Blessings of YOD..


Well-known member
Hello, people! :rolleyes:

I would be so pleased I you could give me some insight in my yod situation. As I am quite new in astrology, I can't get together all the things yet, and I don't see the bigger picture here in my chart... too confusing for my brains at the moment. And I am so lost in my head in general in life.
So.. what my yod is trying to tell me?!

p.s. I have 2 big "don't know"s in my life - career and relationship sector.. So any insights here? To which direction I need to start sniffing?
Aaaaand anything else that comes into your mind looking at my red laser chart shooting somewhere.. :innocent:
Bless your brains! :) Thanks already!!
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Well-known member
Hello, with Chiron seated so visibly in your chart, I would consider the helping professions like Nursing, Medicine, Physical Therapy, Social Services. Also with your Jupiter placed in the 12th House the notion of spirituality being infused in your work could help.
I have been a Registered Nurse for over 40 years and my Chiron is also highlighted in my chart. In fact, many of the people I have worked with within the health field have all had Chiron powerfully placed in charts as well as many planets in the 6th house.



Well-known member
Hmm, I have been thinking lately something about charity projects (with children, animals..). And yes.. all the spiritual things and spiritual healing techniques seems very interesting to me as well.. :innocent: