Bad luck in business? Mars in 8th house?


Well-known member

in your case I would have a look a little bit later on Mars in your 8th. This could mean, that you are too hard with yourself and too critical against yourself. Perhaps you have the tendancy to obtain the success of your ambtiously desire?

Look more at your Moon on the 10th, squarring your Sun and your Mercury in the 6th, the house of work. Monn so posited could show that you are over-evaluating and considerating your youth, in other terms, you need to work on your adulthood and keep in your eyes Lilith in your 6th, she will bring difficulties and troubles in your work.


Well-known member
Also saturn retrograde in the 12th could delay success.

It's like you want to be successful, but you get in your own way sometimes. You have a lot of self doubt with saturn in the 12th. You sometimes tend towards depression.
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Well-known member

I'm not specific with what career I want but something related to business. I really would want to do some international business and travel abroad. But I have Mars in the 8th house, which I heard is bad for business. But my Mars is exalted in Capricorn.. any luck? Also, it squares Jupiter which is the ruler of my descendant. Do you think people would not like me or something? But at the same time I have Jupiter sextile MC. I have my Pisces Moon conjunct my MC in Aquarius. The ruler of my MC is in the 9th house, in Aquarius. Maybe this is why I'd like to travel abroad for my job. The ruler of my MC is in a very close square to Saturn. My Sun & Mercury in Scorpio seem to square my MC. Is a business job bad? If not, what job should I do? I have great skill with computers, but I don't want to make a career out of it. I am extremely focused on work. I will force myself to work up really early or sacrifice anything for work.
You need to load an anonymised chart so we look at the overall picture. Mars in the 8th can mean many things and I have it. Depends on what it aspects.


I have Taurus Mars in 8th house and I'm pretty good with money and business practices. Mars in 8th is going to be aggressive about other people's money.

Also, you're extremely young. You have a very long time to go before figuring out "career" path to take. Many people don't know what they want to do until later on in life so there's really no marker for success.