Why Sun And Moon Rule Only One House Each In Traditional Astrology Today


Well-known member
Does anyone say otherwise?

Sun and Moon rule one sign each. That's true in every branch of astrology. That would give them one house each, unless there are double house cusps in Cancer or Leo, which can happen in every house system except whole sign and equal house. But I take it that's not what you're referring to?

Or are you talking about the way traditional astrologers assign rulership by exaltation (at least, some of them do)? Going by that, the Aries and Taurus houses of a chart would have Sun and Moon, respectively, as their secondary rulers. Are you making a case against that?
Many of our members are beginners :smile:
and for those, the illustration clerly shows that traditionally
there are seven visible "...planets..." aka "...stars..."

five of these visible classical planets are:
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
each of which rules two houses

the remaining two classical traditional visible "...planets..."
are a SUN and a MOON
each of which rules only one house



Well-known member
What is also more complex about sign rulerships is that in dividing the chart so clearly into day and night, the domiciled planets are also sorted by whether they are day or night rulers.

Basically planets domiciled in air and fire signs ("masculine") are called day rulers. Planets domiciled in water and earth signs ("feminine") are called night rulers. So Venus in airy Libra is a day ruler, whereas Mars in watery Scorpio is a night ruler. I read this simply as domiciled planets having a little more "oomph" if they are in their proper half of a 24-hour day. This is different yet again from triplicity, with its day and night divisions.

However-- the sun and moon are listed as day and night rulers of their respective signs, regardless.

Note that essential dignity is given by position within a sign, not a house.


Well-known member
JA, it's fine to explain things in a simple way to beginners, but you don't want to confuse or mislead them, either.

Even using the whole signs house system, signs and houses do not mean the same thing. For one thing, houses originated as divisions of a 24 hour day. Signs originated as the division of the year into 12 30-degree months.

Then suppose you have Cancer rising. The 6th house traditionally rules illness and slaves. The whole signs 6th house coincides with Sagittarius. Its ruler Jupiter in ancient times was the king of the gods. So there's a disconnect where slaves and the supreme ruler are polar opposites.


Well-known member


Sun is heating and moderately drying, common, masculine and diurnal.

Sun makes those born under him with brightness, fine figure and manly eyes, having excess of hot. Sun controls action, light, kingship, leadership, high priesthood, reputation, authority over the masses, high rank, the mind, motion, loftiness of fortune, dealings with the gods, judgement, providence, friendship, the father, public matters, honours consisting of images, statues and garlands, the circulatory system, the nervous system, the eyesight, especially the right eye, wheat and barley, gold, bright colours and bitter tastes.

It is chronocrator over early adulthood up to the 41st year.


Well-known member
The sun notably rules one's monarch and father (the latter in a day chart, anyway.)

One wonders how Leo rising or sun Leo women managed with all that manliness. Maybe she simply married well.


Well-known member


"....Moon favorably placed

causes travel abroad, alliances, reputations and help from women.

When unfavorably placed with malefics

it causes bodily illness, dangers, wanderings, affliction for the mother
dimming of vision, grief from relatives
censures and uproars of the multitudes...."


Well-known member


"....Sun favorably placed by day

is effective for making alliances
and friendships with superiors
and it promises trust, friendship, profitable travel and livelihood.

When unfavorably placed by night

it gives disputes with superiors, idleness, confusion, loss of spirit, sickness
judgement, violence, dimming of vision, harm to the father and the patrimony....."


Well-known member


Moon is moistening and moderately heating
benefic, feminine and nocturnal.

Moon makes those born under her white, with fine figure, beautiful eyes, having excess of moist. Moon controls life, light, kingship, the household, high priesthood, affluence, gathering of the masses, foresight, the body, travel, fortune, appearance, outcomes, possessions, cohabitation, housekeeping, gains and expenditures, cities, assemblies, ships, the mother and the conception, the respiratory system, the upper gastrointestinal tract, the eyesight, especially the left eye, glass and reflection, silver, white colours and salty tastes.

It is chronocrator over infancy up to the 4th year.


Well-known member
Traditional astrology has a heavy emphasis on sect
as defining the overall strength and weakness of the planets.
Charts are either diurnal or nocturnal
depending on whether the sun is above or below the horizon.
The different planets are either diurnal or nocturnal also
and the quality of their function
is greatly influenced by
their agreeing or disagreeing with the sect of the chart.
The form of traditional astrology I practice uses whole sign houses
which go back to the Hellenistic era and were used for over a millennium.

In whole sign houses all of the sign the Ascendant is in is the first house,
all of the next sign is the second, so sign and house boundaries coincide.
Whole sign aspects, seeing and aversion.
In traditional astrology, a planet anywhere in Cancer is trine a planet anywhere in Pisces
regardless of how close they are by degree.
(Traditional astrology also uses degree-based aspects, but for different purpose.)
Traditional astrology uses only what are called the Ptolemaic aspects
– sextile, square, trine, and opposition.
(Conjunctions are also used, but strictly speaking they are not aspects.)
A planet that aspects another planet can ‘...see...’ that planet.
Any planets that do not have one of these aspects
are considered to be in aversion
meaning they can’t see each other
so there is a lack of awareness between them.
There are multiple levels of rulers used
– Lord or Ruler, Exaltation, Trigon or Triplicity, Bound or Term, and Face,
and all but face seem to have been widely used.

There is much heavier emphasis on the Lord of the Ascendant
than on the sun.

Traditional astrology is mainly framed around answering specific questions
about specific areas of life.

Traditional astrology uses only traditional rulerships.
Mars rules Scorpio, Jupiter rules Pisces, Saturn rules Aquarius.
Also, to traditional astrology, rulership does not mean affinity;
it means that the planet is in charge of the affairs of that sign.
if you have a seventh house Taurus
the location and condition of Venus
are going to largely determine the nature and quality of your relationships.

SECT is linked to natal location of Sun and Moon in a chart :smile:
SECT is determined by
whether chart is
a Day chart
a Night chart


Manilius composed his ASTRONOMICA
the oldest surviving complete book of Hellenistic astrology
in the 1st century CE
and noted (Book II, lines 203-222)
a diversity of opinion regarding the sect of the signs. :smile:

MANILIUS himself actually favored
a sect classification that is no longer used by traditional astrologers.
"...Fail not to perceive and from true rule deduce
what signs are nocturnal, and what diurnal:
they are not those that perform their function in darkness
or daylight (the name would apply to all alike
since at regular intervals they shine at every house
and now the nocturnal ones accompany the day
and now the nocturnal ones accompany the night)
but those on which nature, mighty parent of the universe
bestowed sacred portions of time in a permanent location.

The signs of the Archer and the fierce Lion
he who looks round on the golden fleece of his back [Aries],
then the Fishes and the Crab and the Scorpion of stinging lash
signs either adjacent or spaced at equal intervals
are all under like estate termed diurnal.

The others, identical in number
and in the pattern of their spacing
for they are inserted into as many places, are called nocturnal
[i.e. there are six of them opposite the six diurnal signs
and with the same pattern]
Some have also asserted that the diurnal stations [signs]
belong to the six consecutive stars [signs] which begin with the Ram
and that the six from the Balance [Libra] count as nocturnal.

There are those that fancy that the masculine signs are diurnal
and that the feminine class rejoices in the safe cover of darkness.
Goold trans., 1977, p.
