I LIVE in my unconscious mind


Well-known member
I live in my unconscious mind and it can be a very confusing, depressing and lonely place.
Chart https://imgur.com/a/Qu1adoq how do I pull it apart and understand it??? I have a lot neptune going on as well as pluto so this concoction is messy. I’ll give an example, I have vision and intense dreams that tell me about others lives, but then I wake up and feel so depressed and isolated from myself. I go into intense thought to understand why I feel like this... to find some way of outwardly expressing THIS DEEPLY intense, strikingly monster like feeling inside. I deeply struggle to ‘know’ without putting some facts to it. Not helpful because facts are not always available. and the cycle continues.
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Well-known member
Your chart has three striking patterns. (1)You have a grand cross (grand square) involving Uranus, moon, Mercury, and Saturn. Where the moon rules your feelings and Mercury rules your thought processes, you could easily feel subjected to a lot of internal pressures.

To put this in the context of your OP, The moon rules night and dreaming, as well. you wrote:

"I wake up and feel so depressed and isolated [Saturn] from myself. I go into intense thought [Mercury] to understand why I feel [moon] like this... to find some way of outwardly expressing THIS DEEPLY intense, strikingly monster like feeling inside." [moon in Scorpio conjunct Chiron.]

Key words for moon-Chiron would be "wounded feelings."

(2) Then you also have a kite pattern, in which a grand trine is connected to another planet via an opposition and pair of sextiles. You kite involves Mercury (again,) Pluto ("deeply intense,") and Jupiter, with Neptune as the tip of the kite. So Neptune symbolizes an energy that you need to develop: your imagination and creativity.

(3) You have a Thor's Hammer formation, as well, in which the Mars-Jupiter square joints your moon-Chiron via a pair of sesqui-square aspects. This is a really intense, volatile pattern that also seems like the feelings you describe.

This is a lot for one person to handle! Putting all of this down on paper might be really helpful. Can you keep a dream journal, where you write down your dreams? If you give them some time and return to them later, you will often see how your dreams process events in your outer life. Journaling in general might be really helpful, so that you have an outlet for what you experience inwardly. If you are a song-writer, poet, or an artist, regardless of whether you have any formal training, expressing yourself through music and a sketch pad should also be helpful.

Many great writers and composers have been able to transpose their difficult feelings into meaningful art. You don't have to be a great artist, just willing to express what you have within you. Your dream themes might be a place to start.

If you're not in therapy already with a good counselor or psychologist you might find it helpful. I've been to a few, and they are not all insightful, but some are, and if you find a good one, s/he will have some strategies on how to feel better about life.

With best wishes for your journey, W.


Well-known member
Your chart has three striking patterns. (1)You have a grand cross (grand square) involving Uranus, moon, Mercury, and Saturn. Where the moon rules your feelings and Mercury rules your thought processes, you could easily feel subjected to a lot of internal pressures.

To put this in the context of your OP, The moon rules night and dreaming, as well. you wrote:

"I wake up and feel so depressed and isolated [Saturn] from myself. I go into intense thought [Mercury] to understand why I feel [moon] like this... to find some way of outwardly expressing THIS DEEPLY intense, strikingly monster like feeling inside." [moon in Scorpio conjunct Chiron.]

Key words for moon-Chiron would be "wounded feelings."

(2) Then you also have a kite pattern, in which a grand trine is connected to another planet via an opposition and pair of sextiles. You kite involves Mercury (again,) Pluto ("deeply intense,") and Jupiter, with Neptune as the tip of the kite. So Neptune symbolizes an energy that you need to develop: your imagination and creativity.

(3) You have a Thor's Hammer formation, as well, in which the Mars-Jupiter square joints your moon-Chiron via a pair of sesqui-square aspects. This is a really intense, volatile pattern that also seems like the feelings you describe.

This is a lot for one person to handle! Putting all of this down on paper might be really helpful. Can you keep a dream journal, where you write down your dreams? If you give them some time and return to them later, you will often see how your dreams process events in your outer life. Journaling in general might be really helpful, so that you have an outlet for what you experience inwardly. If you are a song-writer, poet, or an artist, regardless of whether you have any formal training, expressing yourself through music and a sketch pad should also be helpful.

Many great writers and composers have been able to transpose their difficult feelings into meaningful art. You don't have to be a great artist, just willing to express what you have within you. Your dream themes might be a place to start.

If you're not in therapy already with a good counselor or psychologist you might find it helpful. I've been to a few, and they are not all insightful, but some are, and if you find a good one, s/he will have some strategies on how to feel better about life.

With best wishes for your journey, W.

As you put it about the moon ruling night, I completely get this as my scorpio wounding traits tend to surface most at night time. Sounds crazy but they do. So you say developing neptune will help this 2nd configuration you mention? I cant really grasp a description to neptune. I generally associate it with great melancholy which does feel quite alienating; its ambiguous. I suppose pinpointing the term ambiguous has helped me, but still, I can’t always say I’m feeling ‘ambiguous’, I’m not, I feel sad, alienated and longing for “home” or essentially, death and entering onto the other side (sorry for the morbidity). Here, I assume with this description, its depth, it is a concoction of other planets (pluto/saturn) and not just neptune alone.
3rd configuration, Thor’s hammer, yes well, VERY intense.
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Well-known member
Melancholia and thoughts of death sound like Saturn in the 8th house, as part of your grand cross. Saturn opposes your moon-Chiron which sounds a lot like depressed (Saturn) feelings (moon.)

Use Neptune, a planet of the imagination, to promote your inherent creativity.