Is It Possible To Trade Energies?


Well-known member
Also they each have different strengths and weaknesses, there is no reason your Taurus sun needs to be weak. It has strengths. Your Venus mars does too (such as acting upon what you like) so you can also take your chart, see the strengths and weaknesses in each and work on them. I think that's the point in natal astrology, I don't see it as a doomed fate to have a specific area of weakness


Well-known member
I think I'd like to see your chart to see if you are correct in your assumptions about weak and strong, etc.

Taken alone, without seeing your chart, I will say this: so many people 'wish' they had a different Ascendant, for instance, and try to convince themselves that their time of birth is wrong...just because they don't 'like' it.

You are born with your planets energies exactly where they are...and if you believe in ANYthing....God or 'higher power' or the power of 'the universe' you will accept that you were given a set of tools that you can utilize throughout your life. Some are easy to use and some are difficult. But there they are.

Venus represents what you desire...what your definition is of 'happiness', 'love', 'balance', 'comfort', 'values' and it also rules certain parts of your body....and certain glands, your's a big influence in your life....and if it is in Aries, then it has the 'Aries connection' ....the Mars connection. You can't think that away. It is what it is, as they say.

This doesn't mean you can't utilize it in the most positive way possible.
Every energy has a polarity.'s up to you as to how conscious you become of your Venus (or any energy you are unhappy with) and how you work with it.


Well-known member
This might be a far out question, but it's more of just a thought.

I've wondered - is it possible to sort of "exchange" energies between different planets/placements?

I ask this question because I personally feel like I have a few planets that are in signs that do not benefit them - and I know that you can't CHANGE signs - but I thought, is it theoretically possible to somehow exchange energies between two different planets through conscious thought/effort - since you already posses those very energies?

For example, I think my Venus in Aries is badly placed because it's in fall, while my Sun in Taurus is too weak and passive. Since I already do have energies from both of those signs within me (not a sign that I have no significant placements in), would it be possible to somehow have them trade places?

Aries would be much stronger influencing the sun, while Taurus would be much more comfortable influencing Venus.

Or Cancer ASC (weak) trading places with Gemini Moon (difficult), as another personal example....

Almost as a way of "balancing" yourself out, recalibrating your inner energies and rechanneling them into more personally beneficial outlets.

Catcha my drifta?
No natal chart is identical, even charts of twins are different
and so
the answer is dependent on the individual natal chart

Your natal Sun and Venus are in adjacent signs and therefore disjunct
and not in aspect
so we next check whether there is an aspect between their rulers
Venus ruler of Taurus and Mars ruler of Aries are in trine aspect
Sun, exalted ruler of Aries is square Leo Mars

Taurus exalted ruler Moon is in sextile aspect with both Mars and Venus
so there may be potential

next then check out ESSENTIAL DIGNITY



Well-known member
I think that that's the best thing about astrology, how you can learn to combine the different energies and aspects to create the life you want. The consequences of your placements aren't carved in stone, it's up to you how you use your knowledge :)


Staff member
Energy exchange, to Astro


You asked:
I've wondered - is it possible to sort of "exchange" energies between different planets/placements? it theoretically possible to somehow exchange energies between two different planets through conscious thought/effort - since you already posses those very energies?

The short answer is "no": you are who you are and you can't consciously will yourself to be someone else. The longer answer is planets can naturally exchange energies between themselves if there is a "reception" between them. The most well-known reception is a mutual reception, such as:
Mercury is in Taurus (ruled by Venus) and Venus is in Gemini (ruled by Mercury). This creates an "exchange of energies between Mercury and Venus in the chart.

Receptions can also be more complex:
Mercury is in Taurus (ruled by Venus) and Venus is in Leo (ruled by Sun) and Sun is in Gemini (ruled by Mercury). These receptions form a "chain" of energy in which each planet reinforces the other repeatedly.

So there are different ways that planets and signs exchange energy.

Outside of the issue of energy exchange inside a person in their chart energy, there is also the energy exchange between people in a relationship. The reason "opposites attract" is because each person in a relationship is looking for what they lack, and uses the other person to make up for that lack. For example, a very shy person may want to have a relationship with a very forceful person to make up for their shyness. And, similarly the forceful person may want to have someone shy who will allow them to experience a more retiring, relaxed energy.




Well-known member
Re: Energy exchange, to Astro

Your planets are not going to trade places, but pay attention to your progressions and solar arcs, because these show how you are evolving as a person. By the time someone is 30, most of his/her planets will have progressed into the next sign.

Also, every chart has some strengths and some weaknesses. I personally do not see Venus in Aries as weakened or out of place, although that is the traditional astrological interpretation of it. For one thing, both sidereal and tropical astrologers (Vedic and western) produce good results, yet their planetary degrees today are about 27 degrees off. Unless someone's Venus is in one of the late degrees of Aries, it would be in Pisces in the sidereal zodiac. This is why I think tight aspects are far more compelling than the old traditional essential dignities.

You already have a strong chart, with several domiciled planets, plus Neptune and Saturn in mutual reception.

For each planetary placement, we can look and see what is an empowering interpretation of it.


Well-known member
Re: Energy exchange, to Astro

Progressions show how you are evolving as a person. Your natal horoscope is your life-long "map" but at birth it shows only your potential. Obviously you grow, learn, and mature during your lifespan. So you've added to your repertory.