Which house represents the "evil step mother"?


Well-known member
I read an article that said using the 12th or the 6th would be good but I'd like some input.



Well-known member
I think it would depend on the questions. Like what about my husband's stepmother....I would turn the chart. I think mothers are ruled by the 10h, but then parents and home are a 4rth h matter. Step-mother I'm not sure.

dr. farr

Well-known member
I think I would take it as the father's wife (it is the father's wife and NOT the bloodline mother)
So (in my opinion)
-your significant other = 7th house
-your significant other's father = 4th from the 7th
-your significant other's father's wife = 7th from that 4th
= the 4th house of the chart (ie, 4th house from the 1st house on the chart wheel)