Need help with negative natal chart!


New member
Hello there Astrology community this is my first post! I've read several online generated interpretations of my birth chart and honestly they are very negative, and I'm having a hard time seeing any good in my chart. I've been working on myself a lot for the last couple of years but my chart doesn't give much hope and it's very discouraging. I'm definitely feeling the the negatives of having so many planets in Virgo, the Saturn aspects and all the 12th house placements, but can't find any positives. I'm also curious if Mercury would be considered the chart ruler?

Any insight would get greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much,



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Well-known member
Hi Allison,

Studying your natal chart while Saturn is transiting the lower hemisphere of your chart will definitely add a layer of doom&gloom feelings with everything you may read. But every one has difficult aspects in their chart! Those difficult aspects require work but offer great benefits as well such as being driven, and development. But here are all the wonderful positives you have- Mercury is at home in it's own sign, and rules your Asc & MC and is conjunct venus. That is very nice, might give a way with words, or a talent in singing, which is likely to somehow involve your career path. Sun, is at home in it's own sign, as is Pluto, and using traditional rulerships Saturn is to. Having a planet it its on sign strengthens the power of the planet.

And lastly, Yes your chart ruler is Mercury -and it is strong, and well aspected.

What will require work is your Sun conjunct Chiron, involved in the T-square with Saturn and Moon. But as I mentioned we all have difficult aspects. It's good to keep in mind that we have chosen the challenges we face in this life for our souls development/growth. But you have many harmonious aspects as well. So don't despair over what online astrology reports tell you about having planets in the 12th or the 8th or even what mostly new astrologers tell you about the 12th & 8th houses. Since those houses are not clearly understood, many astrologers live in fear of them or worse focus on all the negative associations while completely leaving out anything positive.

hope that provides some insight.


Well-known member
Computer generated has a major flaw: its not ai. It has a set answer for a set situation. It can acknowledge your squares but not your t-square (which is different, it has a release point, which is your moon). It can say "this by this = this". It can't take in all the variables, " this + this + this... " It chooses one side for all answers (usually the stereotypes). It would sound much less impressive if it said "....= this or this or maybe this".

Every part iyf a chart has positives and negatives. When the positive shows in us we strengthen that and access it to heal and work on the negatives.

Yes you have planets in 12. Yes they can be a real journey of growth. But you also have 2 planets + Chiron in 11 (cusp cancer). You could use your 12th house insights and 11th house strengths to help people. People who really need it. You can relate to them on a deep spiritual level that would help you see real solutions to their needs. I think learning to activate your t-square will help you do that with balance (and not be sucked into the troubles 12 can bring if we don't strengthen ourselves.

A good chart has a balance of hard and easy aspects. Yours does. Yours has a bit more trines then squares actually. Also a chart that is too easy is a person who never grows. Yes you have some journeys, but these will allow you to grow into a well rounded person if you choose to learn from them, and heal them. Chin up, and prepare for your journey, its a good chart.


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Premium Member
asc lord mer and 9th lord venus over virgo 12th,

debilation of venus virgo cancelled by elevated mer,
gradual pace of growth-prosperity,
may be in foreign lands, health management, etc.

mars lord 8th over 12th success amidst adversity.

jup leo trine aspect own sag 4th
protective of domestic comforts.
jup aspect moon aries 8th
protection from major dangers,
mars aspect own aries too protective,
promoting sudden gains probably.

jup-sat opp prone to miscalculations,
misjudgments, missed opportunities, to care.

ketu separative node cancer 10th hyper-sensitive,
prone to career-job changes.

hope generic observations help,
could share specific feedbacks,

wishing well from elevated mer virgo 12th,
at gradual pace though,
aptitude for astrology, hospital management, etc



Well-known member
I'm a straight & firey person, so i've done a very straight forward and punchy take on it, but only you know if its right or not.

Sun/Vitality/Will power = Firery stable, courageous, altruistic, quick temper but easy going
Jupiter/feeling powerful/big visions = vague, looking at the weak/poor in society, possibly to help..should not necessarily befriend
Mercury/communication = Logical, determined, duty, honour, rescuer
Mars/attractive men = determined, logical, Looking to use you, maybe you're looking to do the same to them
Pluto/bothering others = bold, passionate, emotionally stable/careful
Uranus/freedom/originality = determined, logical, optimistic, diplomat
Neptune/day dreaming = even more determined, logical, optimistic, diplomat
Saturn/concentration in alone time = bubbly, stable, fair. backs up the diplomat traits nicely.
Moon/subconscious = hard to describe but i'll say "piercingly quietly combative" and independant
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