Dominant signs and planets


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I was just curious how do you find your dominant sign(s) affecting you vrs your natal sun sign...are dominant signs more important that the Sun sign,making the sun sign the soul but the dominant sign ''paints it'' ?


Well-known member
I was just curious how do you find your dominant sign(s) affecting you vs your natal sun sign...are dominant signs more important thaN the Sun sign,making the sun sign the soul but the dominant sign what ''paints it'' ?


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My thought would be that it depends entirely on the chart. My two dominant signs are Libra and Sagittarius whose rulers also happen to be my mutual chart rulers via dispositing one another (classical interpretation rulers). Sagittarius for me is also my moon sign, which is very dominant in most people as the sun is what you earn. You work to get to a place where you feel truly comfortable 'owning' it, whereas the moon is what we've already learned before and is our auto-pilot.


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My sun sign is in Taurus, but because my Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are all in Gemini, plus my ascendant being in Libra, that most people peg me for an air sign, usually Gemini. It's only the people who are much closer to me that easily see my Taurean side.

Plus, in the Sun-Moon tug-of-war, my Moon is in my first house, meaning it's easier for me to choose my Moon over my Sun when their approaches differ.


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Your Sun is always the dominant planet and I have mine in Leo too. I also have Venus in Libra.

The planet most aspected is very important. Every chart is different and dominant signs as you say, would be, say, to have a stellium in the one sign .i.e. three or more planets in a sign. Also the chart ruler. i.e. the planet rulling your ascendant, is very important and its aspects.


Loving the moon description Munch as what is on auto pilot, couldn't agree more. Well i would agree with you i have moon in sag too with jupiter. As well as what Others have said, a planet on your ascendant is strong too

Aspects to sun moon and chart ruler are the dominant influences in general especially the tighter orbed ones, they are like your glue
I was just curious how do you find your dominant sign(s) affecting you vrs your natal sun sign...are dominant signs more important that the Sun sign,making the sun sign the soul but the dominant sign ''paints it'' ?

to me it's sun, moon and Asc - the trilogy

With Scorpio Asc and Pluto conj your 'outer presentation' will be very scorpionic. But pluto is also a singleton as is venus. Chart ruler pluto is next in line of importance


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Some astrologers consider the 'chart ruler' or 'dispositor' to be the overriding influence of a chart. And sometimes....often this is true.
Your authenticity always comes from your Sun.
But the Sun is not always the most powerful influence in the chart -it would be so much easier on everyone if it were.

To find a 'dispositor' find the ruler of each planet in the sign it's in.
For instance, if you have Sun in Gemini, Moon in Virgo, Mercury in Gemini, Venus in Cancer, Jupiter in Taurus, Sagi ascendant.....example.....
Sun is disposited by Mercury
Moon is disposited by Mercury
Venus is disposited by Moon
Jupiter is disposited by Venus
Ascendant is disposited by Jupiter
etc...till you have all the dispositors.
Usually the ruling planet is the one which disposits the greatest number of placements.

HOWEVER: because this is a 'case by case' issue, you cannot always go by this method.
If the Moon is on the MC, usually IT will rule the chart.
Any planet within 4 degrees of the MC is usually the chart ruler.

Sometimes the ruler of the ascendant is the chart ruler (if there is no clear dispositor.)
However, usually there will be a tendency toward a chart ruler.
Except for the Sun, a planet in a cadent house will usually not be the chart ruler, unless it is the clear dispositor....
LOL....confused yet?

This is why the rules of this type are known but not totally explainable.
We have to see a chart, and then it is much easier.

Arijana, now that Isee your chart I see a very powerful Pluto, very near the ascendant, and tend to see that as the most powerful planet in your chart. However, it trines, very closely, your Sun also in an angular house, though not close to the angle. These planets are powerful together and will serve you well, and it probably would be good to always think of them together.
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I have a Moon-Mars-Neptune conjunction, with Neptune retrograde, in Capricorn that is a strong driving force in my personality. All three are trine with my Sun I am a Sun-Taurus and also have Scorpio rising. Pluto is in conjunction with the ascendant and is opposite the Sun. So Capricorn and Scorpio seem to be dominant, despite my Sun in Taurus.


Well-known member
Bringing back this thread as well since I just found out my dominant sign and planet. My Natal sun sign is Leo and sure enough, my dominant sign is also Leo. Surprisingly my dominant planet is Venus followed by Sun and then Pluto(wtf). Lets hear some modern answers to dominant signs and planets!