If you don't have time of birth how can you get an accurate chart


Well-known member
I wanted to get my mom's, but she doesn't know her time of birth and it's not on her birth certificate. How should you go about getting an accurate chart?


Well-known member
She should check with the jurisdiction (like the county or city) and its office that holds vital records like birth and death certificates to find out what they have on file. Sometimes they issue a simple birth certificate card to the individual, but actually have a longer record on file.


She should check with the jurisdiction (like the county or city) and its office that holds vital records like birth and death certificates to find out what they have on file. Sometimes they issue a simple birth certificate card to the individual, but actually have a longer record on file.

This is the best advice one could give as hospitals do shut down and going this route can be a blessing in disguise because they do tend to have a longer record on file that sometimes reveal things not known or things we're left behind intended to that birther to receive.

You never know, how those missing puzzle pieces may fall in place for someone.


If your in the states take these steps

If not the hospital then..

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's vital records database to find your state's vital record info.

Otherwise, contact the county or state health department. Keeps ALL birth hospital and medical records even if you transfer out of state. It's a lengthy process that not even doctors like to do but can be done. They do background check you and you do pay per print out.