The Question in Horary


Premium Member
There are lots of astrologers who are not sure how this works, and lots of newbie astrologers who don't understand the concept.

There are lots of newbie astrologers who see horary as a parlor trick, or a way to spy on people they really have no business asking about.

This leads to multiple questions about the same...question, or multiple questions about each and every thing in the qurent's life. Along with a disavowal of the answers they receive because they asked, but then thought that the astrologers answering were wrong. Some people take eons to learn that the chart gives the answer for a reason. We may not understand the reason in the moment, but there will always be a reason for an answer that doesn't give us what we reallyreallyreallyreally want in the moment of desperation that led us to ask in the first place.

There is a reason there were strictures placed, and I suppose if I could say anything about the Question in horary it would be...don't ask on a public forum if you don't really want to know (and have some people who are complete strangers know every little thing about you,) and don't ask trivial, repetitive questions. The Universe is eventually going to tell you to shove off. It could be by constantly getting an ASC in late or early degree, it could be by the Moon being constantly VoC, or it could even be by getting a similar chart because you asked five questions in five minutes...or even five days.

What is the first thing all horary masters, or even tarot readers say? Meditate on the question. Ask from a wholesome place and the Universe will respond in kind. Ask because you think it's a parlor game and you will get the equivalent of a parlor game which case you might as well consult an Ouija board for your answer.

Lastly, there is a consideration I've had many conversations with a friend about. What if, by giving birth to the question and casting the chart, we are pulling the answer the chart gives into reality? As in, if we didn't ask the question, the outcome wouldn't be set in stone.