Read My Chart - Marriage and/or Children?


Active member
In Vedic, you're a Pisces rising, so Jupiter is your ruling planet. Jupiter is in the 11h creating a favorable period of gains in any major/sub period of Jupiter. Your next Jupiter period is in July 2021, when you start your Sat-Jup period.

Jupiter aspects your 3h and 7h from where it is (11h). 7h is marriage/partnership. Since you're a Pisces rising, Virgo is your 7h, which is ruled by Mercury.

Mercury goes into your 12h conjunct Moon and Sun. These planets rule your 5h and 6h. So 4l/5l/6l/7l all go into the 12h house. 12h is the house of loss/expense. It also is foreign lands. Having all of these lords in the 12h could bring delays in these areas of life. Saturn is also in the Asc in your Navamsha (chart for marriage), but it aspects onto its own sign in the 7h. So Saturn major period could be a potential for marriage. Saturn major period ends for you in Feb-2024.

Looking at Jaimini aspects, Saturn is your DK (karaka for marriage). Saturn is in Leo in you D9. You start your Leo major period in 02-2021. Jupiter aspects Saturn from Capricorn. Leo-Capricorn period starts 02-2023 to 08-2023. This time period coincides with Saturn-Jupiter-Sun and Saturn-Jupiter-Moon period. Sun and Moon are conjunct your 7l in your natal chart. Many many repeating patterns to ignore!