Eating disorders and addictions


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Hello! So I have a question that is probably more psychological than health or body oriented. Are there any indications in my chart of compulsive behaviour concerning my body image and diet? For almost 2 years I've been dieting. I wouldn't say it was unhealthy because the diet was prescribed from a doctor and the result I thought I strived for was body cleansing. Now I changed the way I eat and made it more diverse and less restricting. A certain fitness site inspired me - it's all about not looking at food as your enemy and working out every day so the blood flows easily, the organs get more oxygen and your whole body has more energy. I'm keeping this regime but I haven't rid myself of the side of my personality that is control-driven and makes me so conscious of what body figure I strive to keep. For example, I eat at certain times of the day(I mean, I wait for the exact hour so I can sit and eat) food that I have decided is suitable for the particular meal and I feel bad and out of control if I don't have this regime to follow. If I don't follow it there is chaos and there is me over-indulging in chocolate and cake and muffins and pie and all the food from heaven xD. But of course I don't feel good about it, I will do that for a couple of days and then make myself a new strict and healthy regime. The regime itself is reasonable but I know what stands behind it - perfectionism. I cannot let myself have a few pounds over what I want. Sometimes I don't want to weigh myself so I don't start obssessing over dieting again. The only two things that prevent me from a more radical diet is my incomparable laziness and my big love for good food(really big). I know I will never deprive myself of food and I have never truly been fasting - all I do is constantly criticising myself and thinking of ways to get rid of those two pounds I have gained without even knowing how. I feel good about myself and have control over my mind and body only if I'm being strict and work out regularly - I can't feel real control in other parts of my life, looking after my body makes me feel disciplined, something I completely lack in the areas I need to feel disciplined in.

I know that bulimia and anorexia are real issues and a lot of people hide them and can never be diagnosed with such psychological ilnesses and I know that my mindset is the potential mindset for developing such a state but I also don't think that turning your back on the part of yourself that's creating such a problem is the best thing to do. What if that part of yourself is also the way of coping with it? Being strict with teh wrong diet is bad but you also have the potential of being strict with the right diet and the right way of living.


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Today I found this:
"Chiron in the 6th house

In my natal chart, Chiron is situated in my sixth house of health, routines, diet, and work. I've been trying to find more information on this placement, but I haven't been successful. Hopefully my experience with this placement will help other 6th-house Chiron people to understand this placement a bit better. Some celebrities with this placement include Jessica Biel, Ewan McGregor, Jennifer Lopez, and Carol Carpenter.
Here are some ways Chiron in the 6th can manifest:

1. Eating Disorders: I've found this to be very common among people with Chiron in the 6th. We often have a preoccupation with eating habits with this placement. Personally, my relationship with food has never been "normal". When I was young, I ate too much and was too overweight. Now, I eat too little and I'm too thin. Carol Carpenter passed away because of her eating disorder, and Jennifer Aniston has reported having an eating disorder.

2. Childhood illnesses: Many people with Chiron in the 6th were born with illnesses, often hereditary, which will reoccur throughout their lives. Look for these themes to pop up when Chiron is contacted by transit.

3. Ability to teach others about health: Despite my eating disorders, I know everything about food and nutrition, and I even thought about becoming a nutritionist. It is common for 6th house Chiron natives to have the ability to teach others better eating habits, even though they don't apply these habits to their own lives.

4. Workaholism: This placement often leads to compulsive work habits.

5. Hypochondria: Again, this ties into a preoccupation with health. People with this placement always feel like there is something "wrong" with them, even if this is not the case. Feeling satisfied with the state of one's health is difficult with this placement because the native will always find something to worry about when it comes to health. Personally, I always think the worst, and sometimes even hold off on my doctor appointments out of fear of what they will find."

Could it really be this placement that gives such tendencies? Or the aspects to other planets? I can't find a lot about Chiron aspecting other planets(in my case - the conjunction to Mercury).


Well-known member
Hi Yanel. Moon in Capricorn and Sun in Libra both appreciate order, but they both make close major aspects to Neptune, which always feels chaotic because it is trying to dissolve our identification with this or that so that we can experience unity with all life.

I prefer a quadrant house system, which places even more emphasis on the 6th house, because the 7th cusp would be further from the Sun, and Mercury would probably still be in the 6th house. You seem to have found a good resource for interpreting Chiron in the 6th house, and of course its conjunction with two personal planets will make some or all of these issues all the more relevant to you.

Taurus rising is also relevant, especially with Taurus' (and Libra's) ruler, Venus, in Virgo. This means that all three earth signs are highlighted in your natal chart. Earth finds its security in being in control.

Also relevant is the exactly angular Uranus, because Uranus can carry an ideal of how things should be - remember Ouranus pushing his offspring back into Gaia's womb because he found them base and offensive.

Uranus and the mc are tied up with Saturn and Pluto. Saturn in a watery house and aspecting Pluto reiterates the tension between the earth emphasis and the strong Neptune. Also, Saturn Pluto contacts tend to bring control issues, which will colour the pursuit of the Uranian ideals.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to consider the needs of the strong Neptune, which hungers for some sense of reconnection. This 'divine homesickness' may be alleviated by eating comfort foods, but this behaviour doesn't really nourish your spirit, and it sets alarm bells ringing in the part of you that needs to lead a very measured existence. And then the controlling side of you feels a need to come down heavy, but this makes you feel more separate from life, so the home-sickness gets stronger. Both sides have their needs and fears which must be understood if a resolution is to be found.

You are the awareness behind each of these ways of approaching life. Try not to identify with either of them - you can still accept them, but don't blindly follow them as if they, in turn, are all there is to you. You will feel vulnerable at times, but actually pure awareness is the place of complete invulnerability within you, so try to remain still and just notice what goes on. And then things will change because the fears are not being reconstellated by your collusion with them. You can feed your soul and keep in step with the laws of corporeal existence at the same time. And you will also find that your connection with the world around you takes on more meaning as the Libra and Capricorn luminaries are freed up from pre-occupation with your life-style.


Well-known member
Hi Yanel. Moon in Capricorn and Sun in Libra both appreciate order, but they both make close major aspects to Neptune, which always feels chaotic because it is trying to dissolve our identification with this or that so that we can experience unity with all life.

I prefer a quadrant house system, which places even more emphasis on the 6th house, because the 7th cusp would be further from the Sun, and Mercury would probably still be in the 6th house. You seem to have found a good resource for interpreting Chiron in the 6th house, and of course its conjunction with two personal planets will make some or all of these issues all the more relevant to you.

Taurus rising is also relevant, especially with Taurus' (and Libra's) ruler, Venus, in Virgo. This means that all three earth signs are highlighted in your natal chart. Earth finds its security in being in control.

Also relevant is the exactly angular Uranus, because Uranus can carry an ideal of how things should be - remember Ouranus pushing his offspring back into Gaia's womb because he found them base and offensive.

Uranus and the mc are tied up with Saturn and Pluto. Saturn in a watery house and aspecting Pluto reiterates the tension between the earth emphasis and the strong Neptune. Also, Saturn Pluto contacts tend to bring control issues, which will colour the pursuit of the Uranian ideals.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to consider the needs of the strong Neptune, which hungers for some sense of reconnection. This 'divine homesickness' may be alleviated by eating comfort foods, but this behaviour doesn't really nourish your spirit, and it sets alarm bells ringing in the part of you that needs to lead a very measured existence. And then the controlling side of you feels a need to come down heavy, but this makes you feel more separate from life, so the home-sickness gets stronger. Both sides have their needs and fears which must be understood if a resolution is to be found.

You are the awareness behind each of these ways of approaching life. Try not to identify with either of them - you can still accept them, but don't blindly follow them as if they, in turn, are all there is to you. You will feel vulnerable at times, but actually pure awareness is the place of complete invulnerability within you, so try to remain still and just notice what goes on. And then things will change because the fears are not being reconstellated by your collusion with them. You can feed your soul and keep in step with the laws of corporeal existence at the same time. And you will also find that your connection with the world around you takes on more meaning as the Libra and Capricorn luminaries are freed up from pre-occupation with your life-style.
Thank you for this elaborate answer! It's interesting that you mentioned Uranus and Neptune - planets that are so far away from the 6th house and its themes. I can always connect Saturn with everything bad that's taking place in my psyche, particularly because of its placement in the dreaded 12th house(dreaded not because of the written information about it but because I haven't felt it in any other way than restricting and embedded so deep inside of me that it has become one of the places that form the basis of my character. My "hatred" started when I found the 'hidden' enemy and realised it's me and astrology too is showing it in front of my eyes - the planet of order in the house of chaos wanting to be a warrior - Aries - and only succeeding in being a lone and angry wolf that keeps asking why isn't an animal with so much potential not at home, not doing the right thing.) Nothing mysterious and exciting about the 12th house. If there are people that still love it, it's because they haven't felt the pain from realising how unreal is reality and how it keeps putting illusionary walls in their way, only to "teach"them something, to make them look at something "important". Nothing could be more important than truth and truth is not to be found in any human experience or feeling. But I don't feel like talking about this, I started it unintentionally.
There are those two(or three?) planets in my chart that I can't feel in any way and I can't make myself consciously reach them and make them mine. And those are the Sun and Mercury(and possibly Jupiter. Not for any logical reason). Recently I learned that Mercury is(maybe)unaspected in my chart. There is the conjunction to Chiron but isn't it too wide an orb? How wide an orb is considered a conjunction? Because if it is more than 2 or even 5 degrees then my Moon is making a conjunction to Uranus and I've read that that also explains another one of my body and health issues.

I can say for sure that the Moon could easily be the strongest planet in my horoscope, it's just an intuitive feeling that I have and that I'm sure doesn't lie. And the Moon indeed is making a stressful contact to my 6th house(the Sun). Thanks miquar, for making me look at it in that way. Everything that happens in my life I feel strongly related to the Moon, it's just everywhere. I even look like a Capricorn(or maybe Taurus) with Neptune in the mix xD.

Thanks for the advice! I don't really put that much trust in astrology. It's probably all I do every day(researching) but I also know that I am a soul and astrology has nothing to do with my soul or my true control.
P.S. - Sorry for my English, I'm trying to keep it simple but sometimes even in simple sentences I make mistakes xD.
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Premium Member
I didn't look at your chart. I have cast over fifty charts of people with compulsions. I found no common denominator. I have a compulsion. The harder I fought the stronger it got. Finally, after giving up, I was able to get away from it. I don't fight it, but I do what needs to be done. Then I try get involved with people through volunteer work or the equivalent. I hope this helps. It helped me. You will have to find your on way.


Well-known member
Hi. Five degrees is fine for a conjunction - not close, but not too wide either. Some people may use smaller orbs for Chiron and other minor bodies, but I just use the same orbs.

This question you ask yourself: 'Why isn't an animal with such potential not at home, not doing the right thing?' It may have much to do with Saturn in Aries in the 12th aspecting Pluto. It also has a Sun-Chiron feel to it, and is also reminiscent of Mars in a fire sign in the 4th house aspecting Moon-Neptune in the 9th.

'Wanting to be a warrior, and succeeding only in being a lone and angry wolf.' This is a powerful statement. What kind of warrior do you want to be? And why? In what sense are you a loner? Who or what are you angry at? I think that if these questions, or similar, seem worthy of reflection, then it is best to allow the answers to come directly from within, without the use of something like astrology.

Why do you say that you you cannot consciously reach the Sun and Mercury? Is it because you don't see yourself as carrying the traits associated with these planets being in Libra? Having a Libra emphasis and feeling like a loner can be very painful. Perhaps this has something to do with Chiron being there between the Libran personal planets - a sense that participation in the community is always out of reach. Perhaps the need to be a warrior is in part a compensation for this - a way of bigging up the loneliness. But it doesn't lead to fulfilment because you need to feel connected with others more than you need to be a warrior. The warrior that is inside you can align itself with your capacity to enjoy being involved in your community and society - humanity as a whole.

Just some thoughts that may or may not resonate with you.


Well-known member
Hi. Five degrees is fine for a conjunction - not close, but not too wide either. Some people may use smaller orbs for Chiron and other minor bodies, but I just use the same orbs.

This question you ask yourself: 'Why isn't an animal with such potential not at home, not doing the right thing?' It may have much to do with Saturn in Aries in the 12th aspecting Pluto. It also has a Sun-Chiron feel to it, and is also reminiscent of Mars in a fire sign in the 4th house aspecting Moon-Neptune in the 9th.

'Wanting to be a warrior, and succeeding only in being a lone and angry wolf.' This is a powerful statement. What kind of warrior do you want to be? And why? In what sense are you a loner? Who or what are you angry at? I think that if these questions, or similar, seem worthy of reflection, then it is best to allow the answers to come directly from within, without the use of something like astrology.

Why do you say that you you cannot consciously reach the Sun and Mercury? Is it because you don't see yourself as carrying the traits associated with these planets being in Libra? Having a Libra emphasis and feeling like a loner can be very painful. Perhaps this has something to do with Chiron being there between the Libran personal planets - a sense that participation in the community is always out of reach. Perhaps the need to be a warrior is in part a compensation for this - a way of bigging up the loneliness. But it doesn't lead to fulfilment because you need to feel connected with others more than you need to be a warrior. The warrior that is inside you can align itself with your capacity to enjoy being involved in your community and society - humanity as a whole.

Just some thoughts that may or may not resonate with you.

The answers are all here and ready but knowledge is not enough. It seems to me that it takes more than self-awareness and time for life to fully bloom in you.

No, my warrior does not fight with anybody nor "he" seeks a participation in community. I don't really care that much about humanity's ways of connecting to me. Actually, I do see myself as carrying Libra traits. What I have understood about Libras is their hidden but so powerful emotionality. It's almost otherwordly how they perceive people - not like objects for analyzing(like Scorpio and Virgo. I don't mean it in a negative way) - but by experiencing their most true nature and potential and completely feeling and sensing the deep energetical consciousness everyone carries within themselves(but not everyone expresses with ease and beauty). It's like people are not real people but divine archetypes just using human bodies. Libras fall in love not so much with the real person but with their cosmic essence and its potential. Aries are so innocent and pure when expressing their self and Libra are innocent and pure when expressing and learning about their capacity for love. What exactly "airy" means? The presumption that air signs don't cut to the core and wear pretentious masks is one giant "astrological" complex that just shows how unintuitive are some while studying the cosmic order. Libras in particular posess unmeasuarable emotionality that transcends the normal human perception. They fly through people's souls, these are their sky and clouds. They(at least me xD) literally cry when they stop seeing a person that is not even a part of their life and that because they were in love with his/her energetical "ID".
Lol, I totally changed the topic but I just felt like saying what I had to say.

Even though that I identify with the traits I don't feel the power of my Sun. The Sun in my chart is somehow unconscious and Mercury stands like a frozen statue(you see, the complete polarities of the roles the Sun and Mercury have in one's horscopic map). I don't have an astrological explanation. If it's the result from Chiron's position then I'm not sure if I'll be able to find information about it.
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Well-known member
Hi. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the sign Libra. As the first of the signs in which the collectivising tendency is stronger than the individualising tendency, there is a detachment from the immediacy of self. I agree that the individual comes to be perceived as an expression of some archetypal essence which is shared by all humans, and by humanity-as-a-whole. A sense of a common nature - a common purpose - emerges, and a desire to commune with others in order to fulfil the potential of this archetype. So there is no getting away from the Libran need for some expression of communal values, even if it is merely through a partnership of two people - such partnerships being a common pre-occupation amongst Librans.

You express certain Libran traits, but you say that you do not care how humanity connects to you. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by this, but it sounds as though maybe the fact that Chiron conjuncts the Sun and Moon in Libra reflects a wound to your communal nature, which obscures your deep Libran wish to be a participant within the body of humanity.

There is stuff to be found about Chiron, and for you more than most research into Chiron would be fruitful. Chiron shows where we experience an untreatable wound or handicap which prevents us from expressing something of our nature in the way we would like to. This applies to your solar vitality and your mercurial mental dexterity, which are trying to express according to the Libran values discussed above. To understand this wound, to make peace with it, and to express the Libran Sun and Mercury in the way which then seems fitting, could be one of the major strands of your life path. You will have great sensitivity to those who feel like an outsider. The warrior in you can stand by them and encourage them to participate regardless of their wound. Indeed, let them know that their wound will enrich, rather than negate, their contribution.


Well-known member
Most of the time I try to avoid focusing on only one thing in my chart because it's somewhat unlikely that it would be the cause of all my 'problems'. I don't feel experienced enough to make a good interpretation of a placement - like it includes not only the placement itself but house, aspects, debilities, degrees...the techincal stuff that are not for everyone. So what I know about Chiron is basic. Chiron is a wound but I don't know what that means. There are so many placements in my chart I'd like to know everything about but Internet is not enough. For example, I have Venus in 5th house and this is one of the most romantic, sexual and creative places for it to be but it's in Virgo and if I have to apply the rule "sign is how, house is where' the interpetation is "I'm shy and critisicing in expressing my desire for pleasure." This completely dismisses what astrologers write - that Venus in 5th house is playful, lustful and dramatic. How do I take this - when writing only about placements you are allowed to say anything and say that it's possible to be applied with any sign and the house won't loose its power but when you focus on the simple astrological rules you completely negate all of your previous sayings and start speaking of how the houses are only the areas and nothing else, even though you interpret them as if they are signs. And also the big VIRGO ISSUE that astrology has. The Virgo archetype is not boring and is one of the most sexual and pure nature energies in the zodiac but of course we're so modern and we can talk only about "real" roles and fields of experience like business women and nurses and BS like that.

Isn't humanity as a whole connected more to the archetypal energies of Pisces and Aquarius? I see Libra as a channel through which the personal, one-to-one relationships are being developed. They're like the pioneers, not the 'messiahs' xD. Librans love people, reflections and fragrances but they don't see a big picture of oneness.
Personally, I don't have any 'communal' feelings. It's not a matter of development but of character.
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Well-known member
Hi. I wasn't trying to influence you to focus on one part of your chart. I was just sharing my sense that some of your comments seem to be particularly related to the Chiron stellium in Libra, and that this points to the likelihood of fears of a particular kind hiding beneath the attitude that gave rise to those comments.

Venus is the function which tries to bring beauty and pleasure to our lives, whichever sign and house it is in. But some signs have a more inhibiting effect on this function than others. Virgo is the 5th sign from Taurus, and can help release Venus' sensuality in more creative ways. Virgo is also the 12th sign from Libra, and it can either create conditions for a wonderful birth into life as a participant, or it undermine social interactions because of excessive self-scrutiny.

I hope don't mind me saying, but in your last post I get a sense that your are drawn more to grappling with a tangle of ideas than to enquiring in a direct way, 'Who am I?' Its not that I think my comments are necessarily what you need to reflect on in order to find more peace and clarity in your life - you must find your own questions. But you seem to have ignored any opportunity for self- reflection. Astrology can be a spring-board for self- enquiry, and it can also be a labyrinth of empty concepts.


Well-known member
Hi. I wasn't trying to influence you to focus on one part of your chart. I was just sharing my sense that some of your comments seem to be particularly related to the Chiron stellium in Libra, and that this points to the likelihood of fears of a particular kind hiding beneath the attitude that gave rise to those comments.

It's not so much that Chiron is just a single part of the whole picture but that this is impossible. Chiron is a whole theme, it's connected to other planets, it doesn't stand alone. And I know that this wasn't what you meant(that Chiron stands alone) so sorry if it sounded like that. What I meant is that the Chiron-themed stellium needs maybe more experience than I have in order to be fully understood.

Venus is the function which tries to bring beauty and pleasure to our lives, whichever sign and house it is in. But some signs have a more inhibiting effect on this function than others. Virgo is the 5th sign from Taurus, and can help release Venus' sensuality in more creative ways. Virgo is also the 12th sign from Libra, and it can either create conditions for a wonderful birth into life as a participant, or it undermine social interactions because of excessive self-scrutiny.

The 5th sign from Taurus and the 12th sign from Libra...that's an interesting way of interpreting the position, thanks for sharing it. Does it have something to do with the common undestanding of these numbers in astrology? Like for example - 5th house of pleasure, 12th house of prisons...

I hope don't mind me saying, but in your last post I get a sense that your are drawn more to grappling with a tangle of ideas than to enquiring in a direct way, 'Who am I?' Its not that I think my comments are necessarily what you need to reflect on in order to find more peace and clarity in your life - you must find your own questions. But you seem to have ignored any opportunity for self- reflection. Astrology can be a spring-board for self- enquiry, and it can also be a labyrinth of empty concepts.

And these are my Sun(self-expression) and Mercury(communicating) in their terrible action :lol:. I just can't present myself properly. It sounds like I'm constantly in a fight with astrology and myself, trying to make a satisfying conclusion, doesn't it? I'm trying really hard to share every single idea so others can understand me and I end up in a chaos where I don't even sound like myself.


Well-known member
Hi Yanel. Any theme is impossible to fully understand, so we use what understanding we can come by as a spring board for further, non-astrological, reflection. My suggestions about the Chiron wound was offered as a possible spring board of this kind.

One traditional way of approaching the houses has been to consider them in that way. So for example the 8th is the 2nd house from the 7th, and thus the partner's resources. Since the house cycle and the zodiacal cycle are parallel, there may be some profit in approaching signs in this way.

Your last paragraph is very honest and aware. Perhaps you can build on this by noticing what gives rise to the sense of struggle and the need to strive so hard to be understood. As you say, this is connected with how you solar and mercurial functions tend to operate at present, so this is a real and immediate experience of the Chiron stellium to work with.


Well-known member
You're so right that no theme is possible to fully understand. Neither astrologers, nor even astrology can know everything.

And maybe it's not only Chiron, maybe it's my north node in the same house. 'Be simple, express yourself, cleanse yourself.' I can almost hear the 6th house whispering to me, it's so afraid to shout and be blamed for something, like a little Virgo fairy(I know it's in the sign of Libra but it's such a Virgo sometimes xD).


Well-known member
Also Moon in Capricorn, instinctively adhering to the rules, with the very close conjunction to Neptune suggesting idealism and sensitivity around bonding with others. There's much in the chart that suggests a need to make sacrifices for any greater whole which you feel part of. The line of least resistance may be to go along with certain allegiances and social values unquestioningly, but its important for your own growth, and also that of the greater whole, that you detach yourself enough to act with integrity. This may feel daunting and isolating at times, but will lead to greater fulfilment.


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I do think there are a lot of wounds in your chart,first,you have that sun conjunct chiron which means a wounded ego,the sun represent the father and his traits and how he passed them to us, my dad was kind of critical so I end up being a virgo sun and aspect to the sun means the nature of the father.your father was either chironic and had a lot of wounded,a lot people with this aspect fathers are either dead or absent so the native have a weak ego constitution but chiron is all about healing and owning your differences and flaws,own your crown.

Also I see a lot of fraction and tense surrounding the home environment as there is a square between ,the sun and the moon,you were born during the first quarter moon,time of crisis like me,first quarter moon native usually lives an upheaval and crisis filled life especially in the home area and with mother,they have a strong emotion energies and usually emotion (moon)dominate,there is inertia but also a great deal of powerful energies so this aspect is all about taking action and moving on shine your sun.

Also not to mention the serious Neptune influence going,you have it conjunct the moon and square the sun,which add up to things.I think Neptune is one of the dangerous planet more dangerous than Pluto,because it negative influence are hidden and subtle and can't be seen,it shapes in a beautiful dreams until it turns it's an awful nightmares. Neptune connection to the sun and moon could mean absent parents. dealing with neptune is gaining self control and discipline and build healthy habits. and you also have a neptune/chiron aspect, are you an artist?do you artistic abilities?because it would be cool if you are,you could utilize it because there are great wounds to be release and pain create masterpiece.

there is a lot to your chart honestly

As for eating disorder:

You have a Capricorn moon and the moon is all bout food and nourishment so that could be it what affect you and your eating habit plus you have neptune conjunct to the moon
I also thinks that you have pluto conjunct your moon by antisica,the moon is at 25 capricorn and pluto is at 1 sagittarius and the antiscia is 29 capricorn so they are conjunct and moo/pluto aspect known for their eating disorders.

check your ceres and ceres/saturn midpoint for more.

I also think that you are very young,it is just a phase it will pass I went through the same thing.
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Well-known member
I can say for sure that the Moon could easily be the strongest planet in my horoscope, it's just an intuitive feeling that I have and that I'm sure doesn't lie. And the Moon indeed is making a stressful contact to my 6th house(the Sun). Thanks miquar, for making me look at it in that way. Everything that happens in my life I feel strongly related to the Moon, it's just everywhere. I even look like a Capricorn(or maybe Taurus) with Neptune in the mix xD.

I think you are right,your moon is strong because you were born during first quarter moon (sun square moon) and usually during this phase the moon is at peak and it's strong,there are domestic themes and strong mother and emotions influences upon the native,the emotions usually dominate.

Moon conjunct neptune and uranus and also pluto by antisica make it powerful and heavy outer influence.


Well-known member
Thanks TheV, you were right about...I think everything. There is not a single placement in my chart that I don't find to be a wound of some kind and recently I've been going through one of my toughest periods. Just before two days I had an exact conjunction between transit Mars and natal Pluto in the 8th house. I don't know why but I don't feel any aggression in me - in fact my feeling of being a victim has increased to infinity, I almost got in a serious state of depression(the taste of this disease is always on the tip of my tongue) and what keeps me going is...pessimism. I won't explain myself because if I do things will become more real and I don't want them any more real than they already are. I know this period will go on for longer, my own character fuels it. What the transit is supposed to trigger is change but this is exactly what I'm not getting right now so I gave up on trying to decide if I trust on transits or anything.
Back on the natal topic. You are right about my father missing and the undeveloped ego, you are right about the emotionality of my Moon and therefore my home, about Neptune, about Chiron, about the artistic part...Thank you for the observations, it's good to read it, it is true. And of course about eveyrthing being a phase. Like I said, there is always a taste of gloom and pain but it IS a phase, and it WILL pass. When I'm in my worst there is still that place that means everything to me and that never ever changes its priorities - "You're here to stay." And Pluto partly explains that because it is the power of nature, the simple being. Beginnings and endings are not Pluto, Pluto is just a core of complete immortality.

Hmm, can you please tell what is antisica? Is it really important?


Well-known member
I like the meaning of Ceres - nurturing, where we find it. A good meaning :) Here it is:


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Hmm, can you please tell what is antisica? Is it really important?

You made my day actually :rightful::love: glad you liked my reading,well I have a hard time explaining the antiscia because I am not professional astrologer and I am afraid to mess some information or be inaccurate, plus my English is bad so i can't gather my ideas and observation about antiscia in somewhat truthful words.

For me Antiscia is really important I use it along parallel and contra parallel aspect and midpoint in my readings. this would be helpful scroll down till the table where you find sign and their shadow sign

aries is virgo
taurus is leo
gemini is cancer
cancer is gemini
leo is taurus
virgo is aries
libra is pisces
scorpio is aquarius
sagittarius is Capricorn
capricorn is sagittarius
aquarius is scorpio
pisces is libra



look at my chart moon is sagittarius 6 and the antisica is 25 capricorn so it conjunct neptune and uranus


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The surprising thing that your Ceres/Admetos midpoint-admetos is uraniun planet similiar to saturn in influence-conjunct your antiscia sun.

you have sun in libra in 26 degree it antisica is 4 degree pisces and your Ceres/Admetos midpoint is at 4 degree pisces and are conjunct

Ceres/Admetos is a strong indicator of eating disorder
"Limited diet; food that's small (like seeds; raisins, tapas). In the charts of many habitual dieters. "

there is also interesting article about that midpoint: