Law of Attraction


Well-known member
Just wondering -if you know what it is- what's your opinion on it?


Hi, I study tantra and I happen to use their version of the law of attraction which also takes karma into account. So I will just give you my personal experience. The law of attraction is great but people have hit or miss results with it in that particular system because they don't explain the karmic field and how to maneuver around your own personal karma to manifest the thing which you want. The tantric system I studied does this so it shows you how to either get what you want immediately, or else bring up the obstruction immediately so you can maneuver around it. When you are trying to manifest something if it doesnt come up immediately it's only because a past desire is conflicting with it as manifested karma. Anyways that's my long winded answer and I have a blog that talks about this if you are interested. As with anything I would suggest researching different methods and testing them all out and see what works for you. The system I use is just one of many but I stuck with it because it gave me the results I was looking for. If you are interested in checking out my site I can send you the link in a private message or on here if it's ok to do so.


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I think positivity (true positivity and not just lying to yourself or acting) definitely attracts a better situations, better people, etc. into your life. Everyone can attest to it.

I think the law of attraction works when you have done a lot of inner work as well as when you know what you truly want AS WELL as being able to feel like you can get it. So, if you try to manifest a lottery you really believe you would be able to get a hundred million dollars? Vs. say getting a car you always wanted or a new apartment or a husband/wife...


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You can just google this and the answer will be there. There are several books by different authors out there and also DVDs. Many of them you can watch on youtube. Check out 'the Secret', 'Abraham Hicks' also Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Bob Proctor...all of them talk about this.

But Law of attraction states that every thought you have has a vibration, an energy..and that vibration attracts things in alignment with that vibration. Meaning, if you have positive thoughts and are happy and grateful, you will draw positive things to you. But if you expect to fail and feel depressed/negative, you will definitely fail and even more negative things will come into your life. So be conscious about what thoughts that come into your mind!

Law of attraction works well with a goal setting. You need to make the goal first, write it down (as they say a goal written is 10 times more chances of being reached) and then visualise that you have reached that goal already, feel the feeling that you would have if you had reached that goal already.. e.g. if you want to lose weight, you visualise you have already reached your goal weight - how would you feel? Happy, proud, feeling like you can finally fit into those jeans from 10 years ago? etc...Go shopping for new clothes in the new size, doesn't matter that you have yet to reach that goal... Get up in the morning and d some excersise, put a photo of yourself from the past where you looked skinny somewhere visible so you see that skinny you all the time...and soon enough the law of attraction will work and bring that thing that you so wanted to you.

Of course attitude is very important as well, just dreaming about something won't bring things to you, you need to be very motivated and action oriented...Putting the plans into action and keep visualising, because dreams do come true!

Best luck!
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Shakti Gawain was really the pioneer in this field. Since then, most people have either reinterpreted what she said into their own words or, simply come up with more words to describe what she originally said. Of course, the whole idea is nothing new but, she definitely, from what i have seen, encapsulated it and...also evolved with it as she matured.

Her original book was simply titled, Creative Visualization. She then went on and evolved some perspectives and ideas for our modern and changing times in her book Living inthe Light.

Check her out.
It sort of works. I mean to a degree, but ultimately I believe that fate, the cosmic tides of the heavens, overrides the law of attraction. it may very well be that these cosmic tides shift to arrange our internal perspectives and the law of attraction is merely and illusion driven by the forces of the heavens.


Well-known member
It sort of works. I mean to a degree, but ultimately I believe that fate, the cosmic tides of the heavens, overrides the law of attraction. it may very well be that these cosmic tides shift to arrange our internal perspectives and the law of attraction is merely and illusion driven by the forces of the heavens.
Apparently... one attracts one's thoughts... therefore if that is what you think then that is what you attract! :smile:
so in more concrete terms, no the law of attraction is ultimately BS. i tested it out. it did not work, because the universal current was much more powerful. if you try it when the heavenly rivers flow in your favor it will appear that it works.


Well-known member
so in more concrete terms, no the law of attraction is ultimately BS. i tested it out. it did not work, because the universal current was much more powerful. if you try it when the heavenly rivers flow in your favor it will appear that it works.
According to numerous online resources on this subject, it seems that what one thinks is what one attracts, therefore thinking that the LOA does not work means LOA does not work... for the person who thinks it does not work.

Obviously therefore that means that for those people who think the LOA does work, then LOA does work for those people - basically everyone is entitled to their own individual opinion :smile:


Well-known member
It sort of works. I mean to a degree, but ultimately I believe that fate, the cosmic tides of the heavens, overrides the law of attraction. it may very well be that these cosmic tides shift to arrange our internal perspectives and the law of attraction is merely and illusion driven by the forces of the heavens.

I think if you really 'want' something and there is no conflict within yourself then the laws of the universe are with you.
I think if you really 'want' something and there is no conflict within yourself then the laws of the universe are with you.

and in this case the heavenly rivers would be flowing in your favor.

and what is within you? what is within me? you said yourself that the soul's ultimate purpose was to unify, in your own words. there must the resolution of conflict for this to occur.

and if we are on different levels of spiritual evolution then we will have different internal conflicts that can only be resolved at the proper time, according to the cosmic tides, no matter how much we will ourselves. Sure on a more personal and selfish level we can attempt to think a certain way and affirm positive perspectives of whatever we want, but we are not all wired or plugged into the same voltage.

i believe we all come from the same Source and are all ultimately one, I have been threatened with physical violence in the real world for stating this. but there are many rivers. with different per square soul flow.
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Well-known member
and in this case the heavenly rivers would be flowing in your favor.

and what is within you? what is within me? you said yourself that the soul's ultimate purpose was to unify, in your own words. there must the resolution of conflict for this to occur.

and if we are on different levels of spiritual evolution then we will have different internal conflicts that can only be resolved at the proper time, according to the cosmic tides, no matter how much we will ourselves. Sure on a more personal and selfish level we can attempt to think a certain way and affirm positive perspectives of whatever we want, but we are not all wired or plugged into the same voltage.

i believe we all come from the same Source and are all ultimately one, I have been threatened with physical violence in the real world for stating this. but there are many rivers. with different per square soul flow.

5th house, I guess it depends what you getting what you want BAD? Shouldn't you be able to drive a dependable car, have a cool lap top and have a nice apartment to entertain friends if you want? Even if life is akin to a dream, don't we want nice dreams?...indeed being positive, full, healthy and happy can provide many positive spiritual benefits. You don't need to be an ascetic eating bird poop (like Buddah did for a while until he saw it as ridiculous) to become enlightened and spiritual. It is more of your RELATION to such things...that determine where you are spiritually. For me, a billion dollars won't make me fulfilled, but I would still love to have a billion dollars. But it isn't that important to me.

I do believe the LOA works as long as you TRULY want something. For example, if you say "I really want a job as a secretary", but really are conflicted because you don't want to work for someone else or had a bad experience, then you won't manifest it. What you truly want is to start your own business...this you can manifest. Look in yourself what your heart calls. Raise your vibration by being 'accepting' 'grateful' and 'positive' and things will work out well for you magically (and you will make strides spiritually as well).
Well, I believe that I am conflicted inside. And yes I want a good life for myself, and I'm trying to work out the conflict, even according to Astrological insight.
No getting what you want is not bad. i want a billion dollars and it would make me fulfilled. because then I could do what i want. and my dreams are big. perhaps the universe is forcing me to do it at the small level that is available.
However, it seems that outside forces are strong.


Well-known member
Well, I believe that I am conflicted inside. And yes I want a good life for myself, and I'm trying to work out the conflict, even according to Astrological insight.
No getting what you want is not bad. i want a billion dollars and it would make me fulfilled. because then I could do what i want. and my dreams are big. perhaps the universe is forcing me to do it at the small level that is available.
However, it seems that outside forces are strong.

First step-getting through the confliction. Second step-being able to manifest what you want. You couldn't imagine having a billion dollars and you wouldn't truly believe a billion dollars would fall on your lap. But, you starting small could do it. If you dream of being a CEO of a corporation, how about manifesting 'investors' in a great new idea every day and then start cold calling companies? Something like that. No you probably won't manifest a lottery win, but your mind does create your reality.

For instance my first yr in college I was a major ******* and could have had a relationship with my room mate, but gave into my own negativity and projected it that I made everyone feel like I hated them and it made that first year hell. If I was positive and did affirmations, I would have had a wonderful year. The mind creates reality.


Well-known member
What if our minds are connected. Then it's not simply what we as individuals want, but rather what all of us will accommodate. Not everything can be accomodated at once, and a person shouldn't expect it to be.
You should trust me I have thoroughly imagined having a billion dollars, a rich imagination is one thing that I indisputably have, and I have believed that it could happen many times(actually I have long believed that it can happen and still do).

See the opposite has been true for me. I was positive, generous, and giving everyone trust, that it turned out that they did not deserve. I projected positively and got negative results.

I swear to gawd I truly tested out Law of Attraction. I treated everyone the way i wanted to be treated. I believed in myself and believed that it could happen.

Everyone(i knew) ****** me over and was against me, when I was very giving with material and other. Law of Attraction does not always work.

I'm not giving up and I'm trying to get in high gear again right now. To be able to catch the cosmic tides when they turn in my favor.
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Well-known member
What if our minds are connected. Then it's not simply what we as individuals want, but rather what all of us will accommodate. Not everything can be accomodated at once, and a person shouldn't expect it to be.

They can. Trust me, not everyone wants a billion dollars. If you look in yourself, you will find you don't truly desire a billion dollars. What you truly desire and 'need', you can get.


Well-known member
You should trust me I have thoroughly imagined having a billion dollars, a rich imagination is one thing that I indisputably have, and I have believed that it could happen many times(actually I have long believed that it can happen and still do).

See the opposite has been true for me. I was positive, generous, and giving everyone trust, that it turned out that they did not deserve. I projected positively and got negative results.

I swear to gawd I truly tested out Law of Attraction. I treated everyone the way i wanted to be treated. I believed in myself and believed that it could happen.

Everyone(i knew) ****** me over and was against me, when I was very giving with material and other. Law of Attraction does not always work.

I'm not giving up and I'm trying to get in high gear again right now. To be able to catch the cosmic tides when they turn in my favor.

You need to do inner work first 5th house.