Saturn transit square natal Venus and Saturn experiences.


Active member
Hello to all,
I would like to share something.. I just figure out that my boyfriend is experiencing saturn transit to natal planets. He has his natal Venus at 8 degrees Libra and his Saturn at 5 degrees Libra. Both planets are in natal 8th house. Transit Saturn is in 11th house and squaring them both. Now with the retrogation will hit again his Venus and Saturn. The last year he started to behave different. He is angry most of the time and our relationship is about to break.
I read everywhere that all this transits are very bad. Additionally now with the retrogation of Saturn will hit my Sun at 2 degrees of Cancer (opposition). I have also Saturn transiting the 11th house and now is making a square with my Libra Mars...
I catch myself be so confusing with my thoughts and i can't make choices.. everyday i change my mind. This is very excausted but i can't help it.
Your experiences?


Well-known member
I felt really really lonely as I noticed that the person I like became extremely cold to me. It was very hard to be optimistic in love. I also noticed that people I liked started to be less and less sociable. It was a test which showed me who are my friends and who are just acquaintances.

But it also signified earning money (Venus in 2nd house).


Staff member
There's no such thing as a bad transit. Good things can happen during a "bad" transit, and bad things can happen during a "good" transit. What squares and oppositions do, typically, is provoke a desire for change. That's when you are, in some way, not satisfied with the status quo. What people do in response to not being satisfied is usually what self fulfills the prophecy that the transit will be bad.

If anything that's truly bad and outside your control does happen during an opposition or square transit, it's not happening just because of that transit. It takes multiple factors, both astrological and mundane, for that.

In your case, Saturn opposing your sun is, in some way, challenging your sense of self. This could be a time when you undergo a revolution in how you see yourself, interact with the world.

I've never had all the same transits you're describing, for you or your boyfriend, at the same time, because the layout of my chart is different, but the times when Saturn hard angle transited my sun, in my memory, were all times when something about who I was and/or how I felt about myself shifted. When Saturn squared my sun for the first time (age 9), I went to camp for the first time, and that was a life changing experience. When Saturn opposed my sun, I went away to college--always a big life changing event, and I think it really, really was for me.

When Saturn squared my sun again, in my mid twenties, I got into a serious longterm relationship. The next time Saturn transited my sun, in my early thirties (the previous Saturn transit of my sun happened when I was a toddler, so no memory of that), I went through a revolutionary experience--for better and worse--having to do with work, mentoring, and sense of self. And on my next Saturn sun/square, I took my first herbalism class, setting in motion a big career shift. Incidentally, within a couple years after that, Saturn squared my Venus and transited my moon, simultaneously (I have a natal Venus/moon square), and that was when I started in depth herbalism training. I'm in my final year of it now. With Saturn transiting my ascendant, too, but not yet opposing my sun again.

So, that transit by itself has more to do with turning life's corners, than it does with catastrophic events.

Were you and your boyfriend both born in the early 1980's? Everyone born in 1981-82 has a Libra stellium including Saturn and Pluto, and is currently experiencing their second waxing Saturn square. That square happens to everyone around age 36-37; it's the first of several major transits that happen at midlife. The Saturn square in particular heralds the coming of middle age. For the early 1980's birth cohort, it's also a square to the entire Libra stellium, which makes it especially intense, especially if there are personal planets also involved. Meanwhile, Pluto, being in Capricorn, squares Libra, which means that people born those years get a Pluto square to their stellium at around the same time.


Well-known member
Saturn tests the longevity of relationships. It asks you "do you really want this when life gets tough? Can you handle it?"

My advice is look more towards yourself and less at him in order to ease the tension in this relationship. And if you manage to keep it, Saturn will bless you for the challenge you passed.
Hello :) I had this transit 5 years ago, so I would like to share my experiences because it was quite significant time in my life.
The year, when Saturn was in the square to my natal Venus, I remember very badly. I met a guy who had a strong negative influence of Saturn in his natal chart (incl. Mars square Saturn). I fell in love with him, but he could not decide for a long time whether he wanted to be in a relationship with me or not. He seemed to be blocked on me, he could not fall in love, although he kept in touch with me all the time... At the same time, he was looking for other girls behind my back. Throughout the whole year, I felt very hurt, rejected and disappointed :(