of cource doesn't mean that the other candidate was better than you, you are essentially very strong and angular and in mr with that job..the perfect candidate, still he was accidentally a bit stronger...mayby is also related to the salary , or his financial demands were less..just a guess...anyway
I wish you all the best truly:love: and don't get disappointed..this is a difficult period for all business due to coronavirus and imminent financial crisis unfortunately
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Well-known member

The mixing up of techniques will take a while to unlearn, I'm finding -- I'm keeping notes now and referring to them often because I have so much in my head just from reading online that is unconfirmed. I'm going to focus on the source of information from now on and hopefully things will slowly get untangled.

Thank you again :love:


Well-known member
Sorry, I know I'm a little late to this. I just want to point out that L10 is actually conjunct the first house cusp. That doesn't mean the job is in the hand of the querent. Instead, the job overwhelms the querent.

Combine that with querent getting away from L10 (leaving its sign), and the conjunction between South Node and the first house cusp, it's really rather obvious that the querent isn't meant to get the job.

Moon opposes L10 but at least she is making an aspect, not the querent. Moon, the matter itself, being in house 7 and rules it too places the entire emphasis of the matter on competition. Note that the North Node is there, too.

I'm grateful to Jozi for sharing this. I think we all learnt something from the chart.

All the best, Jozi.



Well-known member
Sorry, I know I'm a little late to this. I just want to point out that L10 is actually conjunct the first house cusp. That doesn't mean the job is in the hand of the querent. Instead, the job overwhelms the querent.

Combine that with querent getting away from L10 (leaving its sign), and the conjunction between South Node and the first house cusp, it's really rather obvious that the querent isn't meant to get the job.

Moon opposes L10 but at least she is making an aspect, not the querent. Moon, the matter itself, being in house 7 and rules it too places the entire emphasis of the matter on competition. Note that the North Node is there, too.

I'm grateful to Jozi for sharing this. I think we all learnt something from the chart.

All the best, Jozi.


Oh, so the L10 conjunct ASC is overwhelming. Makes sense. Although I've been "out of traditional work" for years, I have grown comfortable in my "consulting corner" and the thought of a job with authority that paid double what I'd been making seemed like a gift and unnerving at the same time.

And the other candidate appeared prepared. She had her own website and made a logo out of her own face. She had a brand and I, instead, am the opposite, modest, worried about talking too much about my accomplishments and skills. Clearly, she was NOT overwhelmed.

Since the mention of the 7th HR as opponent (and not always partner), I have been reading my charts with both in mind. And here, Moon, as the question is making her way toward the DSC before perfecting to L10, even in opposition. Sigh.

Since everyone is learning so much (including me!) from this chart, I'll post another, as I draw near the final interview for a new consulting contract.

Thanks to this community for a rich and robust discussion :love:


Well-known member
I am so glad that you start reading.You'll realize after that the usual misconceptions which arise by mixing modern technics to traditional ones.
Regarding your chart i told you the opposition is always a difficult situation , but in your case, moon unfortunately, it happens to be not only your co-ruler but also your rival , which is fortified also accidentally(N.N) (while saturn accidentally is weakened due to pluto conjunction treated as a fixed star although he isn't one- malefic influence) and above all moon (RIVAL) aspects the job.No matter the reception and the placement if we don't have an aspect the matter won't come to resolution (i mean when an aspect is needed of course).This of cource doesn't mean that the other candidate was better than you, you are essentially very strong and angular and in mr with that job..the perfect candidate, still he was accidentally a bit stronger...mayby is also related to the salary , or his financial demands were less..just a guess...anyway
I wish you all the best truly:love: and don't get disappointed..this is a difficult period for all business due to coronavirus and imminent financial crisis unfortunately

Dear Aria Venue,

I got another consulting contract! The board member of a former client who wanted similar work for her organization hired me. That was an interesting Horary too. I posted about it here: “Will I get this social justice consulting contract?”

Thank you for your support and guidance!!!!!
All the best to you and loved ones,
Jozi 🥰🥰🥰