A Call to Action - AstrologyWeekly.com and Beyond

Interesting but i beleive in spreading astrology to the masses instead of incognito in an astro group like here or other such communities.

In order for real change and embrace you must confront the man.


Well-known member
Interesting but i beleive in spreading astrology to the masses instead of incognito in an astro group like here or other such communities.

In order for real change and embrace you must confront the man.

That's exactly the point of my project. Mentioned both in this video and in earlier ones.


Well-known member
Awesome i only watched a bit since i'm all over the place and can't focus all of my attention here.

All good. The underlying principle is that we need tangible, statistical evidence if we're going to convince anybody of anything, and that won't just spontaneously manifest -- it's something we've got to work out as a community before we can present it. It's all about the incremental steps. I'm sure you've spoken to enough astrology-detractors to know how resistant they are to any reasonable evidence one shows them unless you've got sources and hard data to back it up, and even then they'll sometimes deny reality to preserve their stupor. If I can only get people involved, we can normalize the subject and enable everyone to benefit from it.


Well-known member
If you haven't read this, you need to: http://cura.free.fr/xv/14starbb.html

An exceptional find, Oddity. Thank you. I'll tear into this thing tomorrow morning with my mother. She's got an excellent head for details and might be able to sniff more out of this piece than I can. (Or at least different things than I might.) It's a bit late for me to begin seriously wracking my brain for tonight, but I did skim the surface of it to get an idea of it's intent. I look forward to a full reading in the morning.