Did I lose my electronic device permanently?


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure I had it in my pocket last night.. My guess is it fell out at a park I was at with my friends around 10pm last night. I've checked the car and my house, it is nowhere to be found and I am so sad.

Looking at the horary chart, 2nd house of possessions is Saturn in 11th conj. Sun (Lord of 9th).... Sun sextiles Moon.
Saturn square Pfortune scares me. Is it permanently missing?

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Well-known member
Interesting, the Moon falls in the sidereal 2nd house, and the question is about a possession, which is a 2nd house matter.

Hmm, trying to figure this one out. I've not much experience or understanding of horary.

You're (sidereally) Mars in Scorpio (hunting your device). Jupiter is the device, in the 7th house. Jupiter is not dignified, but there's an aspect between you, and he is angular and aspecting the ascendant. Perhaps the nature of the sign on the 7th can tell us something. That's Taurus, and Venus is up in the 10th. Hmm.

I think you're likely to get it back, but I'd like to be able to figure out where it is. Taurus could = earthy pleasure (venus) place

:lol: that sentence amuses me.

Park? Could be.

But why the 7th house?

Do you have a significant other in your life? Perhaps they have it.


Well-known member
I was with my significant other yes.. but we still could not locate it. We've been looking all day.. I'm not usually the type to lose valuables.must be a bad year for me or something.


Well-known member
I was with my significant other yes.. but we still could not locate it. We've been looking all day.. I'm not usually the type to lose valuables.must be a bad year for me or something.

I reckon they've got it, probably unwittingly.

Since Venus is in their 4th house, it could be at their home, if that's a different house to the one you live in.


Well-known member
it was lost at a park in my significant other's neighborbood. we still couldnt locate it.

now when I look at the chart, Mercury lord of MC in 12th unaspected by moon/sigs = its not coming back.

dr. farr

Well-known member
Taking the whole sign 2nd house as significator (personal possessions of all kinds), Saturn is dispositor (lord of Capricorn), = Saturn as the device significator; Saturn posited in the 12th whole sign house, no aspect between querent significator Jupiter and Saturn, also Moon flows away from device significator Saturn: I would say the device will not be found or returned (hope I am incorrect in this!!)