Generation Me – Astrology and Sociology


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I would like to get some astrological input on the theory of “Generation Me” or also called the “Entitlement Generation”.
  • Generation Me describes anyone born in the 1970s, 1980s, or 1990s
  • Generation Me believes that the needs of the individual should come first. This is not to be compared to being selfish, but is shown through the ideas that they grew up. "Be yourself," "Believe in yourself," "You must love yourself before you can love someone else."
  • ·There's a huge clash between their high expectations and reality and are disappointed by what they find when they arrive at adulthood.
  • ·Generation Me are having a hard time making the transition to work — kids who had too much success early in life and who've become accustomed to instant gratification-- long on idealism and altruism. Many of these individuals are heavily committed to something we call 'fun.'
What astrological influences were in effect at this time that could have influenced the Baby boomers offspring into this mindset?

I am looking forward to some good discussion on this.

I was born in 1967 so I am Generation X. We were not slackers as the Sociology gurus first thought – we help put the "auto" in automation and let technology do the work. We are also coming up with better ways to provide healthcare ([SIZE=-1]holistic[/SIZE] as well) to the elderly Baby Boomers – Thank-you Virgo in Pluto/Uranus.

- De


Well-known member
Hi De,

As I understood the generations (and I may be incorrect here) it wast the baby boomers who were referred to as the Me Generation. Pluto in Leo folks growing up the sixties-70's are where the most narcisistic folks eventuated from. Now that the Me generation (baby boomers) are much older I am sure they will pass their legacy on to others coming up the ranks.

I will have to check on the official names of the generations somewhere; hopefully a reputable internet site. Maybe someone here has the info? I love it when new generation is about to start and with PLuto in Capricorn a change is as good as a holiday.



Well-known member
I also thought that the Pluto in Leo or Baby Boomers generation were the "me" generation -
Now does anyone know is this generation just post war babies up to when Pluto left Leo in um about 1956 so its not ALL the Pluto in Leo or are those WW2 war babies included. Anyway they are all Pluto in Leo

They are the ones who had BIG issues with their parents and had a HUGE generation gap with their parents
They are also the ones that smashed the olde sex taboos in the sixties but particularly in the seventies when Pluto was in Libra - you know Love the one your with rather than the one you love stuff
Interesting now they are heading for retirement - my aunt & mom often say what happened to all that erotic energy in those baby boomer women as they sure have gone androgenous now with many wearing mens hair cuts masculine trousers floppy tops & lace up shoes & no interest (she claims about her friends neighbours) in the erotic.

Interesting isnt it
I wonder what we will be like then. Maybe its hubris but I should like to be a little more feminine than that

Interestingly now one can see the effects of this generation some good some well pendulum swung far.

Its interesting to see the effect they had here cocerning wanting to eradicate everything their parents valued eg religion, sanctity of marriage are two that come to mind majorly

Gen X were supposed to be the hard working, cleanliness loving health obsessed (pluto in Virgo) gen

Gen Y should be Pluto in Libra I guess - well - relationship (but NOT intimacy or monogomy) focused
taking on Aphrodites archytypes eg a little vanity and jealously and focus on ones appearance mixed with an appreciation of beauty and the arts. ALso being NICE at all costs - the polite society - I notice this - a lot of apologising for virtually nothing.
Sometimes I wonder when they say I am sorry - do they mean YOU will be sorry heheheheh

So what of the Pluto in Scorpio - kinda sounds extreme & serious but also intimacy orientated perhaps there is only ONE (like HAdes with Persephone) plus focus on money shared resources (does that mean whats mine is mine & whats yours in mine) and maybe push the buttons of their familal Taboo.

What do people think
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Well-known member
[SIZE=-1]Here is the "Name that generation" break down:

Baby boomer
is an American-English term to describe a person born between 1946 and 1964

[/SIZE]Generation X is a term first made popular by Douglas Coupland used to describe generations in many countries around the world born during the 1960s and 1970s.

[SIZE=-1]Generation Me describes anyone born in the 1970s, 1980s, or 1990s -- in 2008, this means people between the ages of 9 and 38.

[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]The term Generation Y first appeared in an August 1993 magazine AD Age editorial to describe those children born between 1980–1995.

So, maybe the Pluto in Libra 1971-1983/1984 that could have had an influence surrounding Generation Me? [/SIZE] Supposedly those born after 1970 are more confident than previous generations, but more depressed.[SIZE=-1]..




Well-known member

The reference/Titles/Years for Baby boomers, Gen X, Generation ME and Generation Y I knew already but verified it with wikipedia.

The Generation Me issues came from what I have studied/observed and from a a book that I am reading: Generation Me by Jean Twenge.

Does this help?

Maybe the question should be:

What is the influence of a Pluto in Leo Parent or Pluto in Virgo Parent that would maybe play a part in the issues that Generation Me is having?

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