Can astrology describe the soul or just the ego?


New member
I've been wondering lately, is astrology just a description of the ego construct or can it describe someone's soul as well?

I've read over 100 near death experiences and universally people either get purged of certain characteristics or they just melt away on the other side, leaving them with their true personality, their soul.

If you do any form of meditation, you'll know that when you sit and observe your thoughts you can see various ego personalities which chatter away and then dissolve when you cease identifying with them. These ego personalities can pretty much be summed up by astrological placements / aspects. Eventually you reach a state of pure consciousness. Yet this state is unique to different people.

Eckhart Tolle has said that various masters have different core expressions of consciousness. Some are very gentle like his and others are intense and commanding.

I wonder if this state is simply the true unadulterated nature of someone's Sun sign (enlightenment = light = Sun)?

Any thoughts?
I think its more than those two all together. It's the soul and the ego that make up a person: his reactions, habits and experiences.
There is a ton of stuff out there on the topic and I fully stand behind it.


Well-known member
Just over a year ago, the OP commenced this thread,
but then
OPs most recent response was posted more than a year ago
as well :smile:
I believe Tolle means people who have achieved enlightenment from various traditions.
I think I recall he gave an example of someone, possibly a Qi-Gong master, but I don't quite remember.

Not sure about the Human and Solar initiations