Approximate years for conception and birth?


New member
Hello everyone,

I am becoming more and more interested an astrology and still learning things about my own natal chart. From what I have been reading thus far, I understand that the potential for having children is pretty good? Can you please tell me if I'm wrong :). And also, is there a way to see how old I will be when I conceive? I was trying to calculate my age at the time of marriage or major relationships, and IF I did that correctly, it looks like I may be 34 and 43 (other dates don't make sense). It's strange since I was engaged and was in love several times. I cannot believe those relationships are not reflected in my chart. And also, I think I see possibilities of having step children (which makes sense considering my age when I'd get married), but what about my own? Please, please help me out :love::w00t:.


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