Venus Interpretation


Hello all,
I'd like a quick interpretation on this planet placement in someone's chart:
Ruling planet - venus in leo, stationary direct in the 5th house
moon (12th) trine venus, venus conjunction jupiter (5th) and venus square neptune (7th)
I have a feeling that this guy is a bit romantic...just like to think what others think
If I can get more info on the stationary direct in natal charts that would be awesome too!
Thanks for the help,
:gemini: :sagittarius:

Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Thanks! Although it's past 11 PM in my timezone, I'll upload his natal chart now because I'm feeling a bit restless...

EDIT: I looked up the sabian symbols for all of his major angles and planets because I seem to be a glutton for work :roll:


A WOMAN WATERING ROWS OF FLOWERS IN FULL BLOOM Man's and nature's creative partnership of service and beauty. Nature's rich response to man's care or lack of care.
___*When positive, the degree is the high stewardship by which man builds everything around him into an enduring organism for his own fulfillment, and when negative, superficial satisfactions and a wasteful truckling to petty concerns.


A DROWNING MAN IS RESCUED, BROUGHT BACK TO THE CROWD Outreaching warmth of human character. Saving power of social restraint for too emotional souls. Humanitarian ideals.
___*When positive, the degree is the inherent courage which constitutes a protection from the vicissitudes of life, and when negative,a tendency to hysteria on the least occasion and a lean on transient excitement for all self-realization.


DEFEATED GENERAL YIELDS UP HIS SWORD WITH NOBLE DIGNITY Apparent defeat that spells real spiritual victory. Bowing to custom. Conquest through conformity to establish norm.
___*When positive, the degree is a genius for learning from experience and transforming setback into accomplishment, and when negative, irresponsible acceptance of the worst and insensibility to self-inadequacy.


A YOUNG WOMAN DREAMILY AWAITS A SAILBOAT APPROACHING A longing to live life as a great adventure. The compelling power of all sustained desire and of the dreaming of dreams.
___*When positive, the degree is a sure insight into the meaning of chance events and the current drift of circumstance, and when negative, senseless dependence on accidents of fortune.


BALD-HEADED MAN DOMINATES GATHERING OF NATIONAL FIGURES Driving power of real personality in moments of crisis. Capacity for hard work. Compelling manifestation of inner self.
___*When positive, the degree is accomplishment through a completeness of self-mastery and a rigid control of others, and when negative, a sadistic sophistication.


A WINDOW CURTAIN BLOWN INWARD, SHAPED AS A CORNUCOPIA Good fortune attending upon the putting forth of effort. Rush of spiritual forces into the conscious ego. Protection.
___*When positive, the degree is an irrepressible genius for capturing the richer rewards of life and providing a wider distribution for the higher realities, and when negative, a smug and petty self-importance in dispensing favours to others.


TWO MEN PLACED UNDER ARREST ARE BEING BROUGHT TO COURT Responsibility of individual to society in terms of normal behaviour. Return to values. Obligation to face objective facts.
___*When positive, the degree is a heightened challenge to every special talent, and when negative, total inappropriateness of impulse and act.


MYRIADS OF BIRDS, PERCHED UPON A BIG TREE, CHIRP HAPPILY Social nature of experience as man finds sustainment in a larger whole of being. Normal, collective self-expression.
___*When positive, the degree is man's effective mobilization of all the unrealized possibilities of his destiny, and when negative, an enjoyment of confusion or the momentary self-importance it brings.


IN THE CAULDRON OF THE UNIVERSE THE METALS ARE FORMING Irresistible determination to be. Infinite capacity for hard work. Crystallization of purpose and will out of experience.
___*When positive, the degree is exceptional ability to mold or remold the course of events, and when negative, persisting inner confusion.


A MAN, ALONE, DARINGLY CROSSES THE DESERT ON CAMELBACK Superiority of knowledge and will over hostile nature. Mental self-control. Spiritual strength in facing past Karma.
___*When positive, the degree is uncompromising persistence and uncomplaining self-expenditure in any course to be followed, and when negative, ruthlessness in an unintelligent self-interest.


A SCHOLAR CREATES NEW FORMS FOR ANCIENT SYMBOLS Deep understanding, beyond normal means. Abstract seership,integrating the inner and the outer. Interpretative gift.
___*When positive,the degree is an exceptional capacity for putting every part of an individual's heritage to work, and when negative, witless distortion of values and twisted perspective in general events.

A FLAG AT HALF-MAST IN FRONT OF LARGE PUBLIC BUILDING The ability to carry a task through to consummate completion. Deference to past achievement. Cultivation of public spirit.
___*When positive, the degree is achievement
in a full transcendence of selfhood, and when negative, superficial self-dramatization.


PLACID WHITE RABBIT METAMORPHOSES INTO A DANCING ELF Revelation of unexpected vital urges latent in all beings. Great creative potentialities. Capacity for self-maintenance.
___*When positive, the degree is the thorough self-conquest by which an individual subordinates his naive and animal impulses to his ideals and aspirations, and when negative, undisciplined escapism and complete distortion of attitude.


TWO TEAMS OF GIRLS ENGAGED IN A CONTEST OF BASKETBALL Physical wholesomeness as prelude to inner integration. Self-evaluation, or refusal to face self. The rhythm of instincts.
___*When positive, the degree is effective self-consummation through exceptional co-operation and adaptability, and when negative, listless conformity.


UNDER THE FULL MOON THE FIELDS SEEM STRANGELY ALIVE Normally unnoticed powers released at the fruition of natural processes. Call of universal mind to the heart. Fullness.
___*When positive, the degree is high reward
in worldly goods and exceptional self-integrity in using them, and when negative, irritating pride of possessions.


YOUNG DUCKLINGS DISPORT THEMSELVES MERRILY UPON A POND Essential social cooperativeness and appreciation of selfhood. Also a sense of inner restriction. Contentedness.
___*When positive, the degree is an accustomed competency or ease in dealing with immediate circumstances, and when negative, a tendency toward provincialism or an acceptance of life with an altogether uncritical complacency.

North Node:

A CELESTIAL CHOIR HAS ARISEN TO SING COSMIC HARMONIES At-one-ment of consciousness with cosmic powers. Harmonic understanding and faith in the order and meaning of life.
___*When positive, the degree is a gift for the effective articulation or manifestation of those eternal realities through which all people find themselves at one, and when negative, self-deception and an acceptance of every fantasy which will flatter the ego.

South Node:

VAST MASSES OF MEN PUSH FORWARD REACHING FOR KNOWLEDGE Intense desire to overcome the blind life of passion and to uplift others. Intellectual vision. Tense mental outreaching.
___*When positive, the degree is a gift for every inspiring or unusual contribution to human well-being, and when negative, an egotism which belittles or defeats even normal accomplishment.

Arian Maverick


Well-known member
His Eros is 23 Gemini so might want to check what you have that is connecting with it.

I'm not sure I would characterize him as romantic just because he has Venus and Jupiter together in 5. I might be more apt to characterize him as suxually indulgent since Jup rules 8 and would perhaps make Venus overdo it a little. Also Libra is intercepted in 6 which might mean he has some work to do integrating the Aries/Libra polarity of seving his own needs vs his partner's.

The Sun, ruler of 5 is in restrained Virgo but conjunct Uranus and Pluto that might put some unusual elements bordering on the "kinky" zone into his love life but the combination of being in Virgo and opposing Chiron, gives me the impression that there's more to the story then meets the eye. We'll need more information to fill in the blanks on that one.

Venus and Jup square Neptune in Scorpio in 7 says romantic escape though and that might be what you're picking up so if I've given you more information that you wanted or were looking for, sorry about that but you should be more specific about what you're asking.



Hey Kite,
Thanks for the insight
He's just a friend of mine at work so I don't really know too much about his love life. While I was looking at his chart I found that his venus stood out a bit.....I guess my question may have something to do with how its a stationary direct planet and it's his ruling planet....I guess I wanted more info on the starionary direct in a natal chart more than anything...sorry if I was not clear on that point.
I did notice is Uranian influence...he's defenitly not a dull guy!
Thanks for the help so far
:gemini: :sagittarius: