Shadow Mother; Stigmatized Home


Well-known member
Curious since this is also your birth chart, and shows the home that you build for yourself as an individual. Have you taken more of a plutonian approach to your own home based on your other chart configurations? Cleaning binges, throwing everything out?

I do know someone with neptune in the 4th, who is a hoarder and obsessively collects very specific things. Was not raised in a hoarding household though, but the grandparents were hoarders.

Interesting question.
I don't always realize things are piling up because I store items in places I don't access (go ahead with the psychoanalysis on that one). Once I "re-discover" such an area, a purge begins. It may or may not stop with that particular area.

Other times I feel the need to discard possessions if I fear that I've somehow become attached to them or if the items represent a part of me from the past.

It's funny that you asked this, because I was asking myself the other day, "what can I get rid of?" I keep a barren living space, so I can't find anything to discard at the moment.:joyful:

Strangely, I once allowed Trader Joe's grocery bags to pile up in a corner of my apartment, because I thought I might "need" them (I kept even more bags - that I did use - inside of them). I felt suffocated by all that junk but wouldn't remove it, just like a hoarder, I suppose. I couldn't take it anymore and got rid of it all. I've never done anything like that before or since, and I have my theories.


Well-known member
Purging... Would a 2nd-house Pluto lead to bodily purges?

My partner has a 2nd-house Pluto and believes heavily in detoxing at least once a year. He also desires to restrict meal consumption to once a day whenever possible (one large meal that provides required nutrients and then nothing but water).

For me, it's a bit weirder - my mind often produces images of me being ill (I have no desire to act on them, I'm an emetophobe). I didn't understand this for a long time, but I suspect now that this is Pluto wanting to remove the toxic waste inside of oneself.
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Well-known member
Eating disorders is often pluto in the 6th. Doesn't even need to aspect the moon. Transits of pluto in the 6th can act similarily. starvation diets or extreme dieting of some kind. Mind you, not always. But it's common.

Unfortunately I don't know too much about pluto in the 2nd. However I have a theory, if you'll permit me - since the 2nd house is associated with the throat because of its natural ruler taurus/venus, pluto being there might have something to due with your phobia. (emetophobe) --just a theory.


Well-known member
The 6th house makes sense, but the reason I didn't consider it is that my partner's Pluto isn't transiting his 6th house (which is empty in the natal).

Regarding my phobia...
That's what I was alluding to when I asked whether it could be a manifestation of a 2nd-house Pluto. The act of sickness is a disgusting purge just like a Plutonic shock. To be avoided at all costs, LOL.
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