Slow Transits Triggers (Contains Drug Taking)


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I've just stumbled on info about how transits from the slow moving planets are set off by the faster moving planets, so I decided to investigate looking back at my past year to see if it holds weight.

Neptune in Aquarius has been goddamn squaring my natal Scorpio Mars for over a year now. It's such a subtle influence by itself and I can't really notice its effect on a day to day level.

But looking back over the year I've seen the main events of this transit have been triggered by the faster planets making contact to transiting Neptune and my Natal Mars. It's as if Neptune's energy finds a bridge to my Mars via these other transiting planets, and the influence is colored by the nature of the fast moving planet.

For instance, Feb last year, Venus and then the Sun squared my Mars from Aquarius. At this time a girl entered my friendship circle and introduced the recreational drug, Mephedrone (Neptune), which I tried and this strongly effected my drive (Mars) giving me huge bursts of energy and then a crash the next day.

When the Moon came into Aquarius the next month, she started going out with my flatmate and effectively moved into our flat and brought with her another girl with the same Mephedrone habit. This meant I had this drug around me all the time, was doing it a lot and experienced hallucinations and a bunch of other messed up stuff (Neptune).

What I find interesting is that the sordid seed of Neptunian debauchery was sown through this girl via Venus and the Sun and the Moon triggered it's blooming.

What's even more interesting is that the girl who moved and her friend who is also around a lot both have their natal Saturns at the same degree of Aquarius as the transiting Neptune!! It's like they are freaking actual physical manifestations of this Neptune transit.

That was the start of it. It died down for awhile but my attitude and desires were subtly morphed by these events, and these girls are part of my life now. I notice the Neptune/Mars flares up again of course whenever another transit happens, but it's of the same nature as the original sprouted influence.

Anyway, I thought I'd share my tale. I'm right in the middle of the Neptune transit at the moment and the Moon just left Aquarius a couple of hours ago triggering some minor events which got me thinking about this.


Well-known member
Sun conjoined transiting Neptune is just finishing squaring my 4th house Mars. What's just happened? Well I've discovered my apartment has been at almost 80% humidity and found mold growing on the window sills and patches on the carpet under them... ugh!

On top of that I've had a call from the concierge saying that we're leaking water into the apartment below us so I've spent all day repairing a leak.

Well that's texbook isn't it? Neptune making my home (4th house) moist and humid, growing mold and a water leak, both of which I have to fight (Mars). And this is all brought to light by the Sun.