Read my chart


New member
Hi. Would anyone like to try an experiment with me...

How about guessing what my chart looks like?

I will relay some important details about my personality, life, preferences, and so forth. From these details can anyone fill in the blanks of my horoscope??? Ooo, I love fun little games!

-generally outspoken and often diplomatic
-6 feet tall, 215 pounds (and decreasing--on purpose)
-published poet
-has no interest in sports (other than the tight clothes, tee-hee)
-recovering compulsive eater and liar
-loves music (Arcade Fire, Radiohead, Leonard Cohen), but has no training
-I was very much an outcast as a child, first made school friends in grade 10
-cisgender male
-very often the heart-breaker in romantic relationships
-loves indulging: rest, procrastination, foods, alcohol (being aware of this helps me stay balanced)
-loves documentaries, biopics, and absurd/irreverent comedies
-very giving sexually
-very interested in mysticism
-typically impatient, unless I have a lot of experience with this particular type of waiting (ie, traffic, store lines)
-works in sales and marketing
-not shy at all
-recovering perfectionist
-no interest in sports
-I love to read, but I fail to do it as often as I would like
-pansexual in sexual orientation
-major attention hog until late twenties
-very keen "energy" reader and non-verbal communicator
-I love meeting new people
-accepts criticism
-polyamorous in relationship orientation
-not at all comfortable with violence
-I had a vasectomy before having any offspring
-degree in English and Speech Communications
-teeth grinder
-I had my heart-broken big time by a certified genius with a very independent and spirit-sex goddess
-happy-go-lucky with a temper that unexpectedly flares up rapidly (the flaring has been reduced greatly by a few years of meditation)
-vain about apparel and weight especially
-good leader
-loves to be outdoors
-loves parties
-high sex drive
-very political (liberal, anarchist, socialist)

What can you tell about my astrological profile from these quickly composed and skewed (by my perspective) details?