How will my school exams go?


Well-known member
This June I'll be taking my first big school exams.They will decide wether or not I'll enter college.Well,my grandes are enough to get me to college,but I'd see like to have great results-our exams are classified on a scale of 0 to 20 here in Portugal and I won't be any happy if I don't get at least 15 in the two exams I will take.I'm already studying for the exams since December and I'd really like to see my effort being rewarded.

So on March 31 6h58PM I asked the question "How will my school exams go?" in Tires,Portugal.

I am taking the exams as a 9th house thing,as they provide access to superior education(9th house),but as I am not sure about this I'll look at the 3rd house too.

So I am Mercury and the exams are Venus...err...Venus is detrimented,retrograde and too close to the Sun,though sitting on it's angle...

However,the Moon contradicts Venus bad is Gemini,the traditional sign of studying,applying to trine Jupiter,natural ruler of the 9th and ruler of the end of the matter.The 3rd house ruler is Mars,in it's triplicity and moving to oppose Saturn,ruler of Capricorn,the sign which is intercepted in the 4th(my end of the matter).

The fact that Saturn and Venus(the exam) are in such bad shape is funny,reminds me that this year the exams are supposed to be extremly easy,as it is an election year here in Portugal.So I am reading Venus(ruler of the9th)bad shape as the overall nature of the exams.

The fact that the Moon is in the9th,applying to Jupiter and going through Gemini is something that leads me to believe I will succeed but then I have that awful Venus,ruling the exams,and no aspect between Mercury(me) and the exams(Venus)...

But overall I'll go with the Moon and stay optimistic.

Any takes on this?


Well-known member
Moon looks good with Jupiter, Mercury is cazimi (I think:rolleyes:) which is a good thing...

But what do you think of this very late ascendant? What does it say about your situation? Late ascendant usually means matters are already settled and there's nothing one can do to change them, or that it's too late to even ask the question.......................

How do you read this?


Well-known member
Hi there Rock Fish,thanks for the quick response;)

I read as showing that I have already given much thinking to this situation and that there is not much more that I can do in order to ensure I have good results in my exams,only to keep on doing what I've been doing so far.


Well-known member
Hi Lissa,

As ALL the axes are very late in this chart, I would probably not bother reading it at you have said, you've been thinking too much about it and there's only so much you can do!:)

In any case, speaking from MANY years past examination age, whether you 'ace' your exams or simply get 'good enough' grades won't really matter in the Big Picture. You'll go where you're supposed to go, and get there when you get there! I'm sure you'll do fine.

PS Mercury isn't cazimi. It's combust. 17 arcminutes or less for cazimi.;)


Well-known member
Thanks AG!:) I know that if I'm meant to go to college,I'll go to college,but isn't horary meant to help us unravel our destiny a little?:) As for Mercury being combust,well,that fits,my brain is about to explode from excessive studying!:p


Well-known member
Now, from a greenhorn:

Jupiter in trine with Moon and ruling end of matter is a nice thing, Mercury will sextile Jup, it all may be showing you will nail it (altho I'm no expert to be 100% sure).

I think the chart shows that you've prepared yourself, but the exams (Mars in separating square from Moon) and the whole process to get into college (Venus in bad shape, no aspect to mercury) might be disapointing. You may end up nailing it, but might feel you made too much effort for something that didn't have a lot of importance or wasn't so difficult at the end of the day....

At any rate, boa sorte com as provas! :)