Uranus Singleton in 2nd House Scorpio


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I'm begining to dig into singleton planets because I never really have before.

Anyone have any idea how these planets actually work and how this would specifically affect my life?

The only aspect that is made to my Uranus is a wide orb sextile to Mars in Aquarius in the 5th. Yes, I am willing to entertain modern interpretations of this as I'm sure some of you will cue in instantly on the mutual reception as it were. I typically stick with Traditional Interpretations, but for this, why not expand my outlook??? :biggrin:

I've set the orbs @ 70% because I stick with tighter orbs. Thanks!


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New member
Anyone have any idea how these planets actually work and how this would specifically affect my life?


Its Uranus who is always unexpected, and on its own in the 2nd house its just mean that you can not really understand it. You can experience it though. You will have erratic financial basis, changing over time, sometimes you make a lot, sometimes not. You will also experiment with relationships. Close ones, friendly ones, different ones.
On the plus side, this is the best indicator to winning the lottery J
I'm begining to dig into singleton planets because I never really have before.

Anyone have any idea how these planets actually work and how this would specifically affect my life?

The only aspect that is made to my Uranus is a wide orb sextile to Mars in Aquarius in the 5th. Yes, I am willing to entertain modern interpretations of this as I'm sure some of you will cue in instantly on the mutual reception as it were. I typically stick with Traditional Interpretations, but for this, why not expand my outlook??? :biggrin:

I've set the orbs @ 70% because I stick with tighter orbs. Thanks!
I usually reduce to 85% on astro.com it does to me at least have a valid sextile 5' orb to mars. I would also consider uranus conjunct 3rd house cusp and of course in Equal house system mars is in 4th conjunct 5th house cusp.

Planets conjunct a house cusp
Planets conj House cusp
“Ascendant at 15’ Libra and Jupiter 13’ Libra. That would place Jupiter in the 12th house, right? But many thoughtful astrologers would read this as Jupiter being conjunction with Ascendant, and end up reading it as bringing its action to bear in the first house, rather than in the 12th.
This same idea would apply for each and every house cusp. If the planet is IN THE SAME SIGN as the sign on the next house cusp, and close enough to be CONJUNCT WITH that next house cusp, the action of the planet will be directed into oncoming house”



Ptolemy says the influence of the house begins to be felt 5° before the actual cusp.

“Astrologers have seen a body influencing the house it is about to enter, time and time again. All theorizing aside, the planet casting its shadow ahead works. I can speak from personal experience, as well as reading ancient texts. If you discover this as true, then the next question may be, "Just how close must a body be to a cusp before it begins to be felt in the neighboring house?"
I've seen some authors say 3 degrees. I've seen some that give 5 degrees. I have seen some that even give 8 degrees. And there may be other variations.”
Singletons quite often go hand in hand with lack of elements.....

Singleton planets
“If a planet happens to be the only one in an element, quality, or house type, that planet is a Singleton and it can funnel all of the “energy” of the horoscope. This planet is often the most important one in the horoscope. In other words, if you just interpret the position of this one planet by sign, house, and aspect, you will get to the “heart of the horoscope”. The effect is the same as if that planet were the only one on one side of the chart.”
(There is a book out by Shirley Lyons Meier, "Elemental Voids, More than Meets the Eye", which gives a good discussion of missing elements.) The Inferior Function can be a source of great motivation and creative expression.

Lack of elements http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18077

I notice lack of water element and two planets in 4th house of cancer to help a little...

So this not only affects 2nd but also 3rd house of communications. Do you have unusual siblings, broken education patterns, unusual neighbours?

These people tend to have ideas twenty (or more), years ahead of the times. They tend to be futuristic. One woman said she felt as though she had come back in a time machine and got stuck; everything in the world is so slow and primitive!
Uranus can see the whole picture, and does not understand others’ slowness. So, there is a quality of impatienceand exasperationabout them.


Einstein had Uranus as sineglton. I think that s quite impressive, isn´t it.
I looked some charts from pokerplayers they had jupiter as singelton, - soo impressive.. Uranus also is astrology.. so maybe you can work sometime as astrologer.. If it has no aspect it it won´t be influenced by other things in life (can be good or not, or both ; ) ) and act indenpendant. Einstein had aspected his Uranus.

Personal: I have Moon singelton (11), but moon does not say (express) so much. I know too other girls who have this, mine is also heavily aspected, but get no special meaning (in a pitted degree also, as I know since yesterday). One is in the gastronomie/tourism.. ok moon in ten pisces (we all have moon in pisces) the other one in ten and she is a cosmetic (stellium in libra in 5).

A singer from a popular band has venus as singelton above the horizont. So a singelton can have quite a meaning.
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These people tend to have ideas twenty (or more), years ahead of the times. They tend to be futuristic. One woman said she felt as though she had come back in a time machine and got stuck; everything in the world is so slow and primitive!
Uranus can see the whole picture, and does not understand others’ slowness. So, there is a quality of impatienceand exasperationabout them.

ha, one of the more exact aspect to my moon is Uranus (from ten), and I can indentify with that a hundred percent...:innocent:


Well-known member
Thanks for all of the replies.

I agree Astro50 that it's a sextile to Mars, but I feel it's a rather wide one and being sextile makes it rather negligable to me. I also find that the interpretations in regards to lacking elements are a bit strange. I am an extremely emotional person so lacking water doesn't seem to hinder me in this capacity. That said, I absolutely hate emotionalism. lol. This makes me think of a situation where I lived with a Scorpio Moon person who wanted nothing more than to talk about our feelings when we were having problems as roommates. I wanted nothing less. I can understand that discussing why things upset us is important, but when the discussion ends at that and is not followed up with productive actions, I am out the door. It drives me bonkers. I also hate when people try to make me responsible for their feelings. I'm the person that will rather pointedly tell you that your emotions are exactly that, yours. Leave me out of it, lol. As for my siblings, I had two brothers. One by adoption and the other is my half brother who is only related on my biological mother's side. My half brother and I were both raised by my dad and my mom (not biological). The adopted brother was my mom's son. Both of my brothers were hit by a car when we were out playing in the yard. My adopted brother (then 7) died, my half brother (then 4) suffered massive brain damage and had to relearn everything but had a psychotic break associated with the brain damage when he turned 18. The only aspect that I have with Uranus that I actually count is a parallel with my moon.

Positive, I find it fascinating that I share this trait with Einstein. For years, I have felt a strange sort of understanding of him and connection to him. So much so that the only piece of artwork I have ever commissioned for myself is a painting of him. About 5 years ago I began developing a fascination with astro physics and particle physics. I am the person that runs out and buys the new Scientific American the second it comes out. In short, I have become much more Uranian than I ever really thought I would.

Another kind of funny point is that my whole life people have told me that I'm weird. It never really sunk in until recently that they actually MEANT it. Of course, I've always said that I'm not weird, just uniquely different. I've always been very proud of the fact that I do things and see things very differently than other people.
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Well-known member

Its Uranus who is always unexpected, and on its own in the 2nd house its just mean that you can not really understand it. You can experience it though. You will have erratic financial basis, changing over time, sometimes you make a lot, sometimes not. You will also experiment with relationships. Close ones, friendly ones, different ones.
On the plus side, this is the best indicator to winning the lottery J

Sweet! Bring on the winnings! hehe.

Monetary instability is correct for sure. I've kind of shot myself in the foot more than once just because I hate how the monetary system is set up. The idea that the only way to be economically viable in today's world is to actually put yourself into debt makes no kind of sense to me whatsoever. How does debt come to equal good credit? And the flip side is, how does living within your means and not borrowing all the time make you a credit risk? It's kinda stupid to me and for years I just plain and simple refused to play the credit game. On principal.

My relationships are 'weird' in that I never expect (and this is not a downer thing here) them to last. I don't expect anyone to stick with me until the end. That just seems absurd. The idea of happily ever after freaks me out. Why two people need to be bound together just defies all logic for me. Why people think that just because they've been friends half of their lives they must continue on as such into the future despite paths that take them in opposite directions really boggles my mind. The only people I've ever made that kind of commitment to are my family and that is most a principle thing, not necessarily a love thing.


I'm glad I dug further to find this thread because I really want to find out more about it and jump in the game!

I have Scorpio Uranus in 2nd house, too!

My Uranus is heavily aspected for an outer planet and I've always felt the "weight" of the Uranian energy. If Uranus is really the higher octave of Mercury, I have plenty of Mercury to spare so maybe that's why I've been conscious to Uranus.

Uranus opp Mars and Uranus trine Moon continuously rock me like a hurricane. I'm always battling authority and yet, somehow, always feel like there's a rainbow over the muck. I also never set out to consciously make money but somehow end up doing it anyway and I usually make 150% or more profit. I was a car flipper in my late teens and early 20s and a bicycle flipper in my mid to late 20s. My friends thought I was one of those financial geniuses but I really wasn't. I did it for the fun of seeing who would buy what I had for the price I had it at.

A major part of me does exhibit the Sun opp Uranus and people can usually spot that in me from miles away if they have a lot of Aries in their chart. I don't think anyone is "special," including myself. It really irks me to the core when I encounter people who are too much into themselves and are overreaching in their own worth (I tend to set the price low and then raise it based on how valuable a person becomes over time but never start at a high price to slash them even lower). I never battle Leo- I'm almost always on their side, if there's any side to be had. Leos are very egotistical and yet, I don't seem to mind it nor do I think they're overly egotistical, unlike the Mars ruled signs. I suppose it's true that Mercury does consider Mars his "enemy."

As for the Uranus sextile Jupiter/Saturn, I've also experience that and wondered about that strange energy the most. I have been quite lucky where I had no concept of how or why it happened. For example, I've won concert tickets and for 2 semesters during my undergrads and I went to 3 free concerts per week! Most people thought I was the luckiest person and for many months, I couldn't place my finger on how or why I've even come into contact with the possibility of entering into such contests to win because, theoretically, I'm against gambling. The only thing I could think of was that I buy music a lot at a records store near campus and maybe it's part of the frequent buyer program or something. Then I find out, the records store manager (he was an Aquarius) liked me extremely well and always entered me into the raffles and always pick me out as one of the winners LOL Then out of the blue he offered me work when I didn't ask for it, and gave me some free music posters. For sure I wasn't the only one that bought a lot of music from the records store, but there was something about me that the Aquarius liked about me, without even knowing me.

Even during the unfortunate events (Saturn), I'm still fortunate given the circumstances. When I was 18, I was driving 50mph on a normally well-lit 35mph curvy street (the lights were out) and took my eyes off the street for one second because there were cupcakes that were rubbing my back. Because of that, I drove over a part of the curb that made me flip the car over 6 feet in the air and landed on the roof of the car, suspended by my seatbeat. The car was totaled. Several people down the street witnessed the whole thing and thought I would be dead. The impact of that accident was heavy. One person out of the crowd of people who ran towards my car believed I was still alive and was telling everyone to help me... even though there was smoke all over the place and no one could really see where I was in the car. After I unfasten my seatbelt and dropped down, I kicked the door opened and walked out. One guy reacted, "Holy SH-IT! You're alive!" I said, "What? You wanted me to be dead you idiot? I need to sit down. Today has been a bad day." The person who believed I was alive was a Scorpio lady who came over and hugged me. She followed me to the hospital and waited for me but they wouldn't let her see me.
She left a note wanting to hear back from me. For some reason, I kept that note with me to this very day, but I never called her. I don't know why.


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Well-known member
Thanks for all of the replies.

I agree Astro50 that it's a sextile to Mars, but I feel it's a rather wide one and being sextile makes it rather negligable to me. I also find that the interpretations in regards to lacking elements are a bit strange. I am an extremely emotional person so lacking water doesn't seem to hinder me in this capacity.

A year later, I have realized that this is because of my 4th house solar placement as well as my very tight Moon/Venus/Neptune stellium. So, yes, I am emotional, and instinctual/intuitive, but still I find it incredibly hard to create relationships with people. It's like I come from another planet and the older I get, the more obvious it is to me. :biggrin: My Capricorn sun has me still striving to put the square peg in the round hole. Luckily, my Uranian sense of humor finds hilarity in the contrary nature of my situation and so I laugh a lot at myself far more often than I get down on myself.