It Begins: Trump Military Missle Strike vs Syria 4/06/17

dr. farr

Well-known member
Trump begins his military actions today with a missile strike against Syria in reprisal for that vicious regime's use of poison gas against rebels and civilians.
I'm pretty sure that Trump got Putin's "ok" to go ahead with the strike, this allows Russia to continue its friendship with the Assad government and lets the American's get the blame for the missile attack.

Using the 8:30 PM time in Washington, DC, when the 59 tomahawk missiles began hitting the Syrian airbase ( the attack was ordered from headquarters in Washington), the ascending degree of the chart, 28 Libra is in parallel of declination with the Dragon's Tail (South Node) within 33' of exact, and Mars is parallel the MC within 1 degree 11'of exact. Mars is the co-ruler of Trump's natal chart.

Trump's "gruesome two-some" (his natal Sun-ruler of his nativity-and Uranus, conjunct his natal Sun, and the most elevated planet in Trump's natal chart) are very close in this event chart, both planets being in the 7th whole sign house, in Aries (Sun thus exalted in Aries and both planets dignified by being in an angle), within 7 degrees longitude of each other (Sun @ 17, Uranus @ 24 of Aries), and almost in parallel, Sun @ 6:49 N and Uranus @ 8:48 N (seperated by 1 degree 59 minutes of arc, only 29 minutes out of parallel orb)

So, we are off and running in Trump's military adventures!!:devil:

dr. farr

Well-known member
Also, the Moon in this chart is transiting Trump's natal Mars (n Mars 26 Leo, transiting Moon 27 Leo)

Trump will be lucky in this first military adventure: it will lift his sagging popularity and put him in a very good light for the near future: why? well, astrologically considered, the ascending degree of this first military action chart is parallel with Spica, probably the most fortunate star known.


Well-known member
So, we are off and running in Trump's military adventures!!:devil:

The masks are starting to fall off


Also, why on Earth would Assad gas his own people now when he's winning and he was about to cross the finish line?

Dr Farr, was the actual start of attack 8:30 PM Washington time? (I got the chart of attack with ASC @ 15 AQU 39 for the city of Homs, Syria)
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Trump begins his military actions today with a missile strike against Syria in reprisal for that vicious regime's use of poison gas against rebels and civilians.
I'm pretty sure that Trump got Putin's "ok" to go ahead with the strike, this allows Russia to continue its friendship with the Assad government and lets the American's get the blame for the missile attack.

Using the 8:30 PM time in Washington, DC, when the 59 tomahawk missiles began hitting the Syrian airbase ( the attack was ordered from headquarters in Washington), the ascending degree of the chart, 28 Libra is in parallel of declination with the Dragon's Tail (South Node) within 33' of exact, and Mars is parallel the MC within 1 degree 11'of exact. Mars is the co-ruler of Trump's natal chart.

Trump's "gruesome two-some" (his natal Sun-ruler of his nativity-and Uranus, conjunct his natal Sun, and the most elevated planet in Trump's natal chart) are very close in this event chart, both planets being in the 7th whole sign house, in Aries (Sun thus exalted in Aries and both planets dignified by being in an angle), within 7 degrees longitude of each other (Sun @ 17, Uranus @ 24 of Aries), and almost in parallel, Sun @ 6:49 N and Uranus @ 8:48 N (seperated by 1 degree 59 minutes of arc, only 29 minutes out of parallel orb)
So, we are off and running in Trump's military adventures!!:devil:

Trump begins his military actions today with a missile strike against Syria in reprisal for that vicious regime's use of poison gas against rebels and civilians.

I don't think so
Ron Paul: Syria Chemical Attack A 'False Flag'
Trump bombs Syria for ISIS – HUGE new false flag on the way?
Obama didn't fall for "chemical weapons" false flag - but Trump is all in for World War III
Ron Paul on Syria gas attack: 'It doesn't make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.'

the media is saying Syria used chemical weapon in 1913 also, but that is untrue and was never proven.
Proof: Turkey Did 2013 Sarin Attack and Did This One Too
Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos
trumps mercury square to neptune is playing out , he is a pathological liar.

I'm pretty sure that Trump got Putin's "ok" to go ahead with the strike, this allows Russia to continue its friendship with the Assad government and lets the American's get the blame for the missile attack

I don't think so
Russia: Trump Lied, US Planned Missile Attack Before Idlib, US Planes Banned From Syria Air Space

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dr. farr

Well-known member
The masks are starting to fall off


Also, why on Earth would Assad gas his own people now when he's winning and he was about to cross the finish line?

Dr Farr, was the actual start of attack 8:30 PM Washington time? (I got the chart of attack with ASC @ 15 AQU 39 for the city of Homs, Syria)

That is the time in Washington when the missiles arrived at the Homs airbase (according to UP and other news sources); from the Syrian side, and regarding further international repercussions of the missile attack, the chart for the time the missiles hit HOMS, would be the valid event chart of the attack (the 15 Aquarius ascendant chart); I was more interested in divining the origin chart (the Washington location and time the attack was actualized) vis a vis Trump.


Well-known member
Even data from supposedly knowledgeable sources can be wrong.

Details of Strike

"Shortly after the president’s address, Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis issued a statement providing details of the strike. It took place at about 8:40 p.m. EDT — 4:40 a.m. April 7 in Syria, he said."

4:40 is wrong. Moon positions in charts for both locations must be the same.

Use Palm Beach, FL or Washington, DC and Homs or Damascus, Syria.

The Moon at 8:40 pm, EDT on the 6th was at 28°01′ Leo. To be at that position in Syria the time had to be 3:40 am Eastern European Summer Time or 2:40 am Eastern European Time on the 7th.

It will be hit by the August 21, total solar eclipse.

The attack ‘s lunar return on August 21 located to NYC will have it’s natal Moon on the MC and natal Mars on the Desc.

It will have the eclipse on the MC and Sibly Moon on the IC.

The attack’s natal progressed to eclipse time on August 21 in NYC has its Saturn on the progressed MC (Q2 Mean Quotidian Angles).

dr. farr

Well-known member
Thanks to AW member unique-astrology for the above post and the more exact times and locations he has provided there. :happy: I'll erect a chart (an "origin chart") for 8:40 PM (eastern daylight saving time) and for the Palm Beach, Florida location of the President at the time the missiles began hitting the Syrian airbase at Homs-
Note: in using the 8:40 PM time and Palm Beach, Florida location, I get 1:28 Scorpio for the ascending degree (when I used the 8:30 PM/Washington DC location, in my first post, I obtained the 28 Libra ascending degree-the-10 minute-later difference between the 2 charts I think has brought the ascending degree to the 1st of Scorpio)

I'll delineate this modified chart, relative to Trump and his natal chart and his simple symbolic progressions, over the next couple of days.


Active member

On Friday, April 7, 2017, at 4:40 am, two US destroyers navigating the Eastern Mediterranean launched 59 Tomahawk missiles at Al-Shayrat air base in Homs province. According to master William Lilly, in the chart for the attacked place at the time when the first shots were fired, "the lord of the Ascendant, planets therein and the Moon are for the querent or challenger, or him who attacks; the seventh house, its lord and the planets therein, for the adversary "(Horary Astrology, chapter XXX" The seventh house and its questions "). Therefore, the armed forces of the United States are the Ascendant in Pisces, whose traditional ruler is Jupiter; The armed forces of Syria and its allies of Russia are the 7th house in Virgo, whose ruler is Mercury.

Jupiter is retrograde in house 7 in opposition to Sun and Uranus, indicating that in this war the adversary has the advantage. Interestingly that Jupiter will be stationary for much of the current year on the natal stellium of the president of Russia Vladimir Putin in Libra, indicating that his support to the government of Syria is fundamental. On the contrary, Mercury is outside house 1 and receives no inharmonious aspects. Mercury is in face or decanate, whereas Jupiter is retrograde and does not enjoy in that degree of any essential dignity.

The point of fortune is in house 8, which confirms that the casualties caused among its defenders have been few.

House 10 is the commander of the attacking army, where Saturn is retrograde in square with Venus and Chiron in the last degrees of Pisces. That position of Saturn would indicate, according to Lilly, that "the commander on the querent's side will be extremely incapable and unworthy, and meet only disgrace". Certainly the decision of President Trump to launch this attack has been very questionable, and the astrological judgment confirms it.

The negative lunar node is in house 12, which, according to Lillly, would indicate that "the attacker can be expected to be trapped or ambushed by the enemy."

The positive lunar node and the moon in house 6 indicate that the ammunition used has been of high quality, although it appears that it has not been as effective as it was supposed to be.

Finally, and even if of those planets were not not known in the age of Lilliy, Uranus in House 2 indicates that the means available to the United States to start a war are not adequate and can bring unpleasant surprises; Pluto in house 11, that the allies which they have in the area are not reliable; Neptune in house 1 next to the Ascendant in Pisces, that the command of the operations is disoriented and with false illusions.
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dr. farr

Well-known member
Using the time-corrected and location correct chart-ie, the origin chart for the time missiles hit the Syrian airbase, and for Trump's location when giving the order for the attack, we find the following: (Note: I use whole sign houses and Carter's simple symbolic method for progressions)

The origin chart has 1 Scorpio rising, with Leo on the 10th house, Taurus on the 7th house and Aquarius on the 4th house:

Keynotes of the origin chart:

-Scorpio rises: in mundane astrology Scorpio is the "ruler" of Syria (and of Korea); in Trump's natal, his co-ruler Mars has progressed into Scorpio; also his natal ascending degree has progressed into Scorpio: these progressions clearly illustrate Trump's direct involvement in the events of the origin chart, his integral connection to these events

-the origin chart Moon transit conjuncts Trump's natal Mars: Lunar transits activate all natal qualities and tendencies; here, the Moon transit/conjunction the natal Mars gives...headstrong, rashness; quick temper causes disputes; confident, egotistic, domineering, daring; disregard for regulations-carelessness of consequences of actions"...(Llwelyn)

-origin chart also has Jupiter transit conjunction Trump's natal Jupiter: success of this action emphasized

-origin chart has Moon transit conjunction Trump's progressed ascending degree: popularity of action indicated

-origin chart Sun transit conjunction Trump's natal Lot of Triumph (natal 18 Aries):indicates success of the action (meaning the attack on Syria), Trump's aims accomplished, triumph over Trump's enemies (Syria, et al)

-origin chart South Node parallels Trump's natal Part of Spirit: indicates underlying sinister motivation of this action on Trump's part; further evidence of this sinister motivation is that Trump's progressed natal Moon is within 1 degree of conjunction with the origin chart's South Node

-Trump's progressed natal Sun (ruler of Trump's nativity) conjunct the origin chart's North Node (@2 Virgo)-an exact conjunction; indicates success of this attack for Trump, a boost in popularity, at least temporary good luck and a power boost for Trump

-Trump's most elevated planet, Uranus, progresses to origin chart 27 Leo, within 1 degree conjunct origin chart's Moon

-Leo, Trump's natal ascendant, is at the 10th house of the origin chart (house of honors, power, etc); Taurus, Trump's natal 10th house, is at the 7th house of the origin chart: in mundane astrology the 7th house is one of international relations, open enemies of the state, and WAR

-Trump's natal co-ruler, Mars, is in the origin chart's 7th house (whole sign) in Taurus; in addition to symbolizing war, fighting, attacks, bloodshed, Mars is also affinitive to MISSILES (v.the Rulership Book)-the attack on Syria was by missiles

-the origin chart's 6th house is under Aries (disposited by Mars); in mundane astrology the 6th house is connected with armed forces, armaments, navy (the missiles attacking Syria were fired from US naval vessels): Trump's natal Ruler the Sun, and his most elevated planet Uranus, are both posited in the origin chart's 6th house (the Sun in its exaltation in Aries): this illustrates Trump's command and complete control of an enthusiastically agreeable military establishment in this action

Regarding specific factors in the origin chart:

-the ascending degree is within 1degree 28 minutes of exact parallel with the chart's South Node, indicating sinister intents and motives underlying this military attack

-Mars parallel chart's MC (1 degree 17 minutes of exact) showing success of this military action

-Saturn within 55 minutes of exact parallel with Pluto indicating much secret dealing and secret actions connected with this attack (eg, US warning Syria's ally Russia of the location and time of the attack, in advance of the attack)

-Moon within 1 degree 15 minutes of exact parallel with the chart' s North Node: indicating good luck for Trump and for the attacking forces

Of interest regarding Trump is that Mars and Pluto are in the same (Manilius) decans in the origin chart, as the sign they occupied in Trump's natal chart, ie, in Leo, emphasizing Trump's basic aggressive tendencies (Mars in Leo in Trump's ascendant), secret dealings (Pluto in Leo in Trump's ascendant) and Trump's militaristic objectives, vis-a-vis this attack.


Well-known member
@ Estrellero

Very good analysis but you have the wrong chart.

Time of attack is 3:40 am local time, the chart should have Aquarius rising

@ dr. farr

In your opinion, what is the main difference between origin charts and event charts (in general, not specifically in this case) and what specific nuances can be revealed in origin charts in comparison to event charts?


Active member
@ Estrellero

Very good analysis but you have the wrong chart.

Time of attack is 3:40 am local time, the chart should have Aquarius rising

@ dr. farr

In your opinion, what is the main difference between origin charts and event charts (in general, not specifically in this case) and what specific nuances can be revealed in origin charts in comparison to event charts?

Curiously, european media say the attack time was at 4:40 a.m.

About origin or event charts, the attack is a raise in Trump's popularity at his home politics, but is not a victory in the operation theater.

dr. farr

Well-known member
An origin chart looks at the astrological situation regarding the person or people who originated an event, in order to determine underlying astrological factors behind the event. The event chart shows the consequences and ramifications of the manifested event via predictive astrology based on the time and place of the actual event. In event charts we can look in the chart for hints of underlying motivations, but fundamentally an event chart is a prediction one (eg, the start of World War 1, Kennedy assassination, etc), showing factors operative at the time of the event and their likely direction in the future; While an origin chart is primarily an exposition of the astrological factors and motivations regarding the person, or the group, who originated the event.
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Well-known member

"President Xi and Trump as well as the entourage strode through the patio dining area at Mar-a-Lago and retreated to the formal dining room around 7:10 p.m."

To be eating dessert about 1 1/2 hours later (8:40), not 2 1/2, seems about right for a formal dinner.

And I would expect that a U.S. government source would have the correct recorded time in the U.S. as it would be required by the government but could get the time transfer to a foreign country wrong.

"Even data from supposedly knowledgeable sources can be wrong."

Details of Strike

"Shortly after the president’s address, Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis issued a statement providing details of the strike. It took place at about 8:40 p.m. EDT — 4:40 a.m. April 7 in Syria, he said."

dr. farr

Well-known member
I am leaning to believing that Trump's first massive military strike-over the next 2 months-might well be against Syria rather than North Korea: I have no doubt about a massive strike vs North Korea, but I now think that this strike vs North Korea might be later, with the first massive military strike being rather vs Syria, within the next 2 months (not later than late August, 2017)



America must be ready to nuke first’: Trump’s new defense nominee has an itchy missile finger

However, he is a strong proponent of the controversial doctrine of “first-use nuclear policy,” the belief that the U.S. reserves the right to strike other countries with nuclear weapons at will

International leaders are increasingly nervous and wary about Trump’s unpredictability and his ready access to nuclear weapons.
Department of Defense officials are concerned that the U.S. is losing its position of military supremacy in the world and have advocated a policy of increasing “military dominance