Asteroids in synastry chart


Well-known member
I use the following asteroids for love and relationship:

Erato, Amor, Bienor, Bosque Alegre, Compassion, Amanda, Frigga, Klyria, Medea, Rousseau, Summa, Valentine, Anteros, Hathor, Jason, Moraes, Peirithoos, Pocahintas, Sidi, Ubasti, Sappho, Amicitia, Patroclus, Cupido, Medusa, Hephaistos, Demeter, Hera, Thereus, Valentine, Nessus,
Ariadne, Chariklo, Close, Rhoda, Damocles

Does anyone use others not here, and what do they mean?


No its a small number. I regularly use 700 of them.



Well-known member
Hi Kikaki, about Valentine in my opinion is difficult to say if it's really sacrificial love or if it's just what it means in English, suitor/lover. We must also take into consideration that Valentine is derived from the Latin word valens, which means "strong and healthy". (Source WP) ;) In any case Valentine conjunct ASC natally may mean that you'll love in a strong way or that you'll have many crushes throughout your life.

I have info about the other asteroids but I will try to answer later.
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Well-known member
It would be nice to have some interpretations :)? What does Valentine conjunct ascendant or Anteros conjunct sun means?
Hello again! I fear you may find my asteroids reading being sometimes too broad, but I hope you can still appreciate my willingness to help.

According to mythology Anteros was conceived by Aphrodite and Ares to be playmate of Eros. Eros as an infant didn't seem to grow up, only after his sibling was born and in his company he could grow. Eros/love cannot grow up by itself, it needs reciprocation to do so. Anteros as a God punished people who harshly reject love offered. Anteros as an asteroid can be read as love reciprocated or love avenged, however I think asteroids Medea and Medusa fit more with vengeance. Your partner's Anteros conjunct his Sun may mean he's a very considerate person regarding other people love offerings. His Anteros conjunct your Eros could mean he will be very considerate with your feelings towards him, and that he will return all the love you are giving to him. And if we follow the Eros-Anteros myth, then your love for him must grow even more. The tightest the aspect, the strongest its certainty. In the other hand, I usually consider loose aspects as truncated probabilities, in other words, interactions that cannot reach their fullest extent.

In any case it wouldn't be good to see a hard aspect to Anteros or Valentine, in my opinion both have to do with the way love is accepted. If you find a hard aspect then the anteros or valentine person may be somehow rejected at some point of the relationship.

Your Eros conjunct his Sun, may show that you feel very attracted to him the way he is. This kind of attraction is very strong as its nature is very sensuous, he can really turn you on and the way nobody else would do.

You asked about the importance of asteroids in synastry. I think that asteroids in general show traits/interactions that can arise at any stage of our lives or relationships with others. When are these interactions going to happen? I guess transits or progressions have the answer. In any case, whether the interaction depicted by asteroids is good or bad, try to think of them as probabilities. You have free will, and you choose what you'll experience in this existence.

Asteroids, the same as other astrological bodies need to be read in context of the sign and house where they are located, they can even be read in the context of "stelliums", grand trines, yods, t-squares, etc. In composite charts they are also very helpful. It would be good if you give some feedback or try to read these placements, so that everyone can learn how they actually work. :D

Best regards.
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Well-known member
He has aquarius ascendant and he has said i can fulfill my own interests free and implement my creative pursuits. He's not controlling, possessive and he doesn't even nag me when I'm thinking head in the clouds and he is trying to do house hold chores :D. He also works in creative field but he is much more practical than i am.

There is also destinn/lust double whammy. I was thinking could it mean some kind of addiction or obsession. Maybe hard to let go of relationship?
You're very lucky to found such a compatible partner. :)

About asteroids orbs it seems most astrologers would use a maximum of 3 degrees when two asteroids are conjunct. So a 3° conjunction between asteroids is a loose one. For other major aspects and quincunx keep the orbs up to 2°. On the other hand any aspect occurring in the same degree have an enormous importance, aspects with less than 1°30' orb are also very important.

If it's a planet-asteroid or angle-asteroid aspect then the orb for significant aspects would be up to 4 degrees on conjunctions, and 1°30' to 2° in oppositions, trines, squares and quincunxes. You may find significant aspects up to 5° in conjunctions, but this aspects aren't usually meaningful, they add a very little color compared with tight aspects.

According to asteroids astrologer IQ from lindaland, orbs for aspects from asteroids to outer planets should be slightly reduced.

Another thing some astrologers have noticed is that asteroids placements are related to planet placements. If you have an Eros-psyche conjunction in synastry but you don't have any attraction or love aspects in regular synastry, then the asteroid placement wouldn't be valid. If you take time to test several asteroids in your natal chart you'll find the relevant asteroids in your chart just add information to regular placements.

About destinn conjunct lust, I cannot see the orb but I think is a one way conjunction. In other words the relevant conjunction is your lust conjunct his destinn. According to an astrologer, destinn would mean a positive fated lesson. I have destinn in gemini trine my ex Amor in aquarius the orb is almost 1°. My Amor in Gemini is conjunct his TNN by 2°30'. We have two children, and he claims he stills love me... But I know I won't love him again. Anyway, it seems we will always be close because our children. We don't have either good or bad synastry Juno aspects using regular astrology, maybe his Juno conjunct Juno rx by 2°30' in separating aspect, was a sign of the final outcome of our relationship. But in my opinion, hard aspects to boda, valentine and anteros also showed we were to broke up. My medea rx is in same degree with his Juno, I couldn't forgive him not keeping his promises. Well... Your lust conjunct your boyfriend's destinn, in my opinion, means that your ambition is to be with him for the rest of your lives. Lust is also related with strong ambitions. Other reading can be, as he has Eros rx (unusual sexual outlets), that your meeting was fated (also) from a sexual perspective. He may also need a person as ambitious as you in his life.

Best regards.
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Well-known member
Thank you BlackLioness87! I really appreciate your answer :). Good to know that its better to use tight orbs. My partner has Eros rx close to his MC. I don't know what do you mean when you say "unusual sexual outlets". Actually my partner was really shy when he was younger and started dating girls later than average guy. I don't know if it has something to do with retrograde eros natally.

"Martha Lang-Wescott mentions Eros retrograde as denoting a state where the sexual interests and compulsions of other people to which one is sexually attracted, create difficulty as in when a partner seeks satisfaction through internet **rn instead of with an actual person. There can also be repression of the sex drive on occasion, sexual dysfunction, premature sexual experiences or a tendency to seek outlets for unconventional sexual fulfillment."


I've see this placement in one person who says is asexual, but in my opinion this person just repress his sexual urges. Most often I've found Eros rx in kinky people charts.

You also mentioned asteroid boda. My partner has Boda rx in 10th house conjunct his MC (orb 1). Does retrograde boda mean some kind of restrictions with marriage?
My boda is in 10th house conjunct his moon (orb 3). Does boda in 10th house mean marriage related to status or something like that?
I also noticed that my ascendant trine his boda (orb3) and his ascendant trine my boda (orb2).
I'm not sure about boda retrograde. Some astrologers say retrograde planets are related to past life experiences. All agree that the expression of this energy in rather inward than outward. It may be the same with asteroids. Maybe your bf idealizes marriage, it would be good to analyze Venus placement in his chart or 7H Lord. But as you both have boda in 10H maybe you'll jump to marriage for practical reasons, or maybe your marriage/union will help you advance professionally, or will help you gain notoriety. It all depends on natal planet placements. If both boda have soft aspects, specially from planets like the moon, is very likely that you'll get married or at least you'll live together as a marriage. Asteroid boda trine boda would mean just an affinity between your expectations regarding marriage.



Well-known member
I have red natal retrograde planets can mean that planets energy is somehow turned inward or there is delays or restrictions or awkwardness to express this planets energy outwardly. Eros is also creative passion, not just sexual. There is no kinky stuff in this relationship.
Thanks for reminding me that :D, "sexual" energy can be channelled through any creative endeavor as you suggest. The person I know with Eros retrograde who isn't kinky is a portrait painter.

Best regards