

New member
I met a guy who I have an intense attraction to. If definitely feels like a unbelievably strong connection. The kicker is we have almost almost all of our signs are opposite. Are we doomed?

Gemini sun -11h
Cancer moon-12h
Cancer Ascending-10h
Mercury Taurus -10h
Venus Aries -9h
Mars Gemini -11
Jupiter Aquarius -7
Saturn scorpio-5
Uranus sag-5
Neptune cap-6
Pluto Scorpio -4
North node Taurus -10


Cap -sun -12
Cap -moon-12
Sag -Mercury-11
Sag -Venus-11
Sag -Mars -12
Virgo -Jupiter-8
Saturn -Aquarius-1
Cap- Uranus-12
Cap -Neptune-12
Pluto- Scorpio —10
Cap- North node

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