Quit College for singing or acting?


Well-known member
I am posting this chart? I was recently asked Should I quit college for singing or acting?
I am the mom...I looked at the chart and it looks as though he may have something but I really think he needs to finish college first. Advice on waiting 2 more years or saying" go ahead" take a chance.:whistling:

craig astro chart.jpg


Well-known member
Mom, your son is young enough that he probably can spend a few years finding his feet, so it probably doesn't matter much either way in terms of the next couple of years. More to the point, with college being so expensive these days, if your son hasn't found a major and career beyond singing and acting that really appeal to him, he might be better off taking some time off from college so that he can put his remaining college years to best use. Most students today take 5-6 years to get their Bachelor's degree.

Is he majoring in music or theatre arts? If not, he may be able to switch into one of these fields and gain some experience while earning a B. A.

Actors' charts come in a huge variety--so much so that there is no typical actor's horoscope. Venus trine moon in the 2nd house (rules the throat) in Taurus looks good for singing.

What I think is really going on in your son's chart is an enormous desire to Be Somebody. It may look to him like performing is the best way to get there. He's got a loaded 10th house of career, with his sun in Sagittarius conjunct his MC (10th house of career cusp.) Jupiter rules both your son's MC and sun. It is located in Cancer in the 4th house, which to me would seem more suited for a career in a home-related industry such as real estate. In a whole-sign house system, however, his Jupiter would be in the 5th house, which rules the theatre and entertainment. But with that opposition from Jupiter to his 10th house planets, probably he will always experience some kind of tug between his career and personal life.

One thing you might do with your son is just ask him to be extremely realistic. What is his plan for making it in show biz? The entertainment industry is full of unemployed actors who wait on tables and drive cabs to support themselves. Is he prepared to do this? I sure wouldn't recommend that you support him during this trial period. Beyond talent, an enormous amount of drive (which he does seem to have) and ability to network with people in the business are important.

Might there be an alternative career like high school teaching that would put him "on stage" in front of a class every day, while he coaches the drama club? Or with his 2nd house/10th house emphasis, perhaps a business or banking career with a community theatre hobby would be a better route to the recognition that seems so important to him.

Good luck, Mama!